- fix some issues into the Docker image of lizmap
- fixed the SQL query produced from the form filtering
- New
for the cache generation to see how many tiles might be generated
- Improve the table in the right's management panel when having a dozen of groups
- Minify legacy JS files to save 400Ko in best case. This reduces first page load
- Add tolerance for clicking on mobile to get the popup
- Do not build the attribute table when refreshing attribute table
- Fix the download of files (layer export, PDF) depending on the web-browser (and its version)
- Selected theme can be selected again without selecting another one before
- The style was not updated when the layer has a shortname and was included in a QGIS theme
- CLI tool about cache : fix an issue about the
parameter out of the tile matrix limit - Provide the dataviz button in the left menu only there is at least one non filtered dataviz
- Children popups were not displayed when layer had shortname
- Javascript error when clicking on an atlas link when no feature ID was found
- Fix infinite HTTP loop when the user hasn't any access to the default project
- Fix the attribute table order defined in QGIS desktop
- Fix the "zoom to layer" button when the layer is in EPSG:4326 (Funded by Geocobet)
- When a layer has a shortname, fix one issue about dataviz & relations and fix the children popup wasn't displayed
- Dataviz & relations - Fix possible bug when layer has a shortname
- Update Jelix to version 1.6.38-pre
- Update PHP CS Fixer to 3.8.0
- Update the code to support PHP 8.1
- Update from Transifex about translated strings
- Update end-to-end Cypress tests about continuous integration
- Use the new command line
docker compose
- Restore the previous behavior from Lizmap 3.4 about the overview map Use the new parameter in the Lizmap QGIS plugin to have a dynamic scale
- Allow a project thumbnail with capital letters in the extension
- Open a PDF in a new tab when possible on Firefox instead of the internal viewer
- Fix about dataviz panel : plot order and custom plot layout, contribution from @tethysgeco
- Fix some exports issues when there is a selection
- Fix an issue about editing capabilities when using a geometry involved in a QGIS expression
- Fix about some WFS requests about vector data
- Fix about QGIS 3.22 when a group has a shortname
- Fix about QGIS 3.22 with the "Show feature count"
- Fix about geometries in WKT when it's multipart
- Fix the
- Update from Transifex about translated strings
- Upgrade our coding standards by fixing a lot of warnings from PHPStan
- Update of Jelix 1.6
- Improve the testing infrastructure
- Upgrade to Cypress 9.5.3
- Upgrade PHPStan
- Improve the image dialog upload size on tiny screens
- Review the error message about the HTTP code from QGIS Server
- Fix editing feature having an ID equal to 0
- Fix when an attribute name is starting with a capital name
- Do not show custom labels when printing from a popup about
- Fix: HTTP Status Messages for lizmap service responses
- Check version attribute in WxS request in XML to return error
- Fix: GetProj4 request to get proj4 CRS definition from QGIS project
- Speed up GetProjectConfig request by using cache for QGIS Server plugins data
- Fix typo in English sentences
- Do not send private user group to QGIS Server for access control
- Fix regression in form - empty value is added to required menu list field
- Check Version parameters in WxS request to return error
- Fix the GetProjectConfig mime-type as application/json
- New method in
to get user public groups ID - Convert QGis XML Option value based on type attribute
- Add a revision parameter on assets url for cache
- Upgrade jelix to 1.6.36
- e2e: Add Lizmap Service requests tests
- e2e: Update Cypress to 9.5.0
- A new panel in the administration interface can display QGIS Server information such version and plugins.
- This information can be retrieved as well in the QGIS Desktop plugin if the administrator login is provided
- Fix the value relation widget with multiple text values on feature modification
- Fix a regression in the ValueMap widget config parsing
- Fix the link of selected features between a parent and a child in the attribute table
- Fix a warning into QgisProject with expanded-group-node
- Update IGN URL searching address, the old one will no longer be usable as of February 1, 2022
- Fix snapping missing when editing existing feature
- Fix geom can be created on existing feature without geometry
- Fix some account management issues with some other authentication modules
- Fix the backup script about third-party modules such as MapBuilder and AltiProfil
- Fix a regression during the init of relation references into forms
- Fix a regression during the loading of embedded projects
- Fix the landing page using modern CSS - Remove JS resizing project thumbnails and use CSS Grid
- Fix the mime type for SVG files. It should be
- Fix the layer export when :
- a selection or a filter is active
- the layer is not spatial
- the layer has parenthesis inside its name
- Update Lizmap locales about missing languages in the package like Romanian and others
- User experience
- Reverse geometry button: when editing a line or polygon feature, you can reverse vertices order.
- Display message when a PDF print starts
- Translation
- Add Romanian localization PlotLy file for the dataviz panel (contribution from @ygorigor)
- Data provider
- Allow PostgreSQL geography type (contribution from @flobz)
- Allow to use the new Lizmap "form" from the QGIS Desktop plugin
- Javascript
- Allow use of JS modules (ES6) with docks, by indicating the
attribute of<script>
- Allow use of JS modules (ES6) with docks, by indicating the
- Editing
- New feature
Filter data with polygon
allowing to filter the layers data spatially by testing the intersection of the features against a chosen polygon layer. The filtering polygons are selected based on a field containing a list of user groups. - Enhanced the support of image upload into feature forms: an image editor allows you to crop or to rotate a selected image, and the image is resized if its width or height is higher than a length you can specify into the Lizmap configuration.
- New feature
- Speed up map page loading.
- Overview map now zoom in/out with main map. Replace OpenLayers 2 overview map by the OpenLayers 6 one.
- Allow new OpenLayers Map to be used on top of OL2 one
- Update OpenLayers to 6.6.1
- Update jQuery-ui to 1.12.1
- Form filter: prepare the possibility to select more than one items in the comboboxes.
- CSS: make background header easier to override with custom CSS
- Action popup module has been improved with new options: confirm property, display a message if configured, raise a JS event with the returned result.
- Update URL for IGN basemap
- External WMS layers : respect the image format of the source WMS layer. The format specified in the Lizmap configuration is not used.
- Print
- If the map has external base layers such as OpenStreetMap, and is then displayed in Pseudo Mercator (EPSG:3857), the exported map is now printed in the QGIS project projection (e.g. EPSG:2154) to avoid wrong scale. You can now use your ruler in the printed paper and trust your measure.
- Editing
- In case of more than one editable layers, when there is a filter by login (or by polygon) activated, some of the popup items could miss the pencil button to open the editing form. Corrected by requesting the editable features for all the editable layers of the displayed popup items, and not only the first.
- When using a text field with a
value relation
widget, configured withallow multiple
on, Lizmap could not always set the values for the generated checkboxes when modifying an existing feature. We fix this bug by removing the additionnal double-quotes that QGIS sometimes adds in the array of values (ex:{"one_value", "second_value"}
) - Lizmap user and groups was not forwarded to the QGIS Server backend. It's now possible to use
in a QGIS Expression in an editing form.
- Selection: improve the export tool to allow bigger selections
- use the selection token instead of a list of feature identifiers
- internally use POST instead of GET requests to query data from QGIS Server
- Before the button export to ODS was always visible. The button is now show only if available
is raised when all children popups have been displayedactionResultReceived
is raised when a popup action result is returned
- Major refactoring of Lizmap source code done by @alagroy-42
- Keep lizmapProxy and lizmapOGCRequest classes for modules compatibility
- Upgrade Jelix to 1.6.35
- Improve testings using Docker, Cypress, PHPUnit etc
- Release candidate
- Release candidate
- Release candidate
- Release candidate