diff --git a/.github/workflows/mac.yml b/.github/workflows/mac.yml
index fb16a2ba0..82949cbe0 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/mac.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/mac.yml
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ jobs:
cd build
make package
- ls -ltr
+ pwd
+ tree -sh
- name: Upload Mac Packages (Installers)
if: ${{ success() }}
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index f867e77d0..340f4428b 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -165,9 +165,19 @@ if(UNIX AND NOT APPLE)
- set(installSubDir_data "share/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}")
- set(installSubDir_doc "share/doc/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}")
- set(installSubDir_bin "bin")
+ set(installSubDir_data "share/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}")
+ set(installSubDir_doc "share/doc/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}")
+ set(installSubDir_bin "bin")
+ # According to https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-1.0.html#paths, .desktop files need to live
+ # in one of the $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications/. (Note that $XDG_DATA_DIRS is a colon-separated list of directories, typically
+ # defaulting to /usr/local/share/:/usr/share/. but on another system it might be
+ # /usr/share/plasma:/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/var/lib/snapd/desktop:/var/lib/snapd/desktop). When combined with
+ # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, "share/applications" should end up being one of these.
+ set(installSubDir_applications "share/applications")
+ # It's a similar but slightly more complicated story for where to put icons. (See
+ # https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html#directory_layout for all the
+ # details.)
+ set(installSubDir_icons "share/icons")
#============================================ Windows Install Directories ===========================================
@@ -1380,6 +1390,20 @@ elseif(APPLE)
# but when otool is run by fixup_bundle, it looks for @rpath/libxalanMsg.112.dylib and will not accept any other
# name for the library. So, we change ".0.dylib" at the end of the library file name to ".dylib".
+ # Then you have to remember, as commented elsewhere, the DESTINATION option of the install() command must be a
+ # relative path; otherwise installed files are ignored by CPack - ie won't end up in the DMG file. (Yes, this does
+ # contrast with the requirement of fixup_bundle to have an absolute path. You have to stay on your toes with CMake.)
+ # This is where it gets a bit confusing(!) We seem to have two copies of the bundle in the build tree:
+ # 1: ${fileName_executable}.app
+ # 2: _CPack_Packages/Darwin/DragNDrop/${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_${PROJECT_VERSION}_x86_64/ALL_IN_ONE/${fileName_executable}.app
+ # They look to be the same, except that installing with an absolute path beginning
+ # ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${fileName_executable}.app/ puts things in the first of these (but not the second), while
+ # installing with a relative path puts them in the second (but not the first).
+ #
+ # AFAICT it's the second bundle that ends up in the DMG file even though it's the first one that we're running
+ # fixup_bundle on. For the moment I'm just going to install libxalanMsg.112.dylib into both, on the grounds that it
+ # surely can't hurt.
+ #
# One day, I hope we will find a more elegant and less brittle way to do all this!
find_library(XalanCMessage_LIBRARY NAMES xalanMsg)
@@ -1388,6 +1412,9 @@ elseif(APPLE)
string(REGEX REPLACE "\.0\.dylib$" ".dylib" XalanCMessage_LIBRARY_tweaked "${XalanCMessage_LIBRARY_withoutPath}")
message(STATUS "Found libxalanMsg at ${XalanCMessage_LIBRARY} which resolves to ${XalanCMessage_LIBRARY_resolved}")
message(STATUS "Tweaked libxalanMsg file name from ${XalanCMessage_LIBRARY_withoutPath} to ${XalanCMessage_LIBRARY_tweaked}")
+ install(FILES ${XalanCMessage_LIBRARY_resolved}
+ DESTINATION ${fileName_executable}.app/Contents/Frameworks/
+ RENAME ${XalanCMessage_LIBRARY_tweaked})
install(FILES ${XalanCMessage_LIBRARY_resolved}
DESTINATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${fileName_executable}.app/Contents/Frameworks/
RENAME ${XalanCMessage_LIBRARY_tweaked})
@@ -1484,13 +1511,16 @@ install(FILES ${filesToInstall_sounds}
#----------- Linux -----------
# Install the icons
+ # Per https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html#install_icons, "installing a
+ # svg icon in $prefix/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps means most desktops will have one icon that works for all
+ # sizes".
install(FILES ${filesToInstall_icons}
- DESTINATION "${installSubDir_data}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/"
+ DESTINATION "${installSubDir_icons}/hicolor/scalable/apps/"
# Install the .desktop file
install(FILES ${filesToInstall_desktop}
- DESTINATION "${installSubDir_data}/applications"
+ DESTINATION "${installSubDir_applications}"
# Install friendly-format change log aka release notes
diff --git a/translations/bt_tr.ts b/translations/bt_tr.ts
index 02c1ba4a2..53b4009fb 100644
--- a/translations/bt_tr.ts
+++ b/translations/bt_tr.ts
@@ -6541,7 +6541,7 @@ The final volume in the primary is %1.
+ isim