This project offers a customizable feedback solution that can be easily integrated into any other application via a redirect URL. It consists of an intuitive user interface (front-end) and an HTTP server (back-end) that handles webhooks to collect meeting and user data.
Compatible with Bigbluebutton >= 3.0
Package coming soon
The front-end is responsible for the entire user interface. It allows users to interact with the feedback system in a user-friendly and efficient manner.
Additional feedback options can be added or existing options can be modified via the feedbackData.json file. This file is mapped to render the feedback options and steps.
The back-end is an HTTP server that listens for webhooks and collects data on meetings and users. This data is processed and stored in the server's database.
At the end of the feedback process, the HTTP server receives the feedback data and data extracted from the URL, which contains meetingId and userId, and will be used to find their corresponding records in the server's database.
docker-compose up
Changes the docker-compose.yml to fit your use caser:
FEEDBACK_URL (optional)
Where to submit the feedback object. With no URL results will be exclusivelly logged
SHARED_SECRET Your server's shared secret used to register web hooks
Domain of your server without the /bigbluebutton/
REDIRECT_URL (optional)
Where to redirect user after the feedback form. Can also be set by `userdata-feedbackredirecturl` or `metadata_feedbackredirecturl`
default: 10000
default: info
valid values: error, debug, info, verbose
default: true
default: 3009
After spinning up the back-end server you'll need to drop this nginx file on your server:
location /feedback {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3009/feedback;
Configure bbb-web
to redirect logged out users to the custom feedback application after they leave the meeting:
The correct value should be https://YOUR_BBB_HOST/feedback?userId=%%USERID%%&meetingId=%%MEETINGID%%
- Edit
- Or create your meeting with
- Or send it via
Consult the example JSON feedback form for more details:
body-parser: ^1.20.2 express: ^4.19.2 node-fetch: ^3.3.2 redis: ^4.7.0 request: ^2.88.2
react: ^18.3.1 react-dom: ^18.3.1 react-router-dom: ^6.25.1 react-icons: ^5.2.1 react-intl: ^6.6.8 react-i18next: ^14.1.3 i18next: ^23.12.2 styled-components: ^6.1.12 ua-parser-js: ^1.0.38
This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.