All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project uses Semantic Versioning.
- Fix problem when a message is send when the master switch is off (#18)
- Updated some plugin dependencies
- Fix problem with secure emails crashing plugin. (#15)
- Email messages : Added support for alternate email override. (#14)
- Email messages : Added support for multiple email recipients (in alternate email). (#13)
- Bug fixe when Pushover device is not provided. (#6)
- IFTTT messages : Added support for IFTTT Webhooks. (#1)
- Pushover messages : Added Url and Url Title properties for Pushover messages. Also, Pushover messages now supports HTML code, as permitted by the Pushover API. (#3)
- Remove all spaces from "device" property of Pushover messages. The spaces were not allowing message to be sent to multiple devices. (#4)
- Pushover messages : Added Device property.
- Caching for main switch : The main switch now keeps its status (ON/OFF) after a Homebridge restart.
- Support for Homebridge Config UI X : Homebridge-messenger is now compatible with Plugin Settings GUI.
- Email messages : Added default value for SMTP port (25).
- Logging : Added more logging when loading plugin.
- Initial release: : Basic support for Pushover messages and emails!