This project is to render templates used for Kubernetes deployment
Renders Deployment, Service, Autoscaler & Ingress from Json
Limits to specific service name, can be used in conjunction with --deploy, --service, --autoscaler & --ingress to narrow output
Renders only deployment
Renders only service
Renders only generic service
Renders only HPA ( AutoScaler )
Renders only Ingress rules
Set namespace to use in template rendering
Set build. This propagates the value of "Deploy_build"
Comma delimited list of hostnames to use for template rendering.
Path to where to write output YAML files.
If not specified files will be written in the current folder
WARNING, If multiple services has Service.#.Ports.External.HTTP set this will generate multiple ingress rules with the same hostname if --limit is not used together with
bamboo_deploy_release="34" bamboo_buildNumber="43d24" CONSUL_APPLICATION="consul_app" cluster_ip="" CONSUL_ENVIRONMENT="consul_env" CONSUL_PASSWORD="consul_pass" CONSUL_URL="http://consul" CONSUL_USERNAME="consul_user" git_repo="http://git.repo" ssh_key="rsa1234" NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY="9876er54321" go run *.go --build_id dfb1337 --namespace=hptest --all, --file ./serviceDefinition.json --output ./out --limit app
bamboo_deploy_release="34" bamboo_buildNumber="43d24" CONSUL_APPLICATION="consul_app" cluster_ip="" CONSUL_ENVIRONMENT="consul_env" CONSUL_PASSWORD="consul_pass" CONSUL_URL="http://consul" CONSUL_USERNAME="consul_user" git_repo="http://git.repo" ssh_key="rsa1234" NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY="9876er54321" ./pstr --build_id dfb1337 --namespace=hptest --all, --file ./serviceDefinition.json --output ./out --limit app