start the sbt console with
In the sbt console, compile the project with
. The project should compile without any errors. -
In the sbt console, let the tests run with
. No surprise, the tests are not successful.
More commands:
runs a program (main class)test
launches the teststestOnly *.MyTest
launches only the tests with the full name matching*.MyTest
launches only the tests that failed and the tests impacted by the changes~<command>
trigger the each time the code is changed. For example,~testQuick
is a good way to practice TDD.
In Intellij, create a new project from existing sources by selecting the file build.sbt
In Scala IDE:
Start the sbt console
eclipse with-source=true
Open the generated project with Scala IDE.
Look at the documentation for more info.
run ./activator ui
or activator.bat ui
A web interface will be opened to interact with the project.