diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9733168..f1063f9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,29 +1,41 @@
# The MATSim Switzerland Railway Scenario
-![Build Status](https://github.com/matsim-scenarios/matsim-scenario-template/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=main)
+![Build Status](https://github.com/matsim-scenarios/matsim-switzerland-railway/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=main)
-![MATSim network and agents](https://placehold.co/500x400?text=Image+Placeholder "MATSim network and agents")
+![Switzerland railway network and agents](docs/img/visualization_ch_network.png "Switzerland railway network and agents")
### About this project
+This repository provides a MATSim model for Switzerland's railway developed by Swiss Federal Railways (Schweizerische Bundesbahnen, SBB), Corporate Development.
+Developers/Contributors: Merlin Unterfinger, Thomas Hettinger, Ihab Kaddoura
### Licenses
The **MATSim program code** in this repository is distributed under the terms of the [GNU Affero General Public License v3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html.en). The MATSim program code are files that reside in the `src` directory hierarchy and typically end with `*.java`.
The **MATSim input files, output files, analysis data and visualizations** are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
MATSim input files are those that are used as input to run MATSim. They often, but not always, have a header pointing to matsim.org. They typically reside in the `scenarios` directory hierarchy. MATSim output files, analysis data, and visualizations are files generated by MATSim runs, or by postprocessing. They typically reside in a directory hierarchy starting with `output`.
MATSim input files are those that are used as input to run MATSim. They often, but not always, have a header pointing to matsim.org. They typically reside in the `matsim_input` or `scenarios` directory hierarchy. MATSim output files, analysis data, and visualizations are files generated by MATSim runs, or by postprocessing. They typically reside in a directory hierarchy starting with `output`.
-**Other data files**, in particular in `original-input-data`, have their own individual licenses that need to be individually clarified with the copyright holders.
+**Other data files**, in particular in `original_data`, have their own individual licenses that need to be individually clarified with the copyright holders.
+### Prepare the MATSim input files
+1. Switch to the branch `prepare`. (Currently, the preparation requires an older MATSim version than the railsim contribution. So, we can't have everything in one branch. So, for now, we have to deal with two different branches.)
+1. Download the OSM and GTFS file. For some useful links, have a look into the info files in the `original_data` directory.
+1. Process the OSM input file (optional), e.g. use osmosis. For some useful links and some help, have a look into the info files in the `original_data` directory.
+1. Put the GTFS and (processed) OSM file into the `original_data` directory.
+1. Run the JAVA class located in `src/main/java/ch/sbb/prepare`. The preparation makes use of the pt2matsim repository.
### Run the MATSim Switzerland Railway scenario
@@ -31,8 +43,9 @@ The **MATSim input files, output files, analysis data and visualizations** are l
(Requires either cloning or downloading the repository.)
1. Set up the project in your IDE.
+1. Switch to the branch `main`
1. Make sure the project is configured as maven project.
-1. Run the JAVA class `src/main/java/org/matsim/run/RunExample.java`.
+1. Run the JAVA class `src/main/java/ch/sbb/run/RunSwitzerlandRailway.java`.
1. "Open" the output directory. You can drag files into VIA as was already done above.
1. Edit the config file or adjust the run class. Re-run MATSim.