Releases: maykinmedia/open-inwoner
Releases · maykinmedia/open-inwoner
Release v1.0.6
What's Changed
- Fixes to use postgis database backend by @Bartvaderkin in #325
- [#879] Added configuration fields for questionnaire block's (sub-)titles by @Bartvaderkin in #326
- Release v1.0.6 by @alextreme in #328
New Contributors
- @Bartvaderkin made their first contribution in #325
Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6
What's Changed
- Fixed #864 -- Ensuring we don't use the MP_NodeQuerySet for the Produ… by @alextreme in #322
- Fixed #866 -- Adding redirection-option, showing code+id in the admin tree, adding concept-status of questionnaires by @alextreme in #323
- Release 1.0.5 by @alextreme in #324
Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.0.5
Release v1.0.4
What's Changed
- Fixed #805 -- implemented option 2 for Enschede by @alextreme in #309
- Clarify google maps field by @LaurensBurger in #310
- fix 'Clear' datetime string by @LaurensBurger in #312
- Added very basic Open Forms integration by @joeribekker in #311
- 'removes' white square behind roundings by @LaurensBurger in #313
- Disableshare by @LaurensBurger in #314
- Bump vm2 from 3.9.9 to 3.9.11 by @dependabot in #317
- Fixed #839 -- Limiting access to plans, showing reverse-contact-plans… by @alextreme in #319
- Adding envvars for enabling/disabling DigiD and the DigiD Mock login by @alextreme in #320
- Fixed #839 -- Showing correct contacts within plan by @alextreme in #321
- [WIP] Release v1.0.4 by @alextreme in #318
New Contributors
- @LaurensBurger made their first contribution in #310
- @joeribekker made their first contribution in #311
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #317
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.0.4
What's Changed
- Added option to hide login in the header by @alextreme (US 805)
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.0.3
Release v1.0.2
What's Changed
- Accessibility improvements by @JostCrow in #298
- Fixed #774 -- HTTPONLY for sessioncookie by @alextreme in #301
- Applying frame-src and frame-ancestors by @alextreme in #302
- Updates after the first phase of the audits by @alextreme in #303
- [#755] Feature/support versions 1.3 and 2.0 of HaalCentraal by @vaszig in #304
- Workarounds for eSuite integration by @alextreme in #305
- Making DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL configurable per environment by @alextreme in #306
- Update main, release v1.0.1 by @alextreme in #308
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2
Sprint 8 release - v1.0
What's Changed
- Feature/cases improvements by @vaszig in #267
- Feature/session profile by @annashamray in #284
- Feature/OIDC by @JostCrow in #279
- Fixed duplicate email problem. by @JostCrow in #285
- Fixed the styling issue by @JostCrow in #286
- Deps/digid saml by @annashamray in #287
- Fixed some styling issues by @JostCrow in #265
- Updating translations by @alextreme in #269
- #695 fix interests by @JostCrow in #270
- 💄 swap colors of mine and other user's messages by @annashamray in #271
- django messages layout by @annashamray in #273
- Feature/action is for field by @annashamray in #272
- [#528] Feature/improve plan template popup by @vaszig in #257
- Fixed the card icon by @JostCrow in #274
- added missing height fixtures by @JostCrow in #275
- [#640] Fix/only non-digid users access password reset-change by @vaszig in #249
- Fix questionnaire migrations on develop by @vaszig in #276
- #708 Fix/modal by @vaszig in #278
- ⬆️ bump django-digid-eherkenning to 0.4.0 by @annashamray in #280
- Feature/digid logout by @annashamray in #282
- Fix the profile page on mobile by @JostCrow in #281
- Translations based on feedback via email from Groningen and Enschede,… by @alextreme in #283
- [#684] Feature/add published boolean to theme and product by @vaszig in #277
Full Changelog: v0.8...v1.0
Sprint 8 release - v0.8
What's Changed
- [#669] Show root and children themas on home page by @vaszig in #254
- Feature/plan action change by @annashamray in #258
- [#634] Remove unused libraries by @vaszig in #256
- Csp anayltics by @JostCrow in #260
- Fixed the strict filtering by @JostCrow in #262
- [#584] Feature/collapse questionnaire tree by default by @vaszig in #261
- [#619] Update/product import-export fields by @vaszig in #236
- [#667] Fix/alignment of related products by @vaszig in #264
- Updating translations for v0.8 by @alextreme in #266
- [#586] Feature/add category and highlighted to questionnaire by @vaszig in #252
- Feature/actions history by @annashamray in #259
- Questionnaire step model: make 'ondersteunende tekst' optional by @sven in #207
- ⬆️ bump django-digid-eherkenning to 0.3.3 by @annashamray in #268
- Emoji by @JostCrow in #263
Full Changelog: v0.7...v0.8
Changelog sprint 8 t.b.v demo 16-06:
- Thema aanpassingen:
- Mogelijkheid om thema's uit te lichten
- Stijling aanpassingen, weergave FAQ
- Producten aanpassingen:
- Logo/afbeelding
- Product lange titel
- Openen links in nieuwe tab
- booleans voor tonen, echter nog niet gereed voor demo
- DigiD aanpassingen
- CSP headers
- Uitnodiging acceptatie via DigiD
- 'Registratie voltooien' scherm, invullen verplichte gegevens
- password reset / change flows
- DigiD foutmeldingen
- Mijn berichten:
- Dropdown van contacten
- Emoji's
- Vragenlijst aanpassingen:
- Koppelen aan thema
- Optie toegevoegd om deze uit te lichten / op de homepage te zetten
- Opslaan van wel/niet uitgeklapte stappen binnen de beheeromgeving
- Acties & Samenwerken aanpassingen
- Naamgeving verbeteringen
- Lijstweergave aanpassingen
- Namen in plaats van emailadressen
- Update plan notifications
- Type verborgen
- Geschiedenis inzien
- Plansjabloon popup
- Mijn Aanvragen
- Nieuwe lijst + detailscherm, echter nog niet gereed voor demo
- Stijling
- Logo -> terug naar homepage
- Dyslextie font overlap
- Mobiele aanpassingen
Sprint 7 release
What's Changed
- 📝 fix description in README by @annashamray in #217
- Fixed #557 -- Enabling DigiD if configured by @alextreme in #218
- Feature/339 better sessions by @JostCrow in #202
- Fixed #557 -- Enabling python-saml fork for DigiD by @alextreme in #221
- Ensuring MEDIA_SUBFOLDER is also used for private media by @alextreme in #222
- [#447] Feature/password-change form by @vaszig in #205
- [#582] Feature/update haalcentraal to v2 by @vaszig in #220
- Feature/search feedback message by @annashamray in #215
- Now the product finder should filter more products to possible products. by @JostCrow in #223
- [#571] Fix/show productcontacts when they exist by @vaszig in #226
- [#564] Fix/logo returns user to homepage by @vaszig in #225
- [#559] Update logging (add new features and missing ones) by @vaszig in #219
- Fixed haalcentraal tests on develop by @vaszig in #237
- [#589] Fix/show map's title on a single line by @vaszig in #234
- Fixed displaying the contacts. by @JostCrow in #227
- Run bandit by @JostCrow in #229
- Added the button on mobile by @JostCrow in #233
- [#606] Remove sharing from productpage by @vaszig in #235
- [#617] Order products alphabetically on theme page by @vaszig in #238
- [#635] Fix/pdc admin error in logging by @vaszig in #239
- [#638] Fix/haalcentraal index error by @vaszig in #240
- Feature/invite with digid by @annashamray in #231
- supported subfolder by @JostCrow in #232
- Feature/contact field by @annashamray in #243
- Feature/csp by @JostCrow in #228
- Feature/style fixes by @JostCrow in #241
- 💄 set max-height for ck-editor by @annashamray in #245
- Fixed the digid logo by @JostCrow in #246
- [#621] Improved logging by @vaszig in #230
- [#618] Feature/autofocus in mobile questionnaire by @vaszig in #242
- [#587] Feature/option to highlight themas on anonymous home page by @vaszig in #244
- [#581] Make location non clickable by @vaszig in #247
- ✨ #391 - Allow description to be shown by a file. by @svenvandescheur in #207
- small action list improvements by @annashamray in #250
- Fix/category factory by @vaszig in #251
- Fix/black formatting on develop by @vaszig in #255
- show full name instead of email for action users by @annashamray in #253
- ✨ #481 - Handle situation where the user has been made inact…" by @alextreme in #213
- Feature/register necessary fields by @annashamray in #248
Full Changelog: v0.4...v0.7