A small and fast Javascript library to make writing test code a little easier.
Sometimes basic things in JS require long functions, so I made a library for them.
Note: This library is more for my use, so all code is subject to change.
Found a(ny) bug(s) in the code? Please submit an issue to let me know.
Visit the Javascript Cheat Sheet and HTML Canvas Reference to learn basic Javascript.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script src="https://rawcdn.githack.com/mcnole25/testing.js/75445d80c731bfcaca5be655cd9e73d1f627fc0c/testing.js"></script></head><body><script>
// Your code here...
print(text) - Creates a new div element and writes it to the document, kind of like Python.
editPrint(line, text) - Replaces an already existing line with new text.
createButton(text, function) - Creates a button with text and a function.
createInput(id) - Creates a new text input. ID parameter is required.
createSlider(id, min, max, step, value) - Creates a new input slider with these parameters. Default value for sliders are 0.
createCanvas(width, height) - Creates a new canvas for the document, like p5.js. Check the canvas reference for more info.
isPrime(num) - Checks if a number is a prime number, and returns a boolean.
printStyle(line, colour, font size, font family) - Edits a text's CSS for better styles.
backgroundColor(colour) - Edits the background's colour.
bigSqrt(value, precision) - Returns a precise square root value string, with required decimal digits minus one. May break at extremely high value/precision.
mouseX / mouseY - Self explanatory. Returns cursor X/Y position.
ctx - Variable for 2D canvas context.
z1, z2, z3, etc. - These are variables used internally by functions. Do NOT use them.