The aim of this package is to provide functionality similar to Pull requests are very welcome.
- UNet
- ResNet
- ResNeXt
- MobileNetv1-3
A subset of the classifiers in Metalhead.jl is supported. Pre-training is supported as far as it's supported there.
- Using pretrained models
- Setting the number of output classes
- Changing the number of input layers, e.g. to ingest multispectral images
- Setting the final activation
using Flux
using SegmentationModels
data = rand(Float32, 256, 256, 8, 1) |> gpu
unet = UNet(8,1; init_channels=16, stages=4) |> gpu # returns unet with simple double-conv backbone as a placeholder
# or
unet = UNet(ResNet50(;pretrain=true); num_classes=1337, input_channels=4) |> gpu
- Add other segmentation architectures
- Flesh out docs
- Flesh out tests