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File metadata and controls

129 lines (89 loc) · 3.17 KB


Generate Signed URLs for Google Cloud Storage in Elixir.


  1. Add guss to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
    {:guss, "~> 0.1.0"}
  1. If you're using Goth for authentication, be sure to configure your credentials:
config :goth,
  json: {:system, "GCP_CREDENTIALS_JSON"}


Documentation can be found at


First, create a new resource with your URL components:

iex(1)> url ="downloads", "movie.mp4", content_type: "video/mp4")
%Guss.Resource{bucket: "downloads", objectname: "movie.mp4"...}

Then, sign the url:

iex(2)> Guss.sign(url)
{:ok, ""}


By default, sign/1 will use the default credentials stored in the Goth config to generate the signature.

To specify an account other than the default, update the :account on the resource:

Guss.sign(%{url | account: ""})

It is also possible to use Guss without Goth.

String Components


The default :expires value is 1 hour. You can use Guss.expires_in/1 to set a custom future timestamp:

iex(4)> url ="downloads", "movie.mp4", expires: Guss.expires_in({1, :day}))
  account: :default,
  base_url: "",
  bucket: "downloads",
  content_md5: nil,
  content_type: nil,
  expires: 1543526299,
  extensions: [],
  http_verb: :get,
  objectname: "movie.mp4"

Content Type

Setting the content type in the signature requires the Content-Type header to be set on upload:

Guss.put("downloads", "movie.mp4", content_type: "video/mp4")

Custom Extension Headers

Guss can incorporate custom extension headers into the URL signature.

For instance, to set the canned ACL policy for the object during upload:

Guss.put("bucket", "objectname", acl: :public_read)

Any x-goog- header can be included in the options list...

Guss.put("bucket", "objectname", content_length_range: "0,256")

...including x-goog-meta- headers:

Guss.put("bucket", "objectname", meta: [project: [name: "My Project"]])

Please Note: All headers that appear within the signature MUST also appear in the request to the Signed URL, or the request will be rejected.

Usage without Goth

If you store your authentication data somewhere other than Goth, you can supply your own config module when signing URLs.

First, create a module that can return values for "client_email" and "private_key":

defmodule MyGussConfig do
  def get(account \\ :default, key)
  def get(account, "client_email"), do: fetch_email(account)
  def get(account, "private_key"), do: fetch_private_key(account)

Then, create a resource and sign it using your config module:

|>"objectname", account: "")
|> Guss.sign(config_module: MyGussConfig)