Implemented enhancements:
- Adding extra logging on import parts of the Cronjob #393
- Add an option to choose between send MailChimp or Magento mails #372
- Log batch totals for each run #361
- Add debug information #359
- High CPU load when API not available #325
Fixed bugs:
- Special prices management in Magento Enterprise #391
- Failed to open stream: No such file or directory #388
- MailChimp breaks order processing when it's done through CLI #378
- Promo rules are not updated #370
- Error in the configuration when selecting other website than default #368
- Orders not synced when products in the order not already synced #366
- Wrong website set on customer #357
- Issue with coupons for free shipping #355
- Error downloading response from error grid when batch not exist #351
- Unable to set custom Env.php API Credentials #345
- Disabled in Admin Panel Mailchimp block Magento default newsletter flow. #339
- Webhook processing fails when list id does not match any list configured in Magento #337
- Sending modified products in order or cart #335
- Base table or view not found Magento 2.2.4 #321
- Unknown column 'at_special_from_date_default.value' in 'on clause' #309
1.0.29 (2018-05-31)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- No cron_groups.xml is defined #316
- Wrong url for a generic product of configurable producs #313
- No image url when the product and the parent has no image #307
- web_hooks error somewhere - first/last name being required #302
- In the mailchimpstore grid not all the apikeys are taken #295
- Error getting interest groups #293
- Multistore with different Mailchimp accounts not saving correctly #289
- Exception is thrown when Promotion is marked for removal #280
- Webhook cronjob fails when updating customer #278
- Cron Ecommerce: cannot create batches data because update existed products in orders or carts #277
- Cancelled or pending orders added to revenue in mailchimp #274
- Bad registers are generated in mailchimp_sync_ecommerce table #267
- PHP warning in Helper/Data.php line 340 #266
- Subscriber fields not updated when Ecommerce Data not enabled #258
- The instest groups are not reloaded when the list changes #257
- The user can select non existing group in admin #256
- Don't process stores with no mailchimp store #255
- Error when attempting to edit a customer from the backend #240
- 2.2 Error Importing Configuration #223
- No Abandoned Cart Data Sent #220
- Magento 2.2.1: Changes like "unsubscribe" and "delete" to subscribers in Magento backend aren't synched #147
- Change cron group id to 'mailchimp'. #282 (jhruehl)
- fix decodeArrayFieldValue error #265 (gundamkid)
1.0.28 (2018-03-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Not necessary mailchimp/script/get requests #248
- Add a button to create the webhooks #229
- Add get Api credentials button using oauth. #207
- Special price management #194
- Use a checkbox on Checkout to determine Opt-in status. #36
Fixed bugs:
- Wrong product marked as modified in ecommerce table #253
- Don't delete the batch_id when modify a register #246
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach() #243
- Missing argument on call to _updateSyncData() #241
- MailChimp js file loaded each time the page loads #232
- Mark non existing batchs as canceled #216
- Modified carts are not re synced #212
- Try to get result for not existing batch #210
- Wrong error management #204
- When modify a simple product, the variant is empty #202
- Abandoned cart email product price has range starting at $0 when using configurable products #197
- Error due to customer data race condition #112
- Update default.xml #180 (jhruehl)
- Show "Mailchimp" customer tab when the extension is enabled #201 (t-richards)
1.0.27 (2018-01-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Send categories in product vendor attribute #129
Fixed bugs:
- Merge Names not synching #188
- Error in ebizmarts_ecommerce after upgrading to 1.0.26 #186
- Installation error when the database has a prefix #184
1.0.26 (2018-01-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Copy suggestions for List Group enhancement #173
- Add support for List Groups #122
- Magento 2.2 compatibility #116
- Add mergevars #110
Fixed bugs:
- MailChimp connected sites List Settings syncing seemingly forever #66
- Products are not marked as modified in the sync_ecommerce table #177
- Child product update when parent has not been sent yet #160
- Guest Abandoned Carts failing to load when accessing from automation. #153
- Guest Abandoned Carts not associating email address at checkout #152
- Sync only works, if eCommerce is enabled #150
- Intallation error in EE when the database is already splitted #149
- Compatibility with Magento Enterprise Edition 2.1.x #144
- Send duplicates promo codes #121
- Mark customer as modified when any data was modified #118
- Error when the webhook is created #117
- Exception when running cron #114
- Cron error "Requested country is not available." #58
- Fix for broken admin grid in production #176 (duckchip)
- Module Dependancy #126 (valguss)
1.0.25 (2017-11-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for Promo Rules and Promo Codes #100
- Total subscribers in admin display the total subscriber of the account #94
- Performance cron ebizmarts_ecommerce #93
Fixed bugs:
- The cart url for abandoned cart not work #111
- Store is always syncing #97
- Module doesn't install if database uses a prefix #95
1.0.24 (2017-09-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Major Admin Order Grid Slowdown #88
Fixed bugs:
- Error installation when use split database #85
- Incorrect cart url #84
- Incorrect image url #82
- Change $this->_helper->__() to __() #80 (rikardwissing)
1.0.23 (2017-09-01)
Fixed bugs:
- Guest subscribers issue - STOREID is null #75
- Website scope always taking list from default configuration #68
- Requested product doesn't exist #67
- Bad ajax call #65
- Resubscribing a customer from Magento throws a 500 error due to Fatal Uncaught Error: "Call to a member function getStreetLine() on string" #62
- Display appropriate thumbnails for items #43
- New customers are not added to MailChimp #42
- remove the use of data helper from InstallSchema #70 (BlackIkeEagle)
1.0.22 (2017-07-26)
1.0.21 (2017-07-14)
1.0.20 (2017-07-12)
1.0.19 (2017-07-12)
1.0.18 (2017-06-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add a commit call when use a connection directly #53
Fixed bugs:
- Reset the errors when no more mailchimp store are connected #54
1.0.17 (2017-06-21)
Fixed bugs:
- Error in mc.js when change the mailchimp store #51
- Prevent sending customers to other store views even when they belong to the same website #48
1.0.16 (2017-06-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Limit the process of the webhooks #47
Fixed bugs:
- Invalid product url on simple products not visible #49
1.0.15 (2017-06-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- List MC account and List #22
- Add the download response link to error grid #8
- Process the webhooks in a separate cron process #46
- Show the list in the configuration page #41
- Add actions to webhooks #40
- Add webhooks #39
- Request: Move MailChimp Store above Account Details on the Configuration page #31
- Autoselect store when only one exists #28
- Change the configuration to use jquery and ajax #27
- Installation of MC.js pixel #18
Fixed bugs:
- Ecomm Data uploaded to MailChimp should display if reselecting a connected store. #32
- Account no longer syncing #26
- Multiple stores not showing in Configuration dropdown #25
- MC Account information displayed in Configuration does not change when API key is toggled. #24
- Remove old warning message on Configuration #23
- In the MailChimp Store, the street is not saved #21
- Pull all lists for dropdown when creating a store #20
- Use "MailChimp" instead of "Mailchimp" #19
- Change the order # when sync #45
- Not mark the already synced element like errors #44
- Avoid error when for some reason the process cancel #38
- Review the Customer process #37
- Problem when receive the response of batch #35
- Add ACL permissions #34
- Sorting MailChimp Stores grid by email more than once causes display issues #33
- Enable not saving on a MailChimp store level #29
- Invalid product image url when the product not have any image #17
- Newly added products not synced. #13
- Store information not passing to MailChimp #12
- Purchases made via campaign not attributed to the campaign #11
- APIKey management and store creation #10
1.0.14 (2017-05-04)
1.0.9 (2017-05-03)
1.0.8 (2017-05-03)
1.0.7 (2017-05-02)
1.0.6 (2017-04-24)
1.0.5 (2017-04-21)
1.0.4 (2017-03-22)
Fixed bugs:
- The error grid don't paginate #9
- Add the mailchimp_store_id to all auxiliar tables #7
- The reset errors button not work #6
- Error in mailchimp_errors table #5
- Products not syncing #3
1.0.3 (2017-03-18)
Fixed bugs:
- Clean error don't work #4
1.0.2 (2017-03-17)
1.0.1 (2017-03-16)
1.0.0 (2017-03-16)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator