Load MATSim network into memory
- Source:R/network.R
, R/output_trips.R
+ Source: R/network.R
, R/output_persons.R
, R/output_trips.R
readPersonsTable - Loads a MATSim CSV output_persons from file or archive, +creating a tibble with columns as in csv file +copied + adopted code from readTripsTable in tripsOutput.R
+boxplotScoreDifferences - function generates a boxplot to compare the score differences between two sets of data +represented by personTibble_base and personTibble_policy tibbles. +It provides insights into the distribution of score differences between the two sets of data.
These functions are provided for compatibility with older version of
the matsimr package. They may eventually be completely
plotModalSplitPieChart - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips()),
plotModalSplitPieChart - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips),
to plot pie chart with with values that represent
percentage of using transport modes from trips
plotModalSplitBarChart - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips()), +
plotModalSplitBarChart - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips), to plot bar chart with with values that represent percentage of using transport modes from trips
readTripsTable - Loads a MATSim output_trips file from file or archive path, creating a tibble
-plotAverageTravelWait - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips()), +
plotAverageTravelWait - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips), to plot bar chart with with values that represent time spent on traveling/waiting Using parameters unite.columns, specific columns could be given, to unite them in 1 mode with the name united_name(by default 'united')
-plotModalDistanceDistribution - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips()), +
plotModalDistanceDistribution - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips), to plot bar chart with with values that represent number of trips ~ distance travelled Using parameters unite.columns, specific columns could be given, to unite them in 1 mode with the name united_name(by default 'united')
-compareModalDistanceDistribution - Takes 2 Tables trips_output (from read_output_trips()), +
compareModalDistanceDistribution - Takes 2 Tables trips_output (from read_output_trips), to plot bar chart with with values that represent difference of number of trips between tripsTable2 and tripsTable1 ~ distance travelled Using parameters unite.columns, specific columns could be given, to unite them in 1 mode with the name united_name(by default 'united')
-plotTripDistanceByMode - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips()), +
plotTripDistanceByMode - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips), to plot bar chart with with values that represent average distance traveled ~ main mode used Using parameters unite.columns, specific columns could be given, to unite them in 1 mode with the name united_name(by default 'united')
-plotTripCountByDepTime - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips()), +
plotTripCountByDepTime - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips), to make line plot with with values that represent count of trips for a specific departure time by main_mode Using parameters unite.columns, specific columns could be given, to unite them in 1 mode with the name united_name(by default 'united')
-plotActivityEndTimes - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips()), +
plotActivityEndTimes - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips), to make line plot with with values that represent the number of activities ending at a specific time. Using parameters unite.columns, specific columns could be given, to unite them in 1 mode with the name united_name(by default 'united')
-plotArrivalTimesPerTripPurpose - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips()), +
plotArrivalTimesPerTripPurpose - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips), to make line plot with with values that represent count of destination activities for a specific arrival time Using parameters unite.columns, specific columns could be given, to unite them in 1 mode with the name united_name(by default 'united')
-plotDepartureTimesPerTripPurpose - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips()), +
plotDepartureTimesPerTripPurpose - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips), to make line plot with with values that represent count of destination activities for a specific arrival time Using parameters unite.columns, specific columns could be given, to unite them in 1 mode with the name united_name(by default 'united')
-plotTripDistancedByType - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips()), +
plotTripDistancedByType - Takes Table trips_output (from read_output_trips), to plot bar chart with with values that represent travelled distance of each tripType related to the shapeTable
-plotModalShiftSankey - Takes two trips_table (from readTripsTable), and collects +
plotModalShiftSankey - Takes two trips_table (from read_output_trips), and collects
changes between transport mode distribution of these tables
to make alluvial diagram from this data
Function calculates number of each transport mode used in
@@ -325,7 +343,7 @@
distribution of transport mode has changed (f. e. what part of concrete trasport mode changed to another)
Using parameter unite.columns transport modes that match PATTERN in unite.columns can be united in 1 transport mode type (by default united_name is "united")
Using parameter show.onlyChanges
plotModalShiftBar - Takes two trips_table (from readTripsTable), and collects +
plotModalShiftBar - Takes two trips_table (from read_output_trips), and collects
changes between transport mode distribution of these tables
to make bar chart diagram with dodging positioning from this data
Function calculates number of each transport mode used in
@@ -351,7 +369,7 @@
compareBasePolicyShapeOutput - Chooses a function to compare output_trips from the folders. baseFolder contains all base outputs, policyFolder contains all policy outputs.
appendDistanceCategory - adds to trips output tibble additional column that represent distance as category
-filterByRegion - Filtering of trips_table(from readTripsTable) depending on how they located in given shape
filterByRegion - Filtering of trips_table(from read_output_trips) depending on how they located in given shape
Takes trips_table and shapeTable(sf object from file representing geographical data, can be received by using function st_read(path_to_file).
Please be aware that this filterByRegion currently only works, when one geometry is loaded.)
transforms both objects to match mutual CRS(network.xml from MATSimOutputDirectory)
@@ -363,8 +381,8 @@
deriveODMatrix - Creates an instance of ODMatrix(origin/destination) in conventional form or for the simwrapper
getCrsFromConfig - Reads an coordinate reference system of MATSim output directory from output_config.xml
-transformToSf - Transforms trips_table tibble (from readTripsTable) from tibble to sf (table with attribute features and geometry feature)
-Takes trips_table (from readTripsTable) and transforms trips_table to sf object using start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y as a geometry features
transformToSf - Transforms trips_table tibble (from read_output_trips) from tibble to sf (table with attribute features and geometry feature)
+Takes trips_table (from read_output_trips) and transforms trips_table to sf object using start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y as a geometry features
deletes from resulting data.frame start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y.
And adds wkt column, if geometry.type = st_mulitpoint(), or geometry.type = st_linestring()
Or adds start_wkt and end_wkt, if geometry.type = st_point()
@@ -378,6 +396,10 @@
+readPersonsTable(input_path = ".", n_max = Inf)
+boxplotScoreDifferences(personTibble_base, personTibble_policy)
unite.columns = character(0),
@@ -563,8 +585,24 @@ Argumentsread_output_trips) or path to trips_output file
- unite.columns
@@ -583,20 +621,12 @@ Argumentsread_output_trips,f.e. base case)
- tripsTable2
-tibble of trips_output (from read_output_trips(),f.e. policy case)
+tibble of trips_output (from read_output_trips,f.e. policy case)
- shapeTable
@@ -612,7 +642,7 @@ Argumentsread_output_trips)
- start.inshape
@@ -673,6 +703,12 @@ Value
loadNetwork - "nodes" and "links" tibbles in a list object.
readPersonsTable - tibble of output_persons
+boxplotScoreDifferences - ggplot boxplot of the distribution of the score differences
plotModalSplitPieChart - Pie Chart plot of transport mode distribution, values given in percents
diff --git a/docs/reference/plot_arrtime_by_act.html b/docs/reference/plot_arrtime_by_act.html
index 8afeb2e..83acc08 100644
--- a/docs/reference/plot_arrtime_by_act.html
+++ b/docs/reference/plot_arrtime_by_act.html
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Usage
- trips_table
-tibble of trips_output (from read_output_trips())
+tibble of trips_output (from read_output_trips)
- unite_activities
diff --git a/docs/reference/plot_compare_count_by_spatialcat_barchart.html b/docs/reference/plot_compare_count_by_spatialcat_barchart.html
index 4b4186a..2dd1f86 100644
--- a/docs/reference/plot_compare_count_by_spatialcat_barchart.html
+++ b/docs/reference/plot_compare_count_by_spatialcat_barchart.html
@@ -76,15 +76,15 @@ Usage
- trips_table1
-tible of trips_output (from read_output_trips())
+tible of trips_output (from read_output_trips)
- trips_table2
-tible of trips_output (from read_output_trips())
+tible of trips_output (from read_output_trips)
- shape_table
-A spatial shapefile or spatial polygons dataframe representing the spatial categories.
+A spatial shapefile or spatial polygons data frame used to create the spatial categories.
- crs
diff --git a/docs/reference/plot_compare_distcat_by_mainmode_barchart.html b/docs/reference/plot_compare_distcat_by_mainmode_barchart.html
index 752262a..72a5e47 100644
--- a/docs/reference/plot_compare_distcat_by_mainmode_barchart.html
+++ b/docs/reference/plot_compare_distcat_by_mainmode_barchart.html
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
Bar chart comparing distance traveled on x-axis and number of trips on y-axis for two different runs
-Takes two data frames (from read_output_trips()), categorizes the traveled distances into pre-defined bins
+Takes two data frames (from read_output_trips), categorizes the traveled distances into pre-defined bins
and plots the difference in number of trips for each bin. (Bins: 1000,2000,5000,10000,20000,50000,100000 (m))
Using the parameter unite_modes, specific modes can be renamed into one with the name specified with united_name (by default 'united') — plot_compare_distcat_by_mainmode_barchart • matsim Plot bar chart of changes in modal split — plot_compare_mainmode_barchart • matsim Plot bar chart of changes in modal split — plot_compare_mainmode_barchart • matsim Plot alluvial/sankey diagram of transport mode changes — plot_compare_mainmode_sankey • matsim Plot alluvial/sankey diagram of transport mode changes — plot_compare_mainmode_sankey • matsim Boxplot of Score Differences — plot_compare_score_boxplot • matsim
+ Skip to contents
+ The boxplotScoreDifferences
function generates a boxplot to compare the score differences between two sets of data
+represented by personTibble_base and personTibble_policy tibbles.
+It provides insights into the distribution of score differences between the two sets of data.
diff --git a/docs/reference/plot_compare_travelwaittime_by_mainmode.html b/docs/reference/plot_compare_travelwaittime_by_mainmode.html
index f6813c9..c286017 100644
--- a/docs/reference/plot_compare_travelwaittime_by_mainmode.html
+++ b/docs/reference/plot_compare_travelwaittime_by_mainmode.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Bar Chart comparing two runs with main_mode on x-axis and average travel/wait time on y-axis — plot_compare_travelwaittime_by_mainmode • matsim Bar Chart comparing two runs with main_mode on x-axis and average travel/wait time on y-axis — plot_compare_travelwaittime_by_mainmode • matsim Comparison bar chart with main_mode on x-axis and average travel/wait time on y-axis — plot_compare_travelwaittime_by_mainmode_barchart • matsim Comparison bar chart with main_mode on x-axis and average travel/wait time on y-axis — plot_compare_travelwaittime_by_mainmode_barchart • matsim Bar chart with average distance traveled for each mode on x-axis and number of trips on y-axis — plot_distance_by_mainmode_barchart • matsim Bar chart with average distance traveled for each mode on x-axis and number of trips on y-axis — plot_distance_by_mainmode_barchart • matsim Bar Chart with tripType on x-axis and travelled distance on y-axis — plot_distance_by_spatialcat_barchart • matsim Bar Chart with tripType on x-axis and travelled distance on y-axis — plot_distance_by_spatialcat_barchart • matsim Bar Chart with distance traveled on x-axis and number of trips on y-axis — plot_distcat_by_mainmode_barchart • matsim Bar Chart with distance traveled on x-axis and number of trips on y-axis — plot_distcat_by_mainmode_barchart • matsim Plot the distribution of modes as a bar chart — plot_mainmode_barchart • matsim Plot the distribution of modes as a bar chart — plot_mainmode_barchart • matsim Plots distribution of every type of trips(inside, outside, origin and destinating) in Pie Chart
-XXXX — plot_spatialtype_by_shape_piechart • matsim Plots distribution of every type of trip(inside, outside, origin and destinating) as a pie chart — plot_spatialtype_by_shape_piechart • matsim
@@ -49,15 +45,13 @@
- Plots distribution of every type of trips(inside, outside, origin and destinating) in Pie Chart
+ Plots distribution of every type of trip(inside, outside, origin and destinating) as a pie chart
Source: R/output_trips.R
- Plots distribution of every type of trips(inside, outside, origin and destinating) in Pie Chart
+ Plots distribution of every type of trip(inside, outside, origin and destinating) as a pie chart
@@ -68,22 +62,23 @@ Usage
- trips_table
-tibble of trips_output (from read_output_trips())
+tibble of trips_output (from read_output_trips)
-- shape_table
-sf object(data.frame with geometries), can be received by using st_read(path_to_geographical_file)
+- crs
+numeric representation of the EPSG code or proj4string for the corresponding coordinate system of the trip coordinates,
+can be found in network file from output directory of MATSim simulation
-- crs
-numeric of EPSG code or proj4string, can be found in network file from output directory of MATSim simulation
+- shape_Table
+sf object(data frame with geometries), can be created using st_read(), is used to categorize the trips.