diff --git a/.github/workflows/maven.yml b/.github/workflows/maven.yml
index ad352f5..2dd5364 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/maven.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/maven.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
+# This workflow will build a Java project with Maven, and cache/restore any dependencies to improve the workflow execution time
+# For more information see: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/automating-builds-and-tests/building-and-testing-java-with-maven
+# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
+# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
+# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
+# documentation.
name: Java CI with Maven
- branches:
- - main
+ branches: [ "main" ]
+ pull_request:
+ branches: [ "main" ]
@@ -11,11 +20,15 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - uses: actions/setup-java@v4
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Set up JDK
+ uses: actions/setup-java@v3
- distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: '21'
+ distribution: 'temurin'
+ - name: Build with Maven
+ run: mvn -B package --file pom.xml
- - name: Build and test with Maven
- run: mvn -B clean verify
+ # Optional: Uploads the full dependency graph to GitHub to improve the quality of Dependabot alerts this repository can receive
+ - name: Update dependency graph
+ uses: advanced-security/maven-dependency-submission-action@571e99aab1055c2e71a1e2309b9691de18d6b7d6
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 01e6bba..4498935 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
- org.tub.vsp
+ org.tub.vsp.bvwp
@@ -13,12 +13,6 @@
- https://mvnrepository.com/
- abc
@@ -44,12 +38,12 @@
+ 0.43.1
+ 0.43.1
@@ -66,10 +60,17 @@
+ org.junit.jupiter
+ junit-jupiter-engine
+ 5.10.1
+ test
- 5.10.0
+ test
+ 5.10.1
@@ -91,5 +92,42 @@
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ 3.2.5
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ 3.2.5
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ 3.3.0
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-source-plugin
+ 3.3.0
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-resources-plugin
+ 3.3.1
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-install-plugin
+ 3.1.1
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/computation/ComputationKN.java b/src/main/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/computation/ComputationKN.java
index ba12382..816bec4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/computation/ComputationKN.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/computation/ComputationKN.java
@@ -2,264 +2,272 @@
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
-public class ComputationKN{
- // yyyyyy Einbau von Jahreswerten (z.B. Elektrifizierung über Zeit). Voraussetzung: Ich kann die Diskontierung nachbauen.
- private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger( ComputationKN.class );
- public static final double FZKM_AB = 221000;
- public static final double LANE_KM_AB = 60000.;
- static final class Amounts{
- private final double rz;
- private final double rz_induz;
- private final double rz_verl;
- private final double pkwkm_all;
- private final double pkwkm_induz;
- private final double pkwkm_verl;
- private final double co2_kfz;
- private final double pkwkm_reroute;
- private final double co2_per_pkwkm;
- Amounts( double pkwkm_all, double pkwkm_induz, double pkwkm_verl, double pers_h, double pers_h_induz, double pers_h_verl, double co2_pkw, double co2_kfz ){
- this.rz = pers_h;
- this.rz_induz = pers_h_induz;
- this.rz_verl = pers_h_verl;
- this.pkwkm_all = pkwkm_all;
- this.pkwkm_induz = pkwkm_induz;
- this.pkwkm_verl = pkwkm_verl;
- this.co2_kfz = co2_kfz;
- this.pkwkm_reroute = pkwkm_all - pkwkm_induz - pkwkm_verl;
+public class ComputationKN {
+ // yyyyyy Einbau von Jahreswerten (z.B. Elektrifizierung über Zeit). Voraussetzung: Ich kann die Diskontierung
+ // nachbauen.
+ private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(ComputationKN.class);
+ public static final double FZKM_AB = 221000;
+ public static final double LANE_KM_AB = 60000.;
+ static final class Amounts {
+ private final double rz;
+ private final double rz_induz;
+ private final double rz_verl;
+ private final double pkwkm_all;
+ private final double pkwkm_induz;
+ private final double pkwkm_verl;
+ private final double co2_kfz;
+ private final double pkwkm_reroute;
+ private final double co2_per_pkwkm;
+ Amounts(double pkwkm_all, double pkwkm_induz, double pkwkm_verl, double pers_h, double pers_h_induz,
+ double pers_h_verl, double co2_pkw, double co2_kfz) {
+ this.rz = pers_h;
+ this.rz_induz = pers_h_induz;
+ this.rz_verl = pers_h_verl;
+ this.pkwkm_all = pkwkm_all;
+ this.pkwkm_induz = pkwkm_induz;
+ this.pkwkm_verl = pkwkm_verl;
+ this.co2_kfz = co2_kfz;
+ this.pkwkm_reroute = pkwkm_all - pkwkm_induz - pkwkm_verl;
// this.co2_per_pkwkm = co2_pkw / pkwkm_all;
- this.co2_per_pkwkm = 0.1 / 1000 * 1000_000; // 100g/km converted to tons/km, but then the unit in bvwp-projekte is mio pkw-km.
- }
- }
- static final class Benefits{
- private final double fzkm;
- private final double rz;
- private final double impl;
- private final double co2_infra;
- private final double co2_betrieb;
- private final double all;
- Benefits( double fzkm, double rz, double impl, double co2_infra, double co2_betrieb, double all ){
- // yyyyyy ist alles noch ganz schön unklar benannt!!
- this.fzkm = fzkm;
- this.rz = rz;
- this.impl = impl;
- this.co2_infra = co2_infra;
- this.co2_betrieb = co2_betrieb;
- this.all = all;
- }
- }
- public static void main( String[] args ){
- log.warn("need to either only compute pkw, or include lkw into computation!");
- // A20 "Elbquerung":
- {
- log.info("=== A20 (Elbquerung):");
- Amounts amounts = new Amounts( 131.53, 143.95, 9.75, -18.56, 1.46, 0.13, 54_773.28, 48_689.94 );
- Benefits benefits = new Benefits( -785.233, 2555.429, 1025.464, -151.319, -175.021, 5305.683 );
- double baukosten = 2737.176;
- log.info("--- orig:") ; nkv( new Modifications( 145, 0. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten );
- log.info("--- co2 price:") ; nkv( new Modifications( 5.*145, 0. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten );
- log.info("--- induz:") ; nkv( new Modifications( 145, amounts.pkwkm_induz*4. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten );
- log.info("--- induz wo b_impl:") ; nkvOhneKR_induz( new Modifications( 145, amounts.pkwkm_induz*4. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all );
- log.info("--- both:") ; nkv( new Modifications( 5.*145, amounts.pkwkm_induz*4. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten );
- log.info("--- both wo b_impl:") ; nkvOhneKR_induz( new Modifications( 5.*145, amounts.pkwkm_induz*4. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all );
- log.info("===");
- }
- // A8-G40-BW Ausbau:
- {
- log.info("=== A8-G40-BW:");
- final Amounts amounts = new Amounts( 2.31, 0., 0., -4.42, 0., 0., 1_981.64, 2_037.89 );
- final Benefits benefits = new Benefits( -21.838, 532., 0., -6.473, -6.682, 1067.523 );
- final double baukosten = 34.735;
- nkvOhneKR_induz( new Modifications( 145. , 0.), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all );
- nkvOhneKR_induz( new Modifications( 5.*145., 0. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all );
- nkvOhneKR_induz( new Modifications( 145., 38-2.31 ), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all );
- nkvOhneKR_induz( new Modifications( 5.*145., 38-2.31 ), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all );
- log.info("===");
- }
- // A59 Ausbau bei Bonn rechtsrheinisch
- {
- log.info("=== A59:");
- final Amounts amounts = new Amounts( 7.09, 0., 0., -1.33, 0., 0., 7_337.53, 7_707.91 );
- final Benefits benefits = new Benefits( -88.090, 202.416, 0., -3.797, -29.699, 197.074 );
- final double baukosten = 34.735;
- log.info("--- orig:"); nkvOhneKR_induz( new Modifications(145. , 0.), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all );
- log.info("--- induz offset:"); nkvOhneKR_induz( new Modifications(145., 19.9- amounts.pkwkm_all ), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all );
- log.info("--- co2 price:"); nkvOhneKR_induz( new Modifications(5.*145., 0. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all );
- log.info("--- induz offset & co2 price:"); nkvOhneKR_induz( new Modifications(5.*145., 19.9 - amounts.pkwkm_all ), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all );
- log.info("===");
- }
- }
- static double nkv( Modifications modifications, Amounts amounts, Benefits benefits, double baukosten ) {
- double b_all = benefits.all;
- prn("start", b_all, 0. );
- double m_induzFactor = 1.;
- if ( amounts.pkwkm_induz > 0. ){
- m_induzFactor = 1. + modifications.mehrFzkm() / amounts.pkwkm_induz;
- }
- // (hatte ich früher direkt eingegeben; jetzt wird er ausgerechnet)
- // Zeitwert
+ this.co2_per_pkwkm = 0.1 / 1000 * 1000_000; // 100g/km converted to tons/km, but then the unit in
+ // bvwp-projekte is mio pkw-km.
+ }
+ public double getPkwkm_induz() {
+ return pkwkm_induz;
+ }
+ }
+ static final class Benefits {
+ private final double fzkm;
+ private final double rz;
+ private final double impl;
+ private final double co2_infra;
+ private final double co2_betrieb;
+ private final double all;
+ Benefits(double fzkm, double rz, double impl, double co2_infra, double co2_betrieb, double all) {
+ // yyyyyy ist alles noch ganz schön unklar benannt!!
+ this.fzkm = fzkm;
+ this.rz = rz;
+ this.impl = impl;
+ this.co2_infra = co2_infra;
+ this.co2_betrieb = co2_betrieb;
+ this.all = all;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ log.warn("need to either only compute pkw, or include lkw into computation!");
+ // A20 "Elbquerung":
+ {
+ log.info("=== A20 (Elbquerung):");
+ Amounts amounts = new Amounts(131.53, 143.95, 9.75, -18.56, 1.46, 0.13, 54_773.28, 48_689.94);
+ Benefits benefits = new Benefits(-785.233, 2555.429, 1025.464, -151.319, -175.021, 5305.683);
+ double baukosten = 2737.176;
+ log.info("--- orig:");
+ nkv(new Modifications(145, 0.), amounts, benefits, baukosten);
+ log.info("--- co2 price:");
+ nkv(new Modifications(5. * 145, 0.), amounts, benefits, baukosten);
+ log.info("--- induz:");
+ nkv(new Modifications(145, amounts.pkwkm_induz * 4.), amounts, benefits, baukosten);
+ log.info("--- induz wo b_impl:");
+ nkvOhneKR_induz(new Modifications(145, amounts.pkwkm_induz * 4.), amounts, benefits, baukosten,
+ benefits.all);
+ log.info("--- both:");
+ nkv(new Modifications(5. * 145, amounts.pkwkm_induz * 4.), amounts, benefits, baukosten);
+ log.info("--- both wo b_impl:");
+ nkvOhneKR_induz(new Modifications(5. * 145, amounts.pkwkm_induz * 4.), amounts, benefits, baukosten,
+ benefits.all);
+ log.info("===");
+ }
+ // A8-G40-BW Ausbau:
+ {
+ log.info("=== A8-G40-BW:");
+ final Amounts amounts = new Amounts(2.31, 0., 0., -4.42, 0., 0., 1_981.64, 2_037.89);
+ final Benefits benefits = new Benefits(-21.838, 532., 0., -6.473, -6.682, 1067.523);
+ final double baukosten = 34.735;
+ nkvOhneKR_induz(new Modifications(145., 0.), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all);
+ nkvOhneKR_induz(new Modifications(5. * 145., 0.), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all);
+ nkvOhneKR_induz(new Modifications(145., 38 - 2.31), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all);
+ nkvOhneKR_induz(new Modifications(5. * 145., 38 - 2.31), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all);
+ log.info("===");
+ }
+ // A59 Ausbau bei Bonn rechtsrheinisch
+ {
+ log.info("=== A59:");
+ final Amounts amounts = new Amounts(7.09, 0., 0., -1.33, 0., 0., 7_337.53, 7_707.91);
+ final Benefits benefits = new Benefits(-88.090, 202.416, 0., -3.797, -29.699, 197.074);
+ final double baukosten = 34.735;
+ log.info("--- orig:");
+ nkvOhneKR_induz(new Modifications(145., 0.), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all);
+ log.info("--- induz offset:");
+ nkvOhneKR_induz(new Modifications(145., 19.9 - amounts.pkwkm_all), amounts, benefits, baukosten,
+ benefits.all);
+ log.info("--- co2 price:");
+ nkvOhneKR_induz(new Modifications(5. * 145., 0.), amounts, benefits, baukosten, benefits.all);
+ log.info("--- induz offset & co2 price:");
+ nkvOhneKR_induz(new Modifications(5. * 145., 19.9 - amounts.pkwkm_all), amounts, benefits, baukosten,
+ benefits.all);
+ log.info("===");
+ }
+ }
+ static double nkv(Modifications modifications, Amounts amounts, Benefits benefits, double baukosten) {
+ double b_all = benefits.all;
+ prn("start", b_all, 0.);
+ double m_induzFactor = 1.;
+ if (amounts.pkwkm_induz > 0.) {
+ m_induzFactor = 1. + modifications.mehrFzkm() / amounts.pkwkm_induz;
+ }
+ // (hatte ich früher direkt eingegeben; jetzt wird er ausgerechnet)
+ // Zeitwert
// double zw = benefits.rz / amounts.rz;
- double zw = - 5.5 * 25;
+ double zw = -5.5 * 25;
- // Distanzkosten
+ // Distanzkosten
// double distCost = benefits.fzkm / amounts.pkwkm_all;
- double distCost = - 0.24 * 25;
- {
- double b_tmp = b_all;
- b_all -= amounts.pkwkm_induz * distCost;
- b_all += amounts.pkwkm_induz * distCost * m_induzFactor;
- prn("rv_fzkm", b_all, b_tmp);
- }
- // rv_zeit
- {
- double b_tmp = b_all;
- b_all -= amounts.rz_induz * zw;
- b_all += amounts.rz_induz * zw * m_induzFactor;
- prn( "rv_zeit", b_all, b_tmp );
- }
- // impl Nutzen
- // -- differentiate b_impl by induz and verl so that we can multiply only the induz part.
- // -- we do this by computing the relative b_RV shares and then use that to multiply b.impl.
- // (1) approximiere die b_rv:
- double b_rv_induz = amounts.rz_induz * zw + amounts.pkwkm_induz * distCost;
- double b_rv_verl = amounts.rz_verl * zw + amounts.pkwkm_verl * distCost;
- // (2)
- double b_impl_induz = benefits.impl * b_rv_induz / ( b_rv_induz + b_rv_verl );
- if ( b_rv_induz==0. ) b_impl_induz = 0.;
- {
- double b_tmp = b_all;
- b_all -= b_impl_induz;
- b_all += b_impl_induz * m_induzFactor;
- prn( "b_impl", b_all, b_tmp );
- }
- return nkvOhneKR_induz( modifications, amounts, benefits, baukosten, b_all );
- }
- static double nkvOhneKR_induz( Modifications modifications, Amounts amounts, Benefits benefits, double baukosten, double b_all ){
- prn("incoming", b_all, b_all );
- // co2 Bau
- {
- double b_tmp = b_all;
- b_all -= benefits.co2_infra;
- b_all += modifications.co2Price()/145. * benefits.co2_infra;
- prn( "b_co2_infra", b_all, b_tmp );
- }
- // co2 Betrieb
- double b_per_co2 = benefits.co2_betrieb / amounts.co2_kfz;
- // (this divides all (negative) co2 benefits by all fzkm, including LKW. We just need (discounted) benefits of ton co2, indep of where it comes from.)
- // -- b_co2 calculation is now done "by hand". I.e. take pkwkm, multiply with emissions per km (obtained from co2_pkwkm / pkwkm), and then multiply b_per_co2:
- double b_co2_induz = amounts.pkwkm_induz * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
- double b_co2_verl = amounts.pkwkm_verl * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
- double b_co2_reroute = amounts.pkwkm_reroute * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
- double bb_tmp = b_all;
- {
- double b_tmp = b_all;
- b_all -= b_co2_reroute;
- b_all += b_co2_reroute / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
- prn( "co2 after reRoute", b_all, b_tmp);
- }
- {
- double b_tmp = b_all;
- b_all -= b_co2_verl;
- b_all += b_co2_verl / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
- prn( "co2 after verl", b_all, b_tmp);
- }
- {
- double b_tmp = b_all;
- b_all -= b_co2_induz;
- b_all += b_co2_induz / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
- b_all += modifications.mehrFzkm() * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2 * modifications.co2Price() / 145;
- prn( "co2 after induz", b_all, b_tmp);
- }
- prn( "b_co2_betrieb", b_all, bb_tmp );
- // nkv:
- final double nkv = b_all / baukosten;
- String colorString = ConsoleColors.TEXT_BLACK;
- if ( nkv < 1 ) colorString = ConsoleColors.TEXT_RED;
+ double distCost = -0.24 * 25;
+ {
+ double b_tmp = b_all;
+ b_all -= amounts.pkwkm_induz * distCost;
+ b_all += amounts.pkwkm_induz * distCost * m_induzFactor;
+ prn("rv_fzkm", b_all, b_tmp);
+ }
+ // rv_zeit
+ {
+ double b_tmp = b_all;
+ b_all -= amounts.rz_induz * zw;
+ b_all += amounts.rz_induz * zw * m_induzFactor;
+ prn("rv_zeit", b_all, b_tmp);
+ }
+ // impl Nutzen
+ // -- differentiate b_impl by induz and verl so that we can multiply only the induz part.
+ // -- we do this by computing the relative b_RV shares and then use that to multiply b.impl.
+ // (1) approximiere die b_rv:
+ double b_rv_induz = amounts.rz_induz * zw + amounts.pkwkm_induz * distCost;
+ double b_rv_verl = amounts.rz_verl * zw + amounts.pkwkm_verl * distCost;
+ // (2)
+ double b_impl_induz = benefits.impl * b_rv_induz / (b_rv_induz + b_rv_verl);
+ if (b_rv_induz == 0.) {
+ b_impl_induz = 0.;
+ }
+ {
+ double b_tmp = b_all;
+ b_all -= b_impl_induz;
+ b_all += b_impl_induz * m_induzFactor;
+ prn("b_impl", b_all, b_tmp);
+ }
+ return nkvOhneKR_induz(modifications, amounts, benefits, baukosten, b_all);
+ }
+ static double nkvOhneKR_induz(Modifications modifications, Amounts amounts, Benefits benefits, double baukosten,
+ double b_all) {
+ prn("incoming", b_all, b_all);
+ // co2 Bau
+ {
+ double b_tmp = b_all;
+ b_all -= benefits.co2_infra;
+ b_all += modifications.co2Price() / 145. * benefits.co2_infra;
+ prn("b_co2_infra", b_all, b_tmp);
+ }
+ // co2 Betrieb
+ double b_per_co2 = benefits.co2_betrieb / amounts.co2_kfz;
+ // (this divides all (negative) co2 benefits by all fzkm, including LKW. We just need (discounted) benefits
+ // of ton co2, indep of where it comes from.)
+ // -- b_co2 calculation is now done "by hand". I.e. take pkwkm, multiply with emissions per km (obtained
+ // from co2_pkwkm / pkwkm), and then multiply b_per_co2:
+ double b_co2_induz = amounts.pkwkm_induz * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
+ double b_co2_verl = amounts.pkwkm_verl * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
+ double b_co2_reroute = amounts.pkwkm_reroute * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
+ double bb_tmp = b_all;
+ {
+ double b_tmp = b_all;
+ b_all -= b_co2_reroute;
+ b_all += b_co2_reroute / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
+ prn("co2 after reRoute", b_all, b_tmp);
+ }
+ {
+ double b_tmp = b_all;
+ b_all -= b_co2_verl;
+ b_all += b_co2_verl / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
+ prn("co2 after verl", b_all, b_tmp);
+ }
+ {
+ double b_tmp = b_all;
+ b_all -= b_co2_induz;
+ b_all += b_co2_induz / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
+ b_all += modifications.mehrFzkm() * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2 * modifications.co2Price() / 145;
+ prn("co2 after induz", b_all, b_tmp);
+ }
+ prn("b_co2_betrieb", b_all, bb_tmp);
+ // nkv:
+ final double nkv = b_all / baukosten;
+ String colorString = ConsoleColors.TEXT_BLACK;
+ if (nkv < 1) {
+ colorString = ConsoleColors.TEXT_RED;
+ }
// log.info( "\t\t\t\t\tnkv=" + colorString + nkv + ConsoleColors.TEXT_BLACK );
- return nkv;
- }
- private static void prn( String msg, double b_all, double b_tmp ){
+ return nkv;
+ }
+ private static void prn(String msg, double b_all, double b_tmp) {
// log.info(String.format( "%1$20s: Korrektur = %2$5.0f; bb = %3$5.0f", msg, b_all - b_tmp, b_all ) );
- }
- @Test void test() {
- Amounts amounts = new Amounts( 131.53, 143.95, 9.75, -18.56, 1.46, 0.13, 54_773.28, 48_689.94 );
- Benefits benefits = new Benefits( -785.233, 2555.429, 1025.464, -151.319, -175.021, 5305.683 );
- double baukosten = 2737.176;
- {
- double nkv = nkv( new Modifications( 145., 0. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten );
- log.info( nkv );
- Assertions.assertEquals( 1.938378, nkv, 0.001 );
- }
- {
- double nkv = nkv( new Modifications( 5.*145., amounts.pkwkm_induz*4. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten );
- log.info( nkv );
- Assertions.assertEquals( -0.2963518828995041, nkv, 0.001 );
- }
- // this is, for backwards compatibility, the older computation where I had not split b_co2_betrieb into pkw and lkw:
- amounts = new Amounts( 131.53, 143.95, 9.75, -18.56, 1.46, 0.13, 48_689.94, 48_689.94 );
- {
- double nkv = nkv( new Modifications( 5.*145., amounts.pkwkm_induz*4. ), amounts, benefits, baukosten );
- log.info( nkv );
- Assertions.assertEquals( -0.089529, nkv, 0.001 );
- }
- }
- public static Double b_co2( Modifications modifications, Amounts amounts, Benefits benefits ){
- // yyyyyy for the time being this returns the benefits since they are easier to compute. !!!!
- double co2 = 0.;
- // co2 Bau
- {
- co2 += benefits.co2_infra;
- }
- // co2 Betrieb
- double b_per_co2 = benefits.co2_betrieb / amounts.co2_kfz;
- // (this divides all (negative) co2 benefits by all fzkm, including LKW. We just need (discounted) benefits of ton co2, indep of where it comes from.)
- // -- b_co2 calculation is now done "by hand". I.e. take pkwkm, multiply with emissions per km (obtained from co2_pkwkm / pkwkm), and then multiply b_per_co2:
- double b_co2_induz = amounts.pkwkm_induz * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
- double b_co2_verl = amounts.pkwkm_verl * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
- double b_co2_reroute = amounts.pkwkm_reroute * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
- {
- co2 += b_co2_reroute / 145. * modifications.co2Price() ;
- }
- {
- co2 += b_co2_verl / 145. * modifications.co2Price() ;
- }
- {
- co2 += b_co2_induz / 145. * modifications.co2Price() ;
- co2 += modifications.mehrFzkm() * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2 / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
- }
- return -co2;
- }
+ }
+ public static Double b_co2(Modifications modifications, Amounts amounts, Benefits benefits) {
+ // yyyyyy for the time being this returns the benefits since they are easier to compute. !!!!
+ double co2 = 0.;
+ // co2 Bau
+ {
+ co2 += benefits.co2_infra;
+ }
+ // co2 Betrieb
+ double b_per_co2 = benefits.co2_betrieb / amounts.co2_kfz;
+ // (this divides all (negative) co2 benefits by all fzkm, including LKW. We just need (discounted) benefits
+ // of ton co2, indep of where it comes from.)
+ // -- b_co2 calculation is now done "by hand". I.e. take pkwkm, multiply with emissions per km (obtained
+ // from co2_pkwkm / pkwkm), and then multiply b_per_co2:
+ double b_co2_induz = amounts.pkwkm_induz * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
+ double b_co2_verl = amounts.pkwkm_verl * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
+ double b_co2_reroute = amounts.pkwkm_reroute * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2;
+ {
+ co2 += b_co2_reroute / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
+ }
+ {
+ co2 += b_co2_verl / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
+ }
+ {
+ co2 += b_co2_induz / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
+ co2 += modifications.mehrFzkm() * amounts.co2_per_pkwkm * b_per_co2 / 145. * modifications.co2Price();
+ }
+ return -co2;
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/computation/ComputationKNTest.java b/src/test/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/computation/ComputationKNTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62422fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/computation/ComputationKNTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package org.tub.vsp.bvwp.computation;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import static org.tub.vsp.bvwp.computation.ComputationKN.nkv;
+class ComputationKNTest {
+ @Test
+ void test() {
+ ComputationKN.Amounts amounts = new ComputationKN.Amounts(131.53, 143.95, 9.75, -18.56, 1.46, 0.13, 54_773.28
+ , 48_689.94);
+ ComputationKN.Benefits benefits = new ComputationKN.Benefits(-785.233, 2555.429, 1025.464, -151.319, -175.021
+ , 5305.683);
+ double baukosten = 2737.176;
+ {
+ double nkv = nkv(new Modifications(145., 0.), amounts, benefits, baukosten);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1.938378, nkv, 0.001);
+ }
+ {
+ double nkv = nkv(new Modifications(5. * 145., amounts.getPkwkm_induz() * 4.), amounts, benefits, baukosten);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(-0.2963518828995041, nkv, 0.001);
+ }
+ // this is, for backwards compatibility, the older computation where I had not split b_co2_betrieb into pkw
+ // and lkw:
+ amounts = new ComputationKN.Amounts(131.53, 143.95, 9.75, -18.56, 1.46, 0.13, 48_689.94, 48_689.94);
+ {
+ double nkv = nkv(new Modifications(5. * 145., amounts.getPkwkm_induz() * 4.), amounts, benefits, baukosten);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(-0.089529, nkv, 0.001);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/data/mapper/physicalEffect/emissions/RailEmissionsMapperTest.java b/src/test/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/data/mapper/physicalEffect/emissions/RailEmissionsMapperTest.java
index ab329f9..2c18e54 100644
--- a/src/test/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/data/mapper/physicalEffect/emissions/RailEmissionsMapperTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/org/tub/vsp/bvwp/data/mapper/physicalEffect/emissions/RailEmissionsMapperTest.java
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
public class RailEmissionsMapperTest {
- void test() throws IOException {
+ public void test() throws IOException {
RailEmissionsDataContainer emissions =