- User would see all three steps for configuring GitHub on one page.
- Links to help documentation on how to register OAuth app and how to get client id and client secret.
- Use is directed back to this page after successfully registered Syndesis on GitHub.
- A success message is displayed when user is taken back to this page. The title of the first step turns gray to let user know this step is completed.
- The success message is displayed for ~10 secs then it would disappear to let user focus on the next step.
- For the second step, user will fill in client ID and client secret. User needs to get this from GitHub page.
- Disable "Connect GitHub" button until both client ID and client secret have been filled in.
- Clicking on "Connect GitHub" will bring users to the OAuth flow where they can grant access for Syndesis.
- A success message is displayed once user has successfully connected to GitHub. Step two turns gray.
- The success message is displayed for ~10 secs than it would disappear to let user focus on the next step.
- Users would be able to see their personal account as the default connected account.
- GitHub Settings page for user to update client id and client secret, as well as changing connected account. User can only connect to one account at a time.
- User fills the form to update GitHub client id and client secret.
- Users click on "Save and Connect GitHub" to go through the OAuth flow for GitHub again.