#angular autocomplete I'm just getting started on this - it doesn't work yet. I'm creating this directive because I want to do tagging on Orbital Feed Reader and it seems like a tagging input is a clear option for a directive.
I'm trying out test driven development on this and probably making a complete hash of it. Any help is greatly appreciated!
#How should it work
Stores accepted suggestions in ng-model. As someone types, nothing affects ng-model till they either accept a suggestion or type the multiple separator. If acceptMultiple is false, stores everything.
triggers when user does any of the accept actions: tab, enters multiple sep, hits down/up arrows and then enter.
accepts an iterable or a function that accepts 0 or 1 parameters. The function will be passed the current fragment
Should we accept multiples?
Default of "," but we can concatenate with anything
default of 2 characters before we do anything
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