diff --git a/kumascript/macros/jsOverrides.ejs b/kumascript/macros/jsOverrides.ejs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fb319af41d8..000000000000
--- a/kumascript/macros/jsOverrides.ejs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
- * Given an object and a list of properties or
- * methods implemented elsewhere, output a list of the properties or methods
- * inherited from that object.
- *
- * TODO: make it work with an inheritance chain, e.g., if you want inherited
- * properties or methods from both Function and Object, where Function itself
- * overrides methods from Object. We don't want to see that it inherits a
- * "valueOf" method from Function and again on Object.
- *
- * @param the object to inherit from
- * @param "properties" or "methods"
- * @param a list of properties or methods overridden by this object
- */
-// Throw a MacroDeprecatedError flaw
-// Condition for removal: no more use in translated-content (May 2022: 84 occurrences)
-// 0 occurrences left in en-US
-var prototypes = {
- "Array": {
- methods: [
- "pop", "push", "reverse", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift", "concat",
- "join", "slice", "toSource", "toString", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf",
- "filter", "forEach", "every", "map", "some", "reduce", "reduceRight"
- ],
- properties: ["constructor", "index", "input", "length"]
- },
- "Boolean": { methods: ["toSource", "toString", "valueOf"], properties: ["constructor"] },
- "Date": {
- methods: [
- "getDate", "getDay", "getFullYear", "getHours", "getMilliseconds",
- "getMinutes", "getMonth", "getSeconds", "getTime", "getTimezoneOffset",
- "getUTCDate", "getUTCDay", "getUTCFullYear", "getUTCHours",
- "getUTCMilliseconds", "getUTCMinutes", "getUTCMonth", "getUTCSeconds",
- "getYear", "setDate", "setFullYear", "setHours", "setMilliseconds",
- "setMinutes", "setMonth", "setSeconds", "setTime", "setUTCDate",
- "setUTCFullYear", "setUTCHours", "setUTCMilliseconds", "setUTCMinutes",
- "setUTCMonth", "setUTCSeconds", "setYear", "toDateString", "toGMTString",
- "toLocaleDateString", "toLocaleFormat", "toLocaleString",
- "toLocaleTimeString", "toSource", "toString", "toTimeString",
- "toUTCString", "valueOf"
- ],
- properties: ["constructor"]
- },
- "Error": { methods: ["toSource", "toString"], properties: ["constructor", "message", "name", "description", "number", "fileName", "lineNumber", "stack"] },
- "EvalError": { methods: ["toSource", "toString"], properties: ["constructor", "name"] },
- "Function": { methods: ["apply", "call", "toSource", "toString"], properties: ["arity", "caller", "constructor", "length", "name"] },
- "Number": {
- methods: ["toExponential", "toFixed", "toLocaleString", "toPrecision", "toSource", "toString", "valueOf"],
- properties: ["constructor"]
- },
- "Object": {
- methods: [
- "__defineGetter__", "__defineSetter__", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf",
- "__lookupGetter__", "__lookupSetter__", "__noSuchMethod__",
- "propertyIsEnumerable", "toSource", "toLocaleString", "toString",
- "unwatch", "valueOf", "watch"
- ],
- properties: ["constructor", "__parent__", "__proto__"]
- },
- "RangeError": { methods: ["toSource", "toString" ], properties: ["constructor", "name"] },
- "ReferenceError": { methods: ["toSource", "toString"], properties: ["constructor", "name"] },
- "RegExp": { methods: ["exec", "test", "toSource", "toString" ], properties: ["constructor", "global", "ignoreCase", "lastIndex", "multiline", "source"] },
- "String": {
- methods: [
- "charAt", "charCodeAt", "concat", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf",
- "localeCompare", "match", "quote", "replace", "search", "slice", "split",
- "substr", "substring", "toLocaleLowerCase", "toLocaleUpperCase",
- "toLowerCase", "toSource", "toString", "toUpperCase", "trim", "trimLeft",
- "trimRight", "valueOf", "anchor", "big", "blink", "bold", "fixed",
- "fontcolor", "fontsize", "italics", "link", "small", "strike", "sub", "sup"
- ],
- properties: ["constructor", "length"]
- },
- "SyntaxError": { methods: ["toSource", "toString"], properties: ["constructor", "name"] },
- "TypeError": { methods: [ "toSource", "toString"], properties: ["constructor", "name"] },
- "URIError": { methods: ["toSource", "toString"], properties: ["constructor", "name"] }
-var prefix;
-switch(env.locale) {
- case "fr":
- prefix = '/fr/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Objets_globaux/';
- break;
- default:
- prefix = '/' + env.locale + '/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/';
- break;
-var pageuri = prefix + $0;
-var captionText = `${$1}`.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + `${$1}`.slice(1).toLowerCase();
-var titleString = "";
-switch(env.locale) {
- case "fr":
- if (captionText === "Properties") { captionText = "Propriétés"; }
- if (captionText === "Methods") { captionText = "Méthodes"; }
- titleString = captionText + ' héritées de
' + $0 + '
- break;
- case "ja":
- if (captionText === "Properties") { captionText = "プロパティ"; }
- if (captionText === "Methods") { captionText = "メソッド"; }
- titleString = '
' + $0 + '
から継承される' + captionText;
- break;
- case "ko":
- if (captionText === "Properties") { captionText = "속성"; }
- if (captionText === "Methods") { captionText = "메서드"; }
- titleString = '
' + $0 + '
로부터 상속됨' + captionText;
- break;
- case "ru":
- if (captionText === "Properties") { captionText = "Свойства"; }
- if (captionText === "Methods") { captionText = "Методы"; }
- titleString = captionText + ', унаследованные из
' + $0 + '
- break;
- default:
- titleString = captionText + ' inherited from
' + $0 + '
- break;
-var desiredprototype = prototypes[$0][`${$1}`.toLowerCase()];
-var overrides = arguments.slice(2);
-for (var i = 0; i < overrides.length; i++) {
- var override = overrides[i];
- var index = desiredprototype.indexOf(override);
- if (index != (-1)) {
- desiredprototype.splice(index, 1);
- }
-var htmlstring = '';
-var parts = [];
-for (var i = 0; i < desiredprototype.length; i++) {
- var p = desiredprototype[i];
- p = p.replace(/__/g, '');
- var pimproper = p.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p.slice(1).toLowerCase();
- pageuri = prefix + $0 + '/' + pimproper;
- parts.push('
' + p + '
-htmlstring += parts.join(', ');
<%- titleString %>
<%- htmlstring %>