diff --git a/docs/src/basics.md b/docs/src/basics.md
index 944c8f7..eaf60ea 100644
--- a/docs/src/basics.md
+++ b/docs/src/basics.md
@@ -345,6 +345,23 @@ true
 This one can also be done as `reinterpret(reshape, Tri{Int64}, M)`. 
+But what would be smarter in the general case is to do one splat, not many:
+julia> Tri.(eachrow(M)...)
+4-element Vector{Tri{Int64}}:
+ Tri{Int64}(1, 2, 3)
+ Tri{Int64}(4, 5, 6)
+ Tri{Int64}(7, 8, 9)
+ Tri{Int64}(10, 11, 12)
+julia> @btime Base.splat(tuple).(eachcol(m))  setup=(m=rand(4,100));
+  38.041 μs (1411 allocations: 48.33 KiB)
+julia> @btime tuple.(eachrow(m)...)  setup=(m=rand(4,100));
+  824.256 ns (12 allocations: 4.06 KiB)
 ## Arrays of functions
 Besides arrays of numbers (and arrays of arrays) you can also broadcast an array of functions,
diff --git a/src/macro.jl b/src/macro.jl
index 249956c..f87ab09 100644
--- a/src/macro.jl
+++ b/src/macro.jl
@@ -520,13 +520,6 @@ function readycast(ex, target, store::NamedTuple, call::CallInfo)
     # and arrays of functions, using apply:
     @capture(ex, funs_[ijk__](args__) ) &&
         return :( Core._apply($funs[$(ijk...)], $(args...) ) )
-    # splats
-    @capture(ex, fun_(pre__, arg_...)) && containsindexing(arg) && begin
-        @gensym splat ys
-        xs = [gensym(Symbol(:x, i)) for i in 1:length(pre)]
-        push!(store.main, :( local $splat($(xs...), $ys) = $fun($(xs...), $ys...) ))
-        return :( $splat($(pre...), $arg) )
-    end
     # Apart from those, readycast acts only on lone tensors:
     @capture(ex, A_[ijk__]) || return ex
@@ -627,11 +620,13 @@ end
     recursemacro(@reduce sum(i) A[i,j]) -> G[j]
-Walks itself over RHS to look for `@reduce ...`, and replace with result,
+Walks itself over RHS, originally to look for `@reduce ...`, and replace with result,
 pushing calculation steps into store.
-Also a convenient place to tidy all indices, including e.g. `fun(M[:,j],N[j]).same[i']`.
-And to handle naked indices, `i` => `axes(M,1)[i]` but not exactly like that.
+Starts from the outside and works in, which makes it useful for other things:
+* Handle naked indices, `i` => `axes(M,1)[i]` but not exactly like that, stopping before this sees `A[i]`.
+* Catch splats so that `f(M[:,c]...)` can become `f.(eachrow(M)...)` not `(splat(f)).(eachcol(M))`.
+* Tidy all indices, including e.g. `fun(M[:,j], N[j]).same[i']`.
 function recursemacro(ex::Expr, canon, store::NamedTuple, call::CallInfo)
@@ -658,6 +653,36 @@ function recursemacro(ex::Expr, canon, store::NamedTuple, call::CallInfo)
         ex = scalar ? :($name) :  :($name[$(ind...)])
+    # Handle splatted slices -- walking from inside outwards would slice the wrong way.
+    if @capture(ex, fun_(args__)) && any(a -> @capture(a, (A_[ijk__]...)), args) && any(iscolon, ijk)
+        newargs = map(args) do arg
+            if @capture(arg, (A_[ijk__]...)) && any(iscolon, ijk)
+                indpost = filter(!iscolon, ijk)
+                if indexin(indpost, canon) == 1:length(indpost)
+                    Aperm = A
+                    revcode = map(i -> iscolon(i) ? :* : :(:), ijk)
+                else
+                    perm = indexin(canon, ijk)
+                    while isnothing(last(perm)) # trim nothings off end
+                        pop!(perm)
+                    end
+                    indpost = canon[1:length(perm)]
+                    revcode = vcat(map(_ -> :*, perm), fill(:(:), count(iscolon, ijk)))
+                    for (d,i) in enumerate(ijk) # append positions of colons
+                        iscolon(i) && push!(perm, d)
+                    end
+                    Aperm = :( TensorCast.transmute($A, $(Tuple(perm))) )
+                end
+                sliced = :( TensorCast.sliceview($Aperm, ($(revcode...),)) )
+                sym = maybepush(sliced, store)
+                :(($sym[$(indpost...)])...)
+            else
+                recursemacro(arg, canon, store, call)
+            end
+        end
+        return :( $fun($(newargs...)) )
+    end
     # Tidy up indices, A[i,j][k] will be hit on different rounds...
     if @capture(ex, A_[ijk__])
         if !(A isa Symbol)  # this check allows some tests which have c[c] etc.