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Welcome to React Router on Cloudflare Workers with D1!

A modern, production-ready template for building full-stack React applications using React Router, hosted on Cloudflare Workers with D1 as the database.

You can quickly create a new React Router application from this template by running:

npx create-react-router@latest --template matthewlynch/react-router-cloudflare-d1

Some of the code in this repo was adapted from the React Router Cloudflare D1 template.


  • 🚀 Server-side rendering
  • ⚡️ Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
  • 📦 Asset bundling and optimization
  • 🔄 Data loading and mutations
  • 🔒 TypeScript by default
  • 🎉 TailwindCSS for styling
  • 🟧️ Setup to deploy to Cloudflare Workers
  • 📊 Cloudflare D1 database for production and SQLite database for local development
  • 📜 Pre-render routes at build time
  • 🌍 Separate environments for preview and production
  • 📟 cloudflareDevProxy to make Cloudflare bindings work locally
  • 📖 React Router docs
  • 📖 Cloudflare Workers docs
  • 📖 D1 database docs

Getting Started

  1. Run cp .dev-example.vars .dev.vars to create an .env file you can use to override variables defined in wrangler.toml or set secret values you don't want to check into source control
  2. Update the name field in wranlger.toml
  3. Install dependencies pnpm install
  4. Create a database by running wrangler d1 create <name> and update wranlger.toml with the UUID and name for the database
    1. Create an additional database for the "preview" environment and update env.preview.d1_databases in wranlger.toml with the UUID and name for the preview database
    2. OR delete env.preview* if you don't want to deploy a preview version of your app
  5. Add your Cloudflare Account ID/Database UUID/Token to .dev.vars (you only need this when you want to view data via Drizzle Studio for your remote database)
  6. Run pnpm typegen any time you make changes to wranlger.toml to ensure types from bindings and module rules are up to date for type safety


Run an initial database migration:

pnpm db:migrate

Start the development server with HMR:

pnpm dev

Your application will be available at http://localhost:5173.


You can develop against a local SQLite database then push changes to your remote D1 database.


  1. Make changes to the schema in ./database/schema.ts
  2. Run pnpm db:generate to generate SQL migration files
  3. Run pnpm db:migrate to apply the generated migration files to your local SQLite database
  4. Run pnpm db:migrate:production to apply the changes to your remote D1 database

Viewing data (via Drizzle Studio)

Run pnpm db:studio to browse data in your local database on disk or pnpm db:studio:production to browse your remote D1 database.

You need to have added your Cloudflare Account ID/Database UUID/Token to .dev.vars if you want to run pnpm db:studio:production.

Creating a Cloudflare token for Drizzle Studio

  1. Log in to Cloudflare and visit and click "Create Token"
  2. Scroll down to "Create Custom Token" and click on "Get Started"
  3. Enter a name for the token
  4. "Permissions" needs to be set to "Account" / "D1" / "Edit"
  5. Click "Continue to summary" and copy the token value so you can set the CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN environment variable in .dev.vars

Building for Production

Create a production build:

pnpm build


Deployment is done using the Wrangler CLI.

Make sure you have run pnpm db:generate & pnpm db:migrate:production so the deployed app can query the database.

To deploy directly to production from your machine:

npx wrangler deploy

Or to deploy to the preview environment:

npx wrangler versions upload --env preview

The CLI will output the URL you can use to view the app and the UUID of the deployment.

You can then promote a version to production after verification or roll it out progressively.

npx wrangler versions deploy

Select the UUID of the deployment you want to promote.

Continuous deployment via GitHub

You can configure CD via GitHub once you have run the deployment steps above

  1. Visit the "Workers & Pages" page in the Cloudflare Dashboard
  2. Click on the worker you deployed (the name will match what is defined in wrangler.toml#name field)
  3. Click "Settings"
  4. Scroll down to "Build" and click on "Connect"
  5. Select your repository and branch
  6. Click "connect"
  7. Push changes to the repo for automatic deployments


This template comes with Tailwind CSS already configured for a simple default starting experience. You can use whatever CSS framework you prefer.

Built with ❤️ by Matt