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Manual Message Acknowledgement

In general, a received message is automatically acknowledged. This is true whether the message is consumed or results in an error. To manage the acknowledgement manually, the message handlers can disable auto-acknowledgment and manually invoke the acknowledgement callback.

However, you can take charge of the message acknowledgement process and programmatically control the outcome. This would require disabling the auto-acknowledgment and implementing an acknowledgement callback in the Consumer.

Note that Manual acknowledgments do not support application-internal error handling strategies (i.e., retry template, error channel forwarding, etc.). Also, throwing an exception in the message handler will always acknowledge the message in some way regardless if auto-acknowledgment is disabled.

Care should be taken when asynchronously acknowledging messages. Suppose messages aren’t acknowledged promptly. In that case, the message consumption rate will likely stall due to the consumer queue’s configured "Maximum Delivered Unacknowledged Messages per Flow" parameter.

There are three acknowledgment statuses, and the binder will perform the following action.

Status Action
ACCEPT Acknowledge the message
REJECT If autoBindErrorQueue is true, then republish the message onto the error queue and ACCEPT it. Otherwise, if the consumer is in a defined consumer group, invoke REQUEUE.

Otherwise, the consumer is in an anonymous group, and the message will be discarded. Refer to this section for more information on the Failed Consumer Message Error Handling
REQUEUE If the consumer is in a defined consumer group, rebind the consumer flow for redelivery.

Otherwise, a SolaceAcknowledgmentException will be thrown.

Refer to this section for more information on Message Redelivery

To demonstrate all the acknowledgement options in action, we will work with correlationId which shall carry the intent of acknowledgement action. In our code, we will appropriately ACCEPT, REJECT or REQUEUE based on the set correlationId and observe the outcome.


To run this sample, you will need to have installed:

Java 17 or Above

Code Tour

In the ManualAcknowledgement application, review the function code.

As a first step, let us disable the auto-acknowledgement.

AcknowledgmentCallback ackCallback = StaticMessageHeaderAccessor.getAcknowledgmentCallback(v);

Let us extract the correlationId from the message.

String cid = (String) v.getHeaders().get("solace_correlationId");

Based on the set correlationId value, we will choose appropriate acknowledgement action.

if (cid.equals("accept")) {"Accepting the Message");
} else if (cid.equals("requeue")) {"Requeuing the Message");
} else {"Rejecting the Message");

Running the application

Make sure to update the Solace Broker connection details with appropriate host, msgVpn, client username and password in settings.

cd manual-acknowledgement
mvn clean spring-boot:run

This will start the Spring Boot application.

You can see the Spring Boot application has created two queues:

  1. EVENTS_QUEUE-manual/ack/test, a regular queue with two consumer sessions asper our concurrency settings in the spring configuration. Having two sessions would nicely demonstrate the message redelivery on REQUEUE acknowledgement scenarios where the re-queued message will be delivered to the 2nd session.

  2. ERROR_QUEUE-manual/ack/test, an error queue to capture REJECTED messages. These are messages that are explicitly rejected or maxed out the set redelivery limit.


Acknowledgement mode ACCEPT

Publish a message on the topic manual/ack/test either programmatically or using the Publisher tool in the Try Me! utility of the Solace Broker console.

  • Enter some string (say Hello World) in the Message Content
  • Click on the Show Advanced option and enter accept as the value for Correlation Id
  • Click on publish


In the terminal, you can see debug messages hinting at the manual acknowledgement - ACCEPT code block in action.

Received message on TOPIC: manual/ack/test/ACCEPT
Message Correlation Id: accept
Accepting the Message

Acknowledgement mode REJECT

Publish a message on the topic manual/ack/test either programmatically or using the Publisher tool in the Try Me! utility of the Solace Broker console.

  • Enter some string (say Hello World) in the Message Content
  • Click on the Show Advanced option and enter reject as the value for Correlation Id
  • Click on publish


In the terminal, you can see debug messages hinting at the manual acknowledgement - REJECT code block in action.

Received message on TOPIC: manual/ack/test
Message Correlation Id: reject
Rejecting the Message
2022-07-12 12:35:51.649  INFO 85228 --- [pool-3-thread-1] .s.b.u.ErrorQueueRepublishCorrelationKey : Republishing XMLMessage 1 to error queue ERROR_QUEUE-manual/ack/test - attempt 1 of 3

You can verify the rejected message is queued in the `` queue.


Acknowledgement mode REQUEUE

Publish a message on the topic manual/ack/test either programmatically or using the Publisher tool in the Try Me! utility of the Solace Broker console.

  • Enter some string (say Hello World) in the Message Content
  • Click on the Show Advanced option and enter requeue as the value for Correlation Id
  • Click on publish


In the terminal, you can see debug messages hinting at the manual acknowledgement - REQUEUE code block in action.


Note that the message was originally received on session 7ea8f0c1-0597-46c8-8f4d-b8671a78fa56, since the message was acknowledged with REQUEUE - the session rebinds itself (disconnect and reconnect with a delay). At this point, the message gets redelivered to the second session 8cbe5f5f-085d-4327-a965-2cd6b954732e - and again acknowledged with REQUEUE status. Both the sessions has opted for REQUEUE and with queueMaxMsgRedelivery: 2 the message gets discarded.

You can verify this by checking the EVENTS_QUEUE-manual/ack/test stats.


NOTE: If you configure a DMQ for the EVENTS_QUEUE-manual/ack/test and publish the messages with DMQ Eligible turned on, messages won't be discarded after reaching max redelivery limit - rather queued in the DMQ. As an exercise, try for yourself!

🔥 Yes, Now you can manage your acknowledgements manually suiting your business requirements! 🔥