Assorted list of stuff on the web I found that looks interesting, so that I don’t forget about it. If I have had time to parse it, it also has some minor commentary as to why I found it interesting.
Anything of interest on the subject of my favourite editor, Emacs.
User configurations with stuff I want to copy.
- redguardtoo’ emacs.d: “A fast and robust Emacs setup”
- skeeto’s .emacs.d: “My Personal Emacs Configuration”
- caisah’s “A list of people with nice emacs config files”
- weblorg: “A Static HTML Generator entirely written in Emacs-Lisp”. Not actually using it at present, but it does seem to make the whole authoring process much easier.
- Actually Using Emacs Rmail: blog post on how to setup rmail.
- F* mode: interesting use of SVG icons. See also
- emacs-piper: “Wrapper around existing Emacs functionality that creates an interactive user interface to dealing with unstructured textual data similar with how we transform data through pipes in the shell.”
- org-transclusion: “Transclusion is the ability to include content from one file into another by reference.”
Blogs and other material from Emacs users.
- Two Wrongs: blog created using Emacs tools with lots of posts on emacs.
- Riot Girls: Sci-fi story from BBC. Girls from the future which appear to solve all our problems.