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File metadata and controls

130 lines (106 loc) · 6.32 KB


R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage Lifecycle: experimental CRAN status

The goal of dverse is to document a universe. It creates a data frame containing the metadata associated with the documentation of a collection of R packages. It allows for linking topic names to their corresponding documentation online.

If you have a meta-package, dverse helps you to create a comprehensive reference for its website.


Install from CRAN:


or get a development version from GitHub:

# install.packages("pak")


The Tidyverse popularized the idea of a “universe of packages.” The typical universe has a meta-package that centralizes access to functions and data across all its packages. For example, with library(tidyverse) the tidyverse meta-package centralizes access to the functions in dplyr, ggplot2, and several other packages in the Tidyverse universe.

However, meta-packages typically don’t centralize documentation. For example, the tidyverse website only shows the documentation for the tidyverse meta-package itself but does not show the documentation for dplyr, ggplot2, and other packages in the Tidyverse.

The dverse package solves this problem. It creates a data frame containing the metadata associated with the documentation of any set of packages. This data frame can be easily used to generate the universe-wide reference for the meta-package website, for example using pkgdown.


  • document_universe() creates a data frame with documentation metadata of one or more packages.
  • url_template can take different templates for the manual and vignettes.
  • knitr::kable() turns the URLs into clickable links. DT::datatabe() also provides a search box.


universe <- c("glue", "tibble")
#> # A tibble: 46 × 7
#>    topic      alias                          title concept type  keyword package
#>    <chr>      <chr>                          <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1 add_column add_column                     Add … additi… help  <NA>    tibble 
#>  2 add_row    add_row, add_case              Add … additi… help  <NA>    tibble 
#>  3 as_glue    as_glue                        Coer… <NA>    help  <NA>    glue   
#>  4 as_tibble  as_tibble, as_tibble_row, as_… Coer… <NA>    help  <NA>    tibble 
#>  5 char       char, set_char_opts            Form… vector… help  <NA>    tibble 
#>  6 deprecated deprecated, data_frame, tibbl… Depr… <NA>    help  intern… tibble 
#>  7 digits     digits                         Comp… <NA>    vign… <NA>    tibble 
#>  8 enframe    enframe, deframe               Conv… <NA>    help  <NA>    tibble 
#>  9 engines    engines                        Cust… <NA>    vign… <NA>    glue   
#> 10 extending  extending                      Exte… <NA>    vign… <NA>    tibble 
#> # ℹ 36 more rows

# Assuming vignettes can be found at */articles/* rather than */reference/*
manual <- "https://{package}{topic}.html"
document_universe(universe, url_template = manual)
#> # A tibble: 46 × 7
#>    topic                               alias title concept type  keyword package
#>    <chr>                               <chr> <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1 <a href=https://tibble.tidyverse.o… add_… Add … additi… help  <NA>    tibble 
#>  2 <a href=https://tibble.tidyverse.o… add_… Add … additi… help  <NA>    tibble 
#>  3 <a href=… as_g… Coer… <NA>    help  <NA>    glue   
#>  4 <a href=https://tibble.tidyverse.o… as_t… Coer… <NA>    help  <NA>    tibble 
#>  5 <a href=https://tibble.tidyverse.o… char… Form… vector… help  <NA>    tibble 
#>  6 <a href=https://tibble.tidyverse.o… depr… Depr… <NA>    help  intern… tibble 
#>  7 <a href=https://tibble.tidyverse.o… digi… Comp… <NA>    vign… <NA>    tibble 
#>  8 <a href=https://tibble.tidyverse.o… enfr… Conv… <NA>    help  <NA>    tibble 
#>  9 <a href=… engi… Cust… <NA>    vign… <NA>    glue   
#> 10 <a href=https://tibble.tidyverse.o… exte… Exte… <NA>    vign… <NA>    tibble 
#> # ℹ 36 more rows

# Adding an explicit template for vignettes
vignettes <- "https://{package}{topic}.html"
docs <- document_universe(universe, url_template = c(manual, vignettes))

topic alias title concept type keyword package
tribble tribble Row-wise tibble creation NA help NA tibble
trim trim Trim a character vector NA help NA glue
trunc_mat trunc_mat Legacy printing NA help internal tibble
types types Column types NA vignette NA tibble
view view View an object NA help NA tibble
wrappers wrappers How to write a function that wraps glue NA vignette NA glue