From 42d59bd2a7e3e7f855e98e23ca122815090fc9da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tmsMedcom <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 15:59:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/10] Added timestamp for periode of leave updated description added a description of timestamps
MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension.fsh: created the file and added content
MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh: added a reference to the MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension, the rule medcom-hospitalNotification-6 and udpated examples
--- | 2 ++
ig.ini | 2 +-
.../MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh | 12 ++++++++
...spitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension.fsh | 9 ++++++ | 26 +++++++++++++++++
input/pagecontent/ | 29 ++++++-------------
sushi-config.yaml | 2 +-
7 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension.fsh
diff --git a/ b/
index 38efcb4..4f981f0 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ fi
echo "$txoption"
+export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="$JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
if test -f "$publisher"; then
java -jar $publisher -ig . $txoption $*
diff --git a/ig.ini b/ig.ini
index bb6fb57..ed934d5 100644
--- a/ig.ini
+++ b/ig.ini
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
ig = fsh-generated/resources/
-template = medcom.fhir.template#dev
\ No newline at end of file
+template =
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh
index 92999dc..642d104 100644
--- a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh
+++ b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Description: "Encounter derivation that handles hospital notification when a pat
* period 1.. MS
* period ^definition = "The start and end time of the encounter. For notification of hospitalization an start interval is always known as the notification of adminssion is trigged by the arrival of a patient. There a period will always exist as the notification of admission always starts the communication flow. Please that the encounter.period values always referes to the encounter start and end. The period of the leave of absence is not part of the notification of hospitalization FHIR resource ."
* period.start 1.. MS
+* period.end MS
* period.start ^definition = "Encounter Starting time. \r\nFor the notificationOfHospitalization a starting time is the timestamp that is registered by the hospital at patient physical arrival at the ward or emergency department."
* length ..0
* reasonCode ..0
@@ -34,6 +35,14 @@ Description: "Encounter derivation that handles hospital notification when a pat
* location ..0
* serviceProvider 1.. MS
* partOf ..0
+* extension contains medcom-hospitalnotifiation-leave-period-extension named leavePeriod 0..1 MS SU
+* obeys medcom-hospitalNotification-6
+Invariant: medcom-hospitalNotification-6
+Description: "When the status = 'onleave', the timestamp for beginning of a leave (extension.valuePeriod.start) shall be present."
+Severity: #error
+Expression: "where(status = 'onleave').extension.value.start.exists() or status != 'onleave'"
// All use cases associated with inpatient hospitalization
Instance: a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8
@@ -79,6 +88,7 @@ Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication inpatient Encounter on leave with
* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:a8e9917e-4081-5f99-905c-54246ae72867"
* period.start = 2022-09-01T12:00:05Z
+* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.start = 2022-09-04T14:00:30Z
* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
Instance: e07c4bd4-cfad-4c4d-9c4b-e4ba3424a65b
@@ -90,6 +100,8 @@ Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication inpatient Encounter End leave with
* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:a8e9917e-4081-5f99-905c-54246ae72867"
* period.start = 2022-09-01T12:00:05Z
+* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.start = 2022-09-04T14:00:30Z
+* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.end = 2022-09-05T15:00:10Z
* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
Instance: f405ba2d-467a-4e92-9acc-9dc2a629760f
diff --git a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension.fsh b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension.fsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f48953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension.fsh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Extension: MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension
+Id: medcom-hospitalnotifiation-leave-period-extension
+Title: "MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension"
+Description: "Includes timestamps for start and end of leave of a hospitalization."
+* valuePeriod MS
+* valuePeriod.start 1.. MS
+* valuePeriod.start ^short = "Describes the beginning of a period of leave."
+* valuePeriod.end MS
+* valuePeriod.end ^short = "Describes the end of a period of leave."
diff --git a/input/pagecontent/ b/input/pagecontent/
index 3b641fe..31dae91 100644
--- a/input/pagecontent/
+++ b/input/pagecontent/
@@ -19,3 +19,29 @@ The sender of a HospitalNotification (MessageHeader.sender) and the serviceProvi
[An example of different serviceProvider and sender organisation can be found here]( Other examples will have the same organisation as serviceProvider and sender.
+### Timestamps
+The Encounter profile contains four timestamps each representing a different time during a hospitalisation. Common for the four timestamps is that they represent the time of the event, e.g. the patient's physical attendance at the hospital (Encounter.period.start) or the patient leaves the hospital for to go on leave (Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start).
+|FHIR-element|Description|Event|See example [MISSING LINKS]|
+|-----|------|------| ------|
+|Encounter.period.start|Start hospital stay, i.e. the actual beginning of the meeting between the health care professional and patient|Patient is physical attendant at the hospital|HospitalNotification Encounter - STIN|
+|Encounter.period.end|End hospital stay, i.e. the actual end of the meeting between the health care professional and patient|Patient leaves the hospital after discharge or when a patient dies (on arrival or during hospital stay)| HospitalNotification Encounter - SLHJ and HospitalNotification Encounter - MORS|
+|Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start|Patient starts leave, i.e. the actual beginning of a leave-period, when the patient leaves the hospital|Patient leaves the hospital for to go on leave.|HospitalNotification Encounter - STOR|
+|Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.end|Patient ends leave, i.e. the actual end of a leave-period, when the patient returns to the hospital|Patient is physical attendant at the hospital after a period of leave|HospitalNotification Encounter - SLOR|
+#### Start and end of hospital stay
+As described above, the timestamp of start and end of hospital stay are included in the element Encounter.period.start and Encounter.period.end, respectively.
+Encounter.period.start shall always be present, despite it is not a start hospital stay HospitalNotification being sent.
+In cases where a patient is transferred to a hospital in the same region or in another region, or a hospitalisation changes from 'acute ambulant' to 'inpatient', a new start hospital stay HospitalNotification shall be sent. These three cases shall be given a new Encounter.period.start representing the time of the cahnge in the hospitalisation. All cases are described in the [Clinical guidelines for application](
+#### Leave
+To express the timestamps for a period of leave, the MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension shall be used.
+When a patient goes on leave the Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start shall be used, and when the patient returns from leave both Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start and Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.end shall be present.
+The cardinality of MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension is 0..1 meaning that only one period of leave can be included in a HospitalNotification to avoid confusion about which period of leave is the current. In case a patient goes on leave several times during the same hospitalisation, the period shall be described in separate HospitalNotifications, that are being sent when each period of leave occurs.
+#### Death
+When a patient dies either on arrival or during hospital stay, the timestamp Encounter.period.end represents the time the encounter ended i.e the time of death. The Encounter.period.start shall also be populated. If a patient dies either on arrival Encounter.period.start shall be equal to Encounter.period.end and if the dies during hospital stay Encounter.period.start shall represent the acutal beginning of the hospital stay. A HospitalNotification can only be interpreted as describing a deceased patient when the element Patient.deaceased = 'true'.
diff --git a/input/pagecontent/ b/input/pagecontent/
index f01476b..1494aa6 100644
--- a/input/pagecontent/
+++ b/input/pagecontent/
@@ -47,26 +47,15 @@ The [MedComMessagingOrganization](
#### Timestamps
-The HospitalNotification message contains five timestamps that representes at different times during the patient's hospital stay and message delivery:
-* Encounter.period.start
-* Encounter.period.end
-* Bundle.timestamp
-* Provenance.occuredDateTime[x]
-* Provenance.recorded.
-**Admitting a patient**:
-When the patient arrives at a hospital, the hospital staff admits the patient and the first timestamp, **Encounter.period.start**, is registered. Please notice that the Encounter.period.start does not change during the citizen's hospital stay.
-Immediately after the hospital staff admits the patient to the hospital, the HospitalNotification for admission is generated and **Bundle.timestamp** is registered. When the HospitalNotification is sent to the municipality the **Provenance.occuredDateTime[x]** and **Provenance.recorded** timestamps are registered. Note that the Provenance.occuredDateTime[x] is a human redable, where Provenance.recorded is a system readable timestamp.
-The most precise timestamp for the admission is **Encounter.period.start**.
-**Discharge a patient**:
-When the patient is ready to be discharged from the hospital, the hospital staff completes the discharge form and the **Encounter.period.end** is registered. Immediately after the hospital staff completed the discharge form, a HospitalNotification for discharge is generated and the **Bundle.timestamp** is registered. When the discharge HospitalNotification is sent the municipality the **Provenance.occuredDateTime[x]** and **Provenance.recorded** timestamps are registered.
-The most precise timestamp for the discharge will be **Encounter.period.end**.
-**Periods of leave**:
-When a patient is onleave or ends onleave a HospitalNotification message is sent, but no timestamp will be registered in the Encounter resource. Immediately after onleave or ends onleave is registered by the hospital staff, a HospitalNotification message is generated and the **Bundle.timestamp** is registered. When the onleave or end onleave HospitalNotification message is sent to the municipality the **Provenance.occuredDateTime[x]** and **Provenance.recorded** timestamps are registered.
-The most precise timestamp for onleave or end onleave is **Provenance.occuredDateTime[x]**. This timestamp has the same data structure as in the timestamp for admitting and discharging a patient, why it is recommended over the Bundle.timestamp and Provenance.recorded.
+HospitalNotification messages are generated and sent based on real-time registration in the EPR/PAS system. So, in case the EPR allows future registrations of planned contacts or a period of leave, the HospitalNotifications shall only be triggered when the event occurs, i.e. at the patient's physical attendance, as described in the [Clinical guidelines for application](
+The HospitalNotification message contains several timestamps. These timestamps are present in the profiles MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter, MedComHospitalNotificationMessage and MedComMessagingProvenance and have different purposes:
+* Encounter-timestamps represent the time of an event. [The usage of these timestamps are more thoroughly described here.](
+* Bundle.timestamp represents the time bundle is generated.
+* Provenance.occuredDateTime[x] represents the time the HospitalNotification is sent, in a human-readable time
+* Provenance.recorded represents the time the HospitalNotification is sent, in a machine-readable time
#### IDs
diff --git a/sushi-config.yaml b/sushi-config.yaml
index 6936bc9..0750950 100644
--- a/sushi-config.yaml
+++ b/sushi-config.yaml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ canonical:
name: MedComHospitalNotification
title: "DK MedCom HospitalNotification"
description: The DK MedCom HospitalNotification IG
-status: active
+status: draft
version: "2.0.0"
fhirVersion: 4.0.1
copyrightYear: 2021+
From b9b422dfc3e7758ce28e489dc2a9119cdcb856c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tmsMedcom <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 16:09:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/10] Update sushi-config.yaml
sushi-config.yaml | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sushi-config.yaml b/sushi-config.yaml
index 0750950..6266c6f 100644
--- a/sushi-config.yaml
+++ b/sushi-config.yaml
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ publisher:
jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#DK "Denmark"
dependencies: 2.0.0
- 2.0.0
- 2.0.0
+ current #2.0.0
+ current #2.0.0
Table of Contents: toc.html
From 5dd8f063859ec0e711f40ab69f351875761a40ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tmsMedcom <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 16:13:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/10] Update ig.ini
ig.ini | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ig.ini b/ig.ini
index ed934d5..bfc8496 100644
--- a/ig.ini
+++ b/ig.ini
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
ig = fsh-generated/resources/
-template =
\ No newline at end of file
+template = fhir.base.template #
\ No newline at end of file
From 8963968df77bd2ddec1400757d32be39d5be6755 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tmsMedcom <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 16:16:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/10] Update ig.ini
ig.ini | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ig.ini b/ig.ini
index bfc8496..b652232 100644
--- a/ig.ini
+++ b/ig.ini
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
ig = fsh-generated/resources/
-template = fhir.base.template #
\ No newline at end of file
+template = fhir.base.template#current
\ No newline at end of file
From 3dcdedc43e300b9ab05c924fce4448c06cdc5d72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mbumedcom <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 08:24:00 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/10] ' added
input/pagecontent/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/input/pagecontent/ b/input/pagecontent/
index 1494aa6..a94124b 100644
--- a/input/pagecontent/
+++ b/input/pagecontent/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ The HospitalNotification message contains several timestamps. These timestamps a
* Provenance.recorded represents the time the HospitalNotification is sent, in a machine-readable time
-#### IDs
+#### ID's
All profiles shall have a global unique id by using an UUID. [Read more about the use of ids here](
From 00df31c51538257861fcb855eb8fe89d5ba0e6aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tmsMedcom <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 14:37:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/10] Update
Added description after internal review
input/pagecontent/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/input/pagecontent/ b/input/pagecontent/
index a94124b..d34ca3e 100644
--- a/input/pagecontent/
+++ b/input/pagecontent/
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ HospitalNotification messages are generated and sent based on real-time registra
The HospitalNotification message contains several timestamps. These timestamps are present in the profiles MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter, MedComHospitalNotificationMessage and MedComMessagingProvenance and have different purposes:
-* Encounter-timestamps represent the time of an event. [The usage of these timestamps are more thoroughly described here.](
+* Encounter-timestamps represent the time of an event. For receiving systems, this is the timestamps that must be displayed for the end user in the HospitalNotification as ‘date and time of start/end for the event’. [The usage of these timestamps is more thoroughly described here.](
* Bundle.timestamp represents the time bundle is generated.
* Provenance.occuredDateTime[x] represents the time the HospitalNotification is sent, in a human-readable time
* Provenance.recorded represents the time the HospitalNotification is sent, in a machine-readable time
From 62e23cf905419d3984482267e988f697d6efefd2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tmsMedcom <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 14:44:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/10] Update
Updated after internal review
--- | 10 +++++-----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/input/pagecontent/ b/input/pagecontent/
index 31dae91..12c3e52 100644
--- a/input/pagecontent/
+++ b/input/pagecontent/
@@ -21,20 +21,20 @@ The sender of a HospitalNotification (MessageHeader.sender) and the serviceProvi
### Timestamps
-The Encounter profile contains four timestamps each representing a different time during a hospitalisation. Common for the four timestamps is that they represent the time of the event, e.g. the patient's physical attendance at the hospital (Encounter.period.start) or the patient leaves the hospital for to go on leave (Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start).
+The Encounter profile contains four timestamps each representing a different time during a hospitalisation. Common for the four timestamps is that they represent the time of the event, e.g. the patient's physical attendance at the hospital (Encounter.period.start) or a patient going on leave from the hospital (Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start).
|FHIR-element|Description|Event|See example [MISSING LINKS]|
|-----|------|------| ------|
-|Encounter.period.start|Start hospital stay, i.e. the actual beginning of the meeting between the health care professional and patient|Patient is physical attendant at the hospital|HospitalNotification Encounter - STIN|
+|Encounter.period.start|Start hospital stay, i.e. the actual beginning of the meeting between the health care professional and patient|Patient is physical attendant at the hospital|HospitalNotification Encounter - STIN and HospitalNotification Encounter - STAA|
|Encounter.period.end|End hospital stay, i.e. the actual end of the meeting between the health care professional and patient|Patient leaves the hospital after discharge or when a patient dies (on arrival or during hospital stay)| HospitalNotification Encounter - SLHJ and HospitalNotification Encounter - MORS|
-|Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start|Patient starts leave, i.e. the actual beginning of a leave-period, when the patient leaves the hospital|Patient leaves the hospital for to go on leave.|HospitalNotification Encounter - STOR|
+|Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start|Patient starts leave, i.e. the actual beginning of a leave-period, when the patient leaves the hospital|Patient leaves the hospital to go on leave.|HospitalNotification Encounter - STOR|
|Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.end|Patient ends leave, i.e. the actual end of a leave-period, when the patient returns to the hospital|Patient is physical attendant at the hospital after a period of leave|HospitalNotification Encounter - SLOR|
#### Start and end of hospital stay
As described above, the timestamp of start and end of hospital stay are included in the element Encounter.period.start and Encounter.period.end, respectively.
Encounter.period.start shall always be present, despite it is not a start hospital stay HospitalNotification being sent.
-In cases where a patient is transferred to a hospital in the same region or in another region, or a hospitalisation changes from 'acute ambulant' to 'inpatient', a new start hospital stay HospitalNotification shall be sent. These three cases shall be given a new Encounter.period.start representing the time of the cahnge in the hospitalisation. All cases are described in the [Clinical guidelines for application](
+In cases where a patient is transferred to a hospital in the same region or in another region, or a hospitalisation changes from 'acute ambulant' to 'inpatient', a new start hospital stay HospitalNotification shall be sent. These three cases shall result in a new instance of the Encounter profile and be given a new Encounter.period.start representing the time of the change in the hospitalisation. All cases are described in the [Clinical guidelines for application](
#### Leave
To express the timestamps for a period of leave, the MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension shall be used.
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ When a patient goes on leave the Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start shall be
The cardinality of MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension is 0..1 meaning that only one period of leave can be included in a HospitalNotification to avoid confusion about which period of leave is the current. In case a patient goes on leave several times during the same hospitalisation, the period shall be described in separate HospitalNotifications, that are being sent when each period of leave occurs.
#### Death
-When a patient dies either on arrival or during hospital stay, the timestamp Encounter.period.end represents the time the encounter ended i.e the time of death. The Encounter.period.start shall also be populated. If a patient dies either on arrival Encounter.period.start shall be equal to Encounter.period.end and if the dies during hospital stay Encounter.period.start shall represent the acutal beginning of the hospital stay. A HospitalNotification can only be interpreted as describing a deceased patient when the element Patient.deaceased = 'true'.
+When a patient dies either on arrival or during hospital stay, the timestamp Encounter.period.end represents the time the encounter ended i.e the time of death. The Encounter.period.start shall also be populated. If a patient dies either on arrival Encounter.period.start shall be equal to Encounter.period.end and if the patient dies during hospital stay Encounter.period.start shall represent the actual beginning of the hospital stay. A HospitalNotification can only be interpreted as describing a deceased patient when the element Patient.deaceased = 'true'.
From 0d120a9254e532672ad1b10be406e8d7ed97ca59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tmsMedcom <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2022 13:47:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/10] Examples are updated, added simplified examples and
made few linguistic changes
input/fsh/GeneralInstances.fsh | 356 +++++++++++++++--
...ospitalNotificationProvenanceInstances.fsh | 143 ++++---
.../MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh | 120 +++---
.../fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessage.fsh | 213 ++++-------
...edComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader.fsh | 105 ++---
.../HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg | 18 +-
.../hospitalnotification/HNAdmitInPat.svg | 254 ++----------
.../HNcancelEnteredInError.svg | 234 +++++++++++
.../hospitalnotification/HNdeceasedInPat.svg | 236 ++++++++++++
.../hospitalnotification/HNdischargeInPat.svg | 234 +++++++++++
.../hospitalnotification/HNendOnleave.svg | 272 +++++++++++++
.../hospitalnotification/HNstartOnleave.svg | 240 ++++++++++++ | 14 +-
input/pagecontent/ | 50 ++-
puml/HospitalNotificationAdmit.puml | 95 +++++
...spitalNotificationAdmitEnteredInError.puml | 148 ++-----
puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitFinish.puml | 177 ---------
...italNotificationAdmitOnleaveEndFinish.puml | 362 ------------------
puml/HospitalNotificationDischarge.puml | 106 +++++
puml/HospitalNotificationEndOnleave.puml | 124 ++++++
puml/HospitalNotificationMors.puml | 107 ++++++
puml/HospitalNotificationStartOnleave.puml | 109 ++++++
sushi-config.yaml | 5 +-
23 files changed, 2464 insertions(+), 1258 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 input/images/hospitalnotification/HNcancelEnteredInError.svg
create mode 100644 input/images/hospitalnotification/HNdeceasedInPat.svg
create mode 100644 input/images/hospitalnotification/HNdischargeInPat.svg
create mode 100644 input/images/hospitalnotification/HNendOnleave.svg
create mode 100644 input/images/hospitalnotification/HNstartOnleave.svg
create mode 100644 puml/HospitalNotificationAdmit.puml
delete mode 100644 puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitFinish.puml
delete mode 100644 puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitOnleaveEndFinish.puml
create mode 100644 puml/HospitalNotificationDischarge.puml
create mode 100644 puml/HospitalNotificationEndOnleave.puml
create mode 100644 puml/HospitalNotificationMors.puml
create mode 100644 puml/HospitalNotificationStartOnleave.puml
diff --git a/input/fsh/GeneralInstances.fsh b/input/fsh/GeneralInstances.fsh
index 03a2ba2..09b71e0 100644
--- a/input/fsh/GeneralInstances.fsh
+++ b/input/fsh/GeneralInstances.fsh
@@ -1,45 +1,355 @@
-// MedComCorePatient instance
+// MedComCorePatient instance - STIN
Instance: t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
-Title: "Bruno Test Elmer"
-Description: "Patient described with minimal information. Valid only if used in a Bundle."
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
* name[official].use = #official
* name[official].family = "Elmer"
-Instance: t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931
+// Reciever instance
+Instance: o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+// Sender instance
+Instance: o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// MedComCorePatient instance - RE-STIN
+Instance: 48393486-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
+* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
+* name[official].use = #official
+* name[official].family = "Elmer"
+// Reciever instance
+Instance: 8858e7e6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+// Sender instance
+Instance: abb09e14-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// MedComCorePatient instance - AN-STIN
+Instance: d6eeaca6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
+* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
+* name[official].use = #official
+* name[official].family = "Elmer"
+// Reciever instance
+Instance: eefc2dfa-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+// Sender instance
+Instance: 05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// MedComCorePatient instance - STOR
+Instance: 97404d10-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
+* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
+* name[official].use = #official
+* name[official].family = "Elmer"
+// Reciever instance
+Instance: a39d4a04-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+// Sender instance
+Instance: b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// MedComCorePatient instance - SLOR
+Instance: 519d5170-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
+* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
+* name[official].use = #official
+* name[official].family = "Elmer"
+// Reciever instance
+Instance: 55ba5884-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+// Sender instance
+Instance: 5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// MedComCorePatient instance - SLHJ (inpatient)
+Instance: 6841b54e-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
-Title: "Bruno Test Elmer"
-Description: "Deceased patient described with minimal information. Valid only if used in a Bundle."
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
+* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
+* name[official].use = #official
+* name[official].family = "Elmer"
+// Reciever instance
+Instance: 7e692262-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+// Sender instance
+Instance: 8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// MedComCorePatient instance - MORS
+Instance: t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931 // MORS
+InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer (deceased)"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCorePatient who is deceased and with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
* name[official].use = #official
* name[official].family = "Elmer"
* deceasedBoolean = true
-// Service provider instance
-Instance: of839e87-4e44-4977-b38e-92b5a6f187b5
-InstanceOf: MedComCoreOrganization
-Title: "Example of a service provider organization with a SOR."
-Description: "Example of an organization with a SOR."
-* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "399841000016000"
-* name = "Service provider Organization"
+// Reciever instance
+Instance: 753bdcba-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+// Sender instance
+Instance: 840b4046-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// MedComCorePatient instance - STAA
+Instance: fdc1fc66-81d0-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
+* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
+* name[official].use = #official
+* name[official].family = "Elmer"
// Reciever instance
-Instance: o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
-InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization // Odense Kommune, Beskæftigelses- og Socialforvaltningen
-Title: "Example of a reciever organization with a SOR and an EAN identifier."
-Description: "Example of an organization with a SOR and an EAN identifier."
+Instance: 103fbebe-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
-* name = "Receiver Organization"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
// Sender instance
-Instance: o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
-InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization // Region Syddanmark, OUH FS Operationsafsnit
-Title: "Example of a sender organization with a SOR and an EAN identifier."
-Description: "Example of an organization with a SOR and an EAN identifier."
+Instance: 1f5882b4-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
-* name = "Sender Organization"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// MedComCorePatient instance - SLHJ (Acute ambulant)
+Instance: 6c16f41e-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
+* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
+* name[official].use = #official
+* name[official].family = "Elmer"
+// Reciever instance
+Instance: e5682f5e-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+// Sender instance
+Instance: 0465ec66-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// MedComCorePatient instance - MORS (Acute ambulant)
+Instance: 384b4a58-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002 // MORS
+InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCorePatient who is deceased and with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
+* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
+* name[official].use = #official
+* name[official].family = "Elmer"
+* deceasedBoolean = true
+// Reciever instance
+Instance: 55eb90b8-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+// Sender instance
+Instance: 66c12a92-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// MedComCorePatient instance - STIN - different serviceprovider
+Instance: b00ea1c0-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002 // MORS
+InstanceOf: MedComCorePatient
+Title: "Patient - Bruno Test Elmer"
+Description: "Deceased Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[cpr].system = "urn:oid:"
+* identifier[cpr].value = "2509479989"
+* name[official].use = #official
+* name[official].family = "Elmer"
+// Reciever instance
+Instance: bea5b49e-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "953741000016009"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790001348120"
+* name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+// Sender instance
+Instance: cd72967c-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+InstanceOf: MedComMessagingOrganization
+Title: "Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital."
+Description: "Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "265161000016000"
+* identifier[EAN-ID].value = "5790000209354"
+* name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+// Service provider instance
+Instance: of839e87-4e44-4977-b38e-92b5a6f187b5
+InstanceOf: MedComCoreOrganization
+Title: "ServiceProvider organization - Hjertemedicinsk sengeafs. S103"
+Description: "Example of a MedComCoreOrganization with SOR identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle."
+Usage: #definition
+* identifier[SOR-ID].value = "399841000016000"
+* name = "Hjertemedicinsk sengeafs. S103"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/fsh/HospitalNotificationProvenanceInstances.fsh b/input/fsh/HospitalNotificationProvenanceInstances.fsh
index 63fb618..4da6a18 100644
--- a/input/fsh/HospitalNotificationProvenanceInstances.fsh
+++ b/input/fsh/HospitalNotificationProvenanceInstances.fsh
@@ -2,87 +2,94 @@
// Admit instance
Instance: a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - STIN"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance - STIN. The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - STIN"
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-09-01T12:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-09-01T12:00:30Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-07T12:00:02Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-07T12:00:02Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#admit-inpatient
* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
// Revise admit instance
Instance: b5f7de8c-957a-11ec-b909-0242ac120002
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - RE_STIN"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance. The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - RE_STIN"
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Revise Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(cc47c1e2-78e6-4291-b071-f423a4f7fbfe) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-09-01T14:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-09-01T14:00:30Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-07T14:00:02Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-07T14:00:02Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#revise-admit-inpatient
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* agent.who = Reference(abb09e14-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
* entity.what = Reference(b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404)
// Cancel admit instance
Instance: c67ecb1c-957a-11ec-b909-0242ac120002
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - AN_STIN"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance. The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - AN_STIN"
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(d8749b54-1aeb-4089-8941-8d876bdffc51) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-09-01T15:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-09-01T15:00:30Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-07T15:00:02Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-07T15:00:02Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#cancel-admit-inpatient
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* agent.who = Reference(05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #removal
* entity.what = Reference(b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404)
//start leave
Instance: dc421d0a-cded-470f-9a53-2ddba7583baa
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - STOR"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance - STOR. The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - STOR"
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Start leave'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-09-04T14:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-09-04T14:00:30Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-13T14:00:12Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-13T14:00:12Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#start-leave-inpatient
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* agent.who = Reference(b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
* entity.what = Reference(b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404)
// End leave example
Instance: e4db4939-7c60-4ac6-aefc-523f809ccba6
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - SLOR"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance - SLOR. The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - SLOR"
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'End leave'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(f47254da-f170-46f0-b624-4778a9c92b1f)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-09-05T15:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-09-05T15:00:30Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-14T15:30:02Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-14T15:30:02Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#end-leave-inpatient
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* agent.who = Reference(5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
* entity.what = Reference(e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded)
// discharge inpatient
Instance: f710698c-83eb-4c3e-81c8-fe8e40baf524
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - SLHJ (inpatient)"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance - SLHJ (inpatient). The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - SLHJ (inpatient)"
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (inpatient). Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-09-30T09:00:53Z
-* recorded = 2022-09-30T09:00:53Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-18T09:45:32Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-18T09:45:32Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#discharge-inpatient-home
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* agent.who = Reference(8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
-* entity.what = Reference(e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded)
+* entity.what = Reference(b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404)
// patient is deceased
Instance: g9942adb-197a-4e30-bec8-566e3a113efe
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - MORS (inpatient)"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance - MORS (inpatient). The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - MORS (inpatient)"
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Deceased' (inpatient). Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(hefc6d95-6161-4493-99c9-f359488dedb8)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-09-30T09:00:53Z
-* recorded = 2022-09-30T09:00:53Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-09T09:45:32Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-09T09:45:32Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#admit-inpatient
* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
* entity.role = #revision
@@ -93,73 +100,53 @@ Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance - MORS (inpatient). The Provenance
// Admit instance
Instance: h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - STAA"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance - STAA. The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - STAA"
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Start hospital stay - acute ambulant'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-10-01T10:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-10-01T10:00:30Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-01T10:00:06Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-01T10:00:06Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#admit-emergency
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* agent.who = Reference(1f5882b4-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
-// Revise admit instance
-Instance: if89e89e-f8a3-4a88-b605-765008d1cb44
-InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - RE_STAA"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance. The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
-* target = Reference(k06f2487-7aab-4e35-9a80-70431060a7e8) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-10-01T12:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-10-01T12:00:30Z
-* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#revise-admit-emergency
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
-* entity.role = #revision
-* entity.what = Reference(i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029)
-// Cancel admit acute ambulant
-Instance: j762d089-2298-4774-ae0b-f83f65bf5640
-InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - AN_STAA"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance. The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
-* target = Reference(l3398a98-37ed-4bff-8e19-cc78ccb5b5f2) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-10-01T13:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-10-01T13:00:30Z
-* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#cancel-admit-emergency
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
-* entity.role = #removal
-* entity.what = Reference(i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029)
// discharge acute ambulant
Instance: ka776a3e-3eca-407b-9f81-b8c16f089874
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - SLHJ (acute ambulant)"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance - SLHJ (acute ambulant). The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - SLHJ (acute ambulant)"
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (acute ambulant). Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(m9bea09c-e662-4d59-b84f-9af570b57f42)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-10-02T22:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-10-02T22:00:30Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-02T22:00:11Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-02T22:00:11Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#discharge-emergency-home
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* agent.who = Reference(0465ec66-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
* entity.what = Reference(i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029)
// patient is deceased
Instance: l17de5f5-abb0-4701-93aa-6b0d7b4127bc
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - MORS (acute ambulant)"
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance - MORS (acute ambulant). The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - MORS (acute ambulant)"
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Deceased' (acute ambulant). Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(nabb68aa-c97b-4905-a60c-71ff3209fd51)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-10-02T22:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-10-02T22:00:30Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-02T07:00:02Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-02T07:00:02Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#admit-emergency
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* agent.who = Reference(66c12a92-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
* entity.what = Reference(i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029)
// Admit instance - different serviceprovider
Instance: m7cf3888-6f52-5e4d-939c-d2575d24fba0
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
-Title: "HospitalNotification Provenance - STIN. With serviceprovider organisation as agent.who."
-Description: "HospitalNotification Provenance - STIN. The Provenance instance is only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - STIN."
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. With different serviceProvider and sender Organization. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(o9b4818e-12de-5cc4-c418-d30cbc7b5404) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-09-01T12:00:30Z
-* recorded = 2022-09-01T12:00:30Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-09T12:00:02Z
+* recorded = 2022-12-09T12:00:02Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#admit-inpatient
-* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
\ No newline at end of file
+* agent.who = Reference(cd72967c-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh
index 642d104..5104935 100644
--- a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh
+++ b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Description: "Encounter derivation that handles hospital notification when a pat
* period ^definition = "The start and end time of the encounter. For notification of hospitalization an start interval is always known as the notification of adminssion is trigged by the arrival of a patient. There a period will always exist as the notification of admission always starts the communication flow. Please that the encounter.period values always referes to the encounter start and end. The period of the leave of absence is not part of the notification of hospitalization FHIR resource ."
* period.start 1.. MS
* period.end MS
-* period.start ^definition = "Encounter Starting time. \r\nFor the notificationOfHospitalization a starting time is the timestamp that is registered by the hospital at patient physical arrival at the ward or emergency department."
+* period.start ^definition = "Encounter Starting time. \r\nFor the notificationOfHospitalization a starting time is the timestamp that is registered by the hospital at patient physical arrival at the ward or emergency department."
* length ..0
* reasonCode ..0
* reasonReference ..0
@@ -48,154 +48,132 @@ Expression: "where(status = 'onleave').extension.value.start.exists() or status
Instance: a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - STIN"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication inpatient Encounter in progress with o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d as serviceProvider"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #in-progress
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-09-01T12:00:05Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
Instance: b9846c24-0335-11ed-b939-0242ac120002
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - RE_STIN"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication updating an inpatient Encounter in progress with o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d as serviceProvider"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Revise Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #in-progress
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
-* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
+* subject = Reference(48393486-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-09-01T12:00:05Z //updated here
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T13:00:00Z //updated here
+* serviceProvider = Reference(abb09e14-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: c9782061-ce63-41b5-8be6-655812d23332
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - AN_STIN"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication canceling an inpatient Encounter with o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d as serviceProvider"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #entered-in-error
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
-* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
+* subject = Reference(d6eeaca6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-09-01T12:00:05Z
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
+* serviceProvider = Reference(05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: d56e9c54-23d2-43a4-816e-951d2a6e3281
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - STOR"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication inpatient Encounter on leave with o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d as serviceProvider"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Start leave'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #onleave
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
-* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
+* subject = Reference(97404d10-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:a8e9917e-4081-5f99-905c-54246ae72867"
-* period.start = 2022-09-01T12:00:05Z
-* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.start = 2022-09-04T14:00:30Z
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
+* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.start = 2022-12-13T14:00:10Z
+* serviceProvider = Reference(b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: e07c4bd4-cfad-4c4d-9c4b-e4ba3424a65b
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - SLOR"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication inpatient Encounter End leave with o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d as serviceProvider"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'End leave'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #in-progress
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
-* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
+* subject = Reference(519d5170-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:a8e9917e-4081-5f99-905c-54246ae72867"
-* period.start = 2022-09-01T12:00:05Z
-* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.start = 2022-09-04T14:00:30Z
-* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.end = 2022-09-05T15:00:10Z
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
+* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.start = 2022-12-13T14:00:10Z
+* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.end = 2022-12-14T15:30:00Z
+* serviceProvider = Reference(5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: f405ba2d-467a-4e92-9acc-9dc2a629760f
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - SLHJ (inpatient)"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication inpatient Encounter finished with o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d as serviceProvider"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (inpatient). Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #finished
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
-* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
+* subject = Reference(6841b54e-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:b0172334-fa5e-5dfe-acb8-2a5b7aee3143"
-* period.start = 2022-09-01T12:00:05Z
-* period.end = 2022-09-30T09:22:28Z
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
+* period.end = 2022-12-18T09:45:30Z
+* serviceProvider = Reference(8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
//Embedded Encounter with admitted patient deceased
Instance: gcab7218-9584-11ec-b909-0242ac120002
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - MORS (inpatient)"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication inpatient Encounter finished, patient deceased"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Deceased' (inpatient). Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #finished
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
* subject = Reference(t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:150d589a-d7e0-50cd-9651-fd9cad93be68"
-* period.start = 2022-09-01T12:00:05Z
-* period.end = 2022-09-30T09:22:28Z
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
+* period.end = 2022-12-09T09:45:30Z
+* serviceProvider = Reference(840b4046-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
// All use cases associated with acute ambulant hospitalization
Instance: h2cb16ce-af8c-46f3-be9e-89406ef3e7b5
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - STAA"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication acute ambulant Encounter in progress with o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d as serviceProvider"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Start hospital stay - acute ambulant'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #in-progress
* class = $ActCodes#EMER
-* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
+* subject = Reference(fdc1fc66-81d0-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-10-01T10:00:05Z
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
-Instance: i458ddc8-fea4-41c3-992b-ff73cb6f657b
-InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
-Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - RE_STAA"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication updating an acute ambulant Encounter in progress with o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d as serviceProvider"
-* status = #in-progress
-* class = $ActCodes#EMER
-* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
-* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-10-01T10:00:05Z //updated here
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
-Instance: j245dcc2-8668-4fcf-ae5f-d49a50bfc2d4
-InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
-Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - AN_STAA"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication canceling an acute ambulant Encounter with o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d as serviceProvider"
-* status = #entered-in-error
-* class = $ActCodes#EMER
-* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
-* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-10-01T10:00:05Z
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* period.start = 2022-12-01T10:00:04Z
+* serviceProvider = Reference(1f5882b4-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: kbbad98c-3310-404a-af0c-7e3739d7b49f
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - SLHJ (acute ambulant)"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication acute ambulant Encounter finished with o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d as serviceProvider"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (acute ambulant). Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #finished
* class = $ActCodes#EMER
-* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
+* subject = Reference(6c16f41e-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:b0172334-fa5e-5dfe-acb8-2a5b7aee3143"
-* period.start = 2022-10-01T10:00:05Z
-* period.end = 2022-10-02T22:00:05Z
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* period.start = 2022-12-01T10:00:04Z
+* period.end = 2022-12-02T22:00:09Z
+* serviceProvider = Reference(0465ec66-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
//Embedded Encounter with admitted patient deceased
Instance: l001c640-6b5d-414c-b6bd-e00ec6d4ceee
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - MORS (acute ambulant)"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication acute ambulant Encounter finished, patient deceased"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Deceased' (acute ambulant). Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #finished
* class = $ActCodes#EMER
-* subject = Reference(t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931)
+* subject = Reference(384b4a58-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:150d589a-d7e0-50cd-9651-fd9cad93be68"
-* period.start = 2022-10-01T10:00:05Z
-* period.end = 2022-10-02T22:00:05Z
-* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* period.start = 2022-12-01T10:00:04Z
+* period.end = 2022-12-02T07:00:00Z
+* serviceProvider = Reference(66c12a92-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: m790f964-98d3-4852-bac8-83d2f3d035f8
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
-Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - STIN, with different serviceProvider and sender organisation in the Bundle"
-Description: "Example of HospitalNoticication inpatient Encounter in progress with of839e87-4e44-4977-b38e-92b5a6f187b5 as serviceProvider"
+Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - STIN"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. With different serviceProvider and sender organisation in the Bundle. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #in-progress
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
-* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
+* subject = Reference(b00ea1c0-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-09-01T12:00:05Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
* serviceProvider = Reference(of839e87-4e44-4977-b38e-92b5a6f187b5)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessage.fsh b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessage.fsh
index 9e35750..408a9bb 100644
--- a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessage.fsh
+++ b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessage.fsh
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ Expression: "Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(MessageHeader).destination.extension.v
Instance: a5e5b880-c087-4055-b9ec-99108695f81d
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - STIN"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - STIN. Admit inpatient."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Start hospital stay - admitted'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-09-01T12:00:10Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-07T12:00:01Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
* entry[=].resource = b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - STIN. Admit inpatient."
Instance: bfab3e80-9584-11ec-b909-0242ac120002
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - RE_STIN"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification RE_STIN. Revise Admission"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Update Start hospital stay - admitted'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-09-01T14:00:10Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-07T14:00:01Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/cc47c1e2-78e6-4291-b071-f423a4f7fbfe"
* entry[=].resource = cc47c1e2-78e6-4291-b071-f423a4f7fbfe
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
-* entry[=].resource = t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/48393486-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 48393486-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/b9846c24-0335-11ed-b939-0242ac120002"
* entry[=].resource = b9846c24-0335-11ed-b939-0242ac120002
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/abb09e14-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002" //service provider Org
+* entry[=].resource = abb09e14-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/8858e7e6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 8858e7e6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/b5f7de8c-957a-11ec-b909-0242ac120002"
* entry[=].resource = b5f7de8c-957a-11ec-b909-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0"
@@ -82,19 +82,19 @@ Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification RE_STIN. Revise Admission"
Instance: c83671a4-9584-11ec-b909-0242ac120002
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - AN_STIN"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - AN_STIN. Cancel Admission"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-09-01T15:00:10Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-07T15:00:01Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/d8749b54-1aeb-4089-8941-8d876bdffc51"
* entry[=].resource = d8749b54-1aeb-4089-8941-8d876bdffc51
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
-* entry[=].resource = t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/d6eeaca6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = d6eeaca6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/c9782061-ce63-41b5-8be6-655812d23332"
* entry[=].resource = c9782061-ce63-41b5-8be6-655812d23332
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002" //service provider Org
+* entry[=].resource = 05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/eefc2dfa-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = eefc2dfa-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/c67ecb1c-957a-11ec-b909-0242ac120002"
* entry[=].resource = c67ecb1c-957a-11ec-b909-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0"
@@ -103,19 +103,19 @@ Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - AN_STIN. Cancel Admission
Instance: d3128d9b-cede-4c7f-8904-809eab322d7d
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - STOR"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - STOR. Start Leave"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Start leave'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-09-04T14:00:10Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-13T14:00:11Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded"
* entry[=].resource = e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
-* entry[=].resource = t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/97404d10-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 97404d10-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/d56e9c54-23d2-43a4-816e-951d2a6e3281"
* entry[=].resource = d56e9c54-23d2-43a4-816e-951d2a6e3281
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/a39d4a04-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = a39d4a04-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002" //service provider Org
+* entry[=].resource = b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0" //admit prov
* entry[=].resource = a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/dc421d0a-cded-470f-9a53-2ddba7583baa" //start leave prov
@@ -124,19 +124,19 @@ Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - STOR. Start Leave"
Instance: e94de8ee-bd94-475e-b454-b8fbbef8a685
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - SLOR"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - SLOR End Leave"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'End leave'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-09-05T15:00:10Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-14T15:30:01Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/f47254da-f170-46f0-b624-4778a9c92b1f"
* entry[=].resource = f47254da-f170-46f0-b624-4778a9c92b1f
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
-* entry[=].resource = t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/519d5170-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 519d5170-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/e07c4bd4-cfad-4c4d-9c4b-e4ba3424a65b"
* entry[=].resource = e07c4bd4-cfad-4c4d-9c4b-e4ba3424a65b
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/55ba5884-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 55ba5884-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002" //service provider Org
+* entry[=].resource = 5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0" //admit
* entry[=].resource = a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/dc421d0a-cded-470f-9a53-2ddba7583baa" //start leave
@@ -147,47 +147,43 @@ Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - SLOR End Leave"
Instance: f4aa42a4-86db-4e68-9b38-9dda0dfd5774
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - SLHJ (inpatient)"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - SLHJ Discharge inpatient"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (inpatient)"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-09-30T09:22:33Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-18T09:45:31Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969"
* entry[=].resource = g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
-* entry[=].resource = t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/6841b54e-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 6841b54e-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/f405ba2d-467a-4e92-9acc-9dc2a629760f"
* entry[=].resource = f405ba2d-467a-4e92-9acc-9dc2a629760f
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002" //service provider Org
+* entry[=].resource = 8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/7e692262-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 7e692262-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0" //admit
* entry[=].resource = a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/dc421d0a-cded-470f-9a53-2ddba7583baa" //start leave
-* entry[=].resource = dc421d0a-cded-470f-9a53-2ddba7583baa
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/e4db4939-7c60-4ac6-aefc-523f809ccba6" //end leave
-* entry[=].resource = e4db4939-7c60-4ac6-aefc-523f809ccba6
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/f710698c-83eb-4c3e-81c8-fe8e40baf524" //discharge
* entry[=].resource = f710698c-83eb-4c3e-81c8-fe8e40baf524
-//Example of patient deceased message
+//Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage patient deceased message
Instance: g099bbf3-3fca-4722-a248-bfe1aa956410
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - MORS (inpatient)"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - MORS. Discharge when patient is deceased"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Deceased' (inpatient)"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-09-30T09:22:33Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-09T09:45:31Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/hefc6d95-6161-4493-99c9-f359488dedb8"
* entry[=].resource = hefc6d95-6161-4493-99c9-f359488dedb8
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931"
* entry[=].resource = t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/gcab7218-9584-11ec-b909-0242ac120002"
* entry[=].resource = gcab7218-9584-11ec-b909-0242ac120002
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/753bdcba-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 753bdcba-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/840b4046-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002" //service provider Org
+* entry[=].resource = 840b4046-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0" //admit
* entry[=].resource = a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/g9942adb-197a-4e30-bec8-566e3a113efe"
@@ -200,82 +196,39 @@ Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - MORS. Discharge when pati
Instance: h1c8e4a8-6b45-4669-94ad-2a99ad96bf03
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - STAA"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - STAA. Admit acute ambulate patient."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Start hospital stay - acute ambulant'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-10-01T10:00:05Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-01T10:00:05Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029"
* entry[=].resource = i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
-* entry[=].resource = t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/fdc1fc66-81d0-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = fdc1fc66-81d0-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/h2cb16ce-af8c-46f3-be9e-89406ef3e7b5"
* entry[=].resource = h2cb16ce-af8c-46f3-be9e-89406ef3e7b5
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/103fbebe-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 103fbebe-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/1f5882b4-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002" //service provider Org
+* entry[=].resource = 1f5882b4-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0"
* entry[=].resource = h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0
-Instance: i3c2c3c0-ee07-41fd-b1a2-359eb0ccabe4
-InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
-Title: "HospitalNotification Message - RE_STAA"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification RE_STAA. Revise Admission"
-* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-10-01T12:00:10Z
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/k06f2487-7aab-4e35-9a80-70431060a7e8"
-* entry[=].resource = k06f2487-7aab-4e35-9a80-70431060a7e8
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
-* entry[=].resource = t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/i458ddc8-fea4-41c3-992b-ff73cb6f657b"
-* entry[=].resource = i458ddc8-fea4-41c3-992b-ff73cb6f657b
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0"
-* entry[=].resource = h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/if89e89e-f8a3-4a88-b605-765008d1cb44"
-* entry[=].resource = if89e89e-f8a3-4a88-b605-765008d1cb44
-Instance: j1f8b295-821f-4d2f-9ec4-71f228ed65fe
-InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
-Title: "HospitalNotification Message - AN_STAA"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - AN_STAA. Cancel Admission"
-* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-10-01T13:00:10Z
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/l3398a98-37ed-4bff-8e19-cc78ccb5b5f2"
-* entry[=].resource = l3398a98-37ed-4bff-8e19-cc78ccb5b5f2
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
-* entry[=].resource = t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/j245dcc2-8668-4fcf-ae5f-d49a50bfc2d4"
-* entry[=].resource = j245dcc2-8668-4fcf-ae5f-d49a50bfc2d4
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0"
-* entry[=].resource = h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/j762d089-2298-4774-ae0b-f83f65bf5640"
-* entry[=].resource = j762d089-2298-4774-ae0b-f83f65bf5640
Instance: kcab461b-f44e-4d97-a041-ef7e64800587
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - SLHJ (acute ambulant)"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - SLHJ Discharge inpatient"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (acute ambulant)"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-10-02T22:00:10Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-02T22:00:10Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/m9bea09c-e662-4d59-b84f-9af570b57f42"
* entry[=].resource = m9bea09c-e662-4d59-b84f-9af570b57f42
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
-* entry[=].resource = t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/6c16f41e-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 6c16f41e-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/kbbad98c-3310-404a-af0c-7e3739d7b49f"
* entry[=].resource = kbbad98c-3310-404a-af0c-7e3739d7b49f
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/e5682f5e-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = e5682f5e-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/0465ec66-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002" //service provider Org
+* entry[=].resource = 0465ec66-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0"
* entry[=].resource = h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/ka776a3e-3eca-407b-9f81-b8c16f089874" //discharge
@@ -283,23 +236,23 @@ Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - SLHJ Discharge inpatient"
-//Example of patient deceased message
+//Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage patient deceased message
Instance: ld31e08a-b91f-49c3-841a-ce80e6380517
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - MORS (acute ambulant)"
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - MORS. Discharge when patient is deceased"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Deceased' (acute ambulant)"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-10-02T22:00:10Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-02T07:00:01Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/nabb68aa-c97b-4905-a60c-71ff3209fd51"
* entry[=].resource = nabb68aa-c97b-4905-a60c-71ff3209fd51
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931"
-* entry[=].resource = t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/384b4a58-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 384b4a58-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/l001c640-6b5d-414c-b6bd-e00ec6d4ceee"
* entry[=].resource = l001c640-6b5d-414c-b6bd-e00ec6d4ceee
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d" //service provider Org
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/55eb90b8-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = 55eb90b8-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/66c12a92-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002" //service provider Org
+* entry[=].resource = 66c12a92-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0"
* entry[=].resource = h60bd482-9c47-43c5-9b77-1134eaa2d5f0
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/l17de5f5-abb0-4701-93aa-6b0d7b4127bc"
@@ -309,21 +262,21 @@ Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - MORS. Discharge when pati
// use cases associated with inpatient hospitalization
Instance: m908i967-9ie3-9023-b9ec-98108695f01d
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
-Title: "HospitalNotification Message - STIN, with different serviceProvider and sender Organization."
-Description: "Example of MedCom HospitalNotification - STIN. Admit inpatient, with different serviceProvider and sender Organization."
+Title: "HospitalNotification Message - STIN"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. With different serviceProvider and sender Organization."
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-09-01T12:00:10Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-07T12:00:01Z
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/o9b4818e-12de-5cc4-c418-d30cbc7b5404"
* entry[=].resource = o9b4818e-12de-5cc4-c418-d30cbc7b5404
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
-* entry[=].resource = t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/b00ea1c0-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = b00ea1c0-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/of839e87-4e44-4977-b38e-92b5a6f187b5" // service provider org
* entry[=].resource = of839e87-4e44-4977-b38e-92b5a6f187b5
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Encounter/m790f964-98d3-4852-bac8-83d2f3d035f8"
* entry[=].resource = m790f964-98d3-4852-bac8-83d2f3d035f8
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
-* entry[=].resource = o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d
-* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
-* entry[=].resource = o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/bea5b49e-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = bea5b49e-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
+* entry[+].fullUrl = "Organization/cd72967c-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+* entry[=].resource = cd72967c-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Provenance/m7cf3888-6f52-5e4d-939c-d2575d24fba0"
* entry[=].resource = m7cf3888-6f52-5e4d-939c-d2575d24fba0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader.fsh b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader.fsh
index 5622ae9..500f8c7 100644
--- a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader.fsh
+++ b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader.fsh
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ Usage: #inline
Instance: a1b27813-8aa8-4fa1-846b-aeabf5afb7d4
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
-Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN. reportOfAdmissionFlag = true"
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN. reportOfAdmissionFlag sat to true. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN"
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. Without request for a reportOfAdmission. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
@@ -33,14 +33,12 @@ Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN. reportOfAdmissionFlag s
* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8)
-* extension[reportOfAdmissionFlag].valueBoolean = true
-* extension[reportOfAdmissionRecipient].valueReference = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
// admit message
Instance: b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN. reportOfAdmissionFlag sat to false. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. reportOfAdmissionFlag is 'true'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
@@ -48,17 +46,19 @@ Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN. reportOfAdmissionFlag s
* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8)
+* extension[reportOfAdmissionFlag].valueBoolean = true
+* extension[reportOfAdmissionRecipient].valueReference = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
// admit message
Instance: cc47c1e2-78e6-4291-b071-f423a4f7fbfe
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - RE_STIN."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - RE_STIN. reportOfAdmissionFlag sat to false. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'Revise Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(8858e7e6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(abb09e14-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(b9846c24-0335-11ed-b939-0242ac120002)
@@ -66,48 +66,48 @@ Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - RE_STIN. reportOfAdmissionFla
Instance: d8749b54-1aeb-4089-8941-8d876bdffc51
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - AN_STIN."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - AN_STIN. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(eefc2dfa-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(c9782061-ce63-41b5-8be6-655812d23332)
Instance: e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STOR."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STOR. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'Start leave'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(a39d4a04-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(d56e9c54-23d2-43a4-816e-951d2a6e3281)
Instance: f47254da-f170-46f0-b624-4778a9c92b1f
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLOR."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLOR. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'End leave'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(55ba5884-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(e07c4bd4-cfad-4c4d-9c4b-e4ba3424a65b)
Instance: g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLHJ (inpatient)."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLHJ (inpatient). Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (inpatient). Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(7e692262-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(f405ba2d-467a-4e92-9acc-9dc2a629760f)
@@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLHJ (inpatient). Valid only
Instance: hefc6d95-6161-4493-99c9-f359488dedb8
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - MORS (inpatient)."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - MORS (inpatient). Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'Deceased' (inpatient). Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(753bdcba-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(840b4046-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(gcab7218-9584-11ec-b909-0242ac120002)
@@ -129,66 +129,41 @@ Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - MORS (inpatient). Valid only
Instance: i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
-Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STAA. reportOfAdmissionFlag = true"
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STAA. reportOfAdmissionFlag sat to true. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STAA."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'Start hospital stay - acute ambulant'. reportOfAdmissionFlag is 'true'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(103fbebe-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(1f5882b4-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(h2cb16ce-af8c-46f3-be9e-89406ef3e7b5)
* extension[reportOfAdmissionFlag].valueBoolean = true
-* extension[reportOfAdmissionRecipient].valueReference = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* extension[reportOfAdmissionRecipient].valueReference = Reference(1f5882b4-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
// admit message
Instance: j3675c4a-33db-40f1-b578-ff16e3e9134c
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STAA."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STAA. reportOfAdmissionFlag sat to false. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'Start hospital stay - acute ambulant'. Without request for a reportOfAdmission. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(103fbebe-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(1f5882b4-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(h2cb16ce-af8c-46f3-be9e-89406ef3e7b5)
-// admit message
-Instance: k06f2487-7aab-4e35-9a80-70431060a7e8
-InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
-Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - RE_STAA."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - RE_STAA. reportOfAdmissionFlag sat to false. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
-* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
-* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
-* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
-* source.endpoint = ""
-* focus = Reference(i458ddc8-fea4-41c3-992b-ff73cb6f657b)
-// admit message
-Instance: l3398a98-37ed-4bff-8e19-cc78ccb5b5f2
-InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
-Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - AN_STAA."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - AN_STAA. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
-* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
-* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
-* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
-* source.endpoint = ""
-* focus = Reference(j245dcc2-8668-4fcf-ae5f-d49a50bfc2d4)
Instance: m9bea09c-e662-4d59-b84f-9af570b57f42
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLHJ (acute ambulant)."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLHJ (acute ambulant). Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (acute ambulant). Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(e5682f5e-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(0465ec66-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(kbbad98c-3310-404a-af0c-7e3739d7b49f)
@@ -196,12 +171,12 @@ Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLHJ (acute ambulant). Valid
Instance: nabb68aa-c97b-4905-a60c-71ff3209fd51
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - MORS (acute ambulant)."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - MORS (acute ambulant). Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'Deceased' (acute ambulant). Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(55eb90b8-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(66c12a92-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(l001c640-6b5d-414c-b6bd-e00ec6d4ceee)
@@ -209,11 +184,11 @@ Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - MORS (acute ambulant). Valid
Instance: o9b4818e-12de-5cc4-c418-d30cbc7b5404
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader
Title: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN."
-Description: "HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN. reportOfAdmissionFlag sat to false. Valid only if used in a bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. With different serviceProvider and sender organisation. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* destination[primary].extension[use] = b4e7e16b-9658-4172-acd7-5e7193f2cc5f
* eventCoding = $MessageEvents#hospital-notification-message
* destination[primary].endpoint = ""
-* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d)
-* sender = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
+* destination[primary].receiver = Reference(bea5b49e-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
+* sender = Reference(cd72967c-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* source.endpoint = ""
* focus = Reference(m790f964-98d3-4852-bac8-83d2f3d035f8)
diff --git a/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg
index 5a91773..6c202eb 100644
--- a/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg
+++ b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNdeceasedInPat.svg b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNdeceasedInPat.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df7abbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNdeceasedInPat.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNdischargeInPat.svg b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNdischargeInPat.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be95062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNdischargeInPat.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNendOnleave.svg b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNendOnleave.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a5ae80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNendOnleave.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNstartOnleave.svg b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNstartOnleave.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..289930d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNstartOnleave.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/pagecontent/ b/input/pagecontent/
index 12c3e52..98a2853 100644
--- a/input/pagecontent/
+++ b/input/pagecontent/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Please refer to the tab "Snapshot Table(Must support)" below for the definition
The element Encounter.serviceProvider describes the organization or hospital department in charge of the patient's admission.
The element references a MedComMessagingOrganization or MedComCoreOrganization, since MedComMessaigingOrganization inherits properties from MedComCoreOrganization.
-The sender of a HospitalNotification (MessageHeader.sender) and the serviceProvider (Encounter.serviceProvider) may be the same hospital department, hence be represented referencing the same instance of a Organization resource, which shall be a MedComMessagingOrganization. However, the sender organisation may be a higher-level deparment (in the SOR register)than the serviceProvider organisation, and in this case they shall be represented referencing two different instances of a Organization resource.
+The sender of a HospitalNotification (MessageHeader.sender) and the serviceProvider (Encounter.serviceProvider) may be the same hospital department, hence be represented referencing the same instance of a Organization resource, which shall be a MedComMessagingOrganization. However, the sender organisation may be a higher-level department (in the SOR register) than the serviceProvider organisation, and in this case they shall be represented referencing two different instances of a Organization resource.
[An example of different serviceProvider and sender organisation can be found here]( Other examples will have the same organisation as serviceProvider and sender.
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ The Encounter profile contains four timestamps each representing a different tim
|FHIR-element|Description|Event|See example [MISSING LINKS]|
|-----|------|------| ------|
-|Encounter.period.start|Start hospital stay, i.e. the actual beginning of the meeting between the health care professional and patient|Patient is physical attendant at the hospital|HospitalNotification Encounter - STIN and HospitalNotification Encounter - STAA|
-|Encounter.period.end|End hospital stay, i.e. the actual end of the meeting between the health care professional and patient|Patient leaves the hospital after discharge or when a patient dies (on arrival or during hospital stay)| HospitalNotification Encounter - SLHJ and HospitalNotification Encounter - MORS|
-|Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start|Patient starts leave, i.e. the actual beginning of a leave-period, when the patient leaves the hospital|Patient leaves the hospital to go on leave.|HospitalNotification Encounter - STOR|
-|Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.end|Patient ends leave, i.e. the actual end of a leave-period, when the patient returns to the hospital|Patient is physical attendant at the hospital after a period of leave|HospitalNotification Encounter - SLOR|
+|Encounter.period.start|Start hospital stay, i.e. the actual beginning of the meeting between the health care professional and patient|Patient is physical attendant at the hospital|[HospitalNotification Encounter - STIN]( and [HospitalNotification Encounter - STAA](|
+|Encounter.period.end|End hospital stay, i.e. the actual end of the meeting between the health care professional and patient|Patient leaves the hospital after discharge or when a patient dies (on arrival or during hospital stay)| [HospitalNotification Encounter - SLHJ (inpatient)]( and [HospitalNotification Encounter - MORS (inpatient)](|
+|Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start|Patient starts leave, i.e. the actual beginning of a leave-period, when the patient leaves the hospital|Patient leaves the hospital to go on leave.|[HospitalNotification Encounter - STOR](|
+|Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.end|Patient ends leave, i.e. the actual end of a leave-period, when the patient returns to the hospital|Patient is physical attendant at the hospital after a period of leave|[HospitalNotification Encounter - SLOR](|
#### Start and end of hospital stay
-As described above, the timestamp of start and end of hospital stay are included in the element Encounter.period.start and Encounter.period.end, respectively.
+As described above, the timestamp of start and end of hospital stay are included in the elements Encounter.period.start and Encounter.period.end, respectively.
Encounter.period.start shall always be present, despite it is not a start hospital stay HospitalNotification being sent.
In cases where a patient is transferred to a hospital in the same region or in another region, or a hospitalisation changes from 'acute ambulant' to 'inpatient', a new start hospital stay HospitalNotification shall be sent. These three cases shall result in a new instance of the Encounter profile and be given a new Encounter.period.start representing the time of the change in the hospitalisation. All cases are described in the [Clinical guidelines for application](
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ When a patient goes on leave the Encounter.extension:leavePeriod.start shall be
The cardinality of MedComHospitalNotificationLeavePeriodExtension is 0..1 meaning that only one period of leave can be included in a HospitalNotification to avoid confusion about which period of leave is the current. In case a patient goes on leave several times during the same hospitalisation, the period shall be described in separate HospitalNotifications, that are being sent when each period of leave occurs.
#### Death
-When a patient dies either on arrival or during hospital stay, the timestamp Encounter.period.end represents the time the encounter ended i.e the time of death. The Encounter.period.start shall also be populated. If a patient dies either on arrival Encounter.period.start shall be equal to Encounter.period.end and if the patient dies during hospital stay Encounter.period.start shall represent the actual beginning of the hospital stay. A HospitalNotification can only be interpreted as describing a deceased patient when the element Patient.deaceased = 'true'.
+When a patient dies either on arrival or during hospital stay, the timestamp Encounter.period.end represents the time the encounter ended i.e the time of death. The Encounter.period.start shall also be populated. If a patient dies on arrival Encounter.period.start shall be equal to Encounter.period.end, and if the patient dies during hospital stay Encounter.period.start shall represent the actual beginning of the hospital stay. A HospitalNotification can only be interpreted as describing a deceased patient when the element Patient.deaceased = 'true'.
diff --git a/input/pagecontent/ b/input/pagecontent/
index d34ca3e..a8eb726 100644
--- a/input/pagecontent/
+++ b/input/pagecontent/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ The [MedComMessagingOrganization](
#### Timestamps
-HospitalNotification messages are generated and sent based on real-time registration in the EPR/PAS system. So, in case the EPR allows future registrations of planned contacts or a period of leave, the HospitalNotifications shall only be triggered when the event occurs, i.e. at the patient's physical attendance, as described in the [Clinical guidelines for application](
+HospitalNotification messages are generated and sent based on real-time registration in the EPR/PAS system. In case the EPR allows future registrations of planned contacts or a period of leave, the HospitalNotifications shall only be triggered when the event occurs, i.e. at the patient's physical attendance, as described in the [Clinical guidelines for application](
The HospitalNotification message contains several timestamps. These timestamps are present in the profiles MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter, MedComHospitalNotificationMessage and MedComMessagingProvenance and have different purposes:
@@ -63,14 +63,54 @@ All profiles shall have a global unique id by using an UUID. [Read more about th
#### Simplified examples of the HospitalNotification message flow
-The simplified examples contain the required content of a HospitalNotification message. The messages illustrate admission and discharge of an inpatient admission, as well as an cancellation of a messages. The patient, service provider organization, sender and receiver information are identical across a message stream, since all messages are send from a hospital to a municipality.
+The simplified examples contain the required content of a HospitalNotification message. Throughout this section different activity codes and statuses are used. [To get an overview of all the codes and statuses, please go to GitHub pages for HospitalNotification](
-[More examples of a HospitalNotification message can be found here]( For examples of a profile, take a look under the tab 'Examples' on the site for the given profile.
+In the sections below is a limited number HospitalNotifications examplified. [More examples of a HospitalNotification message can be found here]( For examples of a profile, take a look under the tab 'Examples' on the site for the given profile.
> Please notice, that in the following examples is the Provenance resources listed as an array. This is just an example of an order, resources may be listed in any order.
-* [Simplified example of a MedComHospitalNotificationMessage for admit and finished stay.](./hospitalnotification/HNAdmitInPat.svg)
-* [Simplified example of a cancelled MedComHospitalNotificationMessage message.](./hospitalnotification/HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg)
+##### STIN - Start hospital stay - admitted
+The simplified example below is an example of a 'Start hospital stay - admitted' HospitalNotification. In the MessageHeader there is a request for a reportOfAdmission (extension:reportOfAdmissionFlag). In the Encounter instance the status is 'in-progress', and the Encounter is populated with a start timestamp (period.start). In the Provenance instance is the activity code 'admit-inpatient'. The sender and serviceProvider organisation is the same.
+* [1 - Simplified example of 'Start hospital stay - admitted'](./hospitalnotification/HNAdmitInPat.svg)
+[Click here to see the generated example of simplified example number 1.](
+##### STOR - Start leave
+The simplified example below is an example of a 'Start leave' HospitalNotification which is sent in continuation of simplified example number 1. The status in the Encounter is changed from 'in-progress' to 'onleave', and the Encounter is populated with a start timestamp for the period of leave (extension:leavePeriod.start). In the Provenance instance is the activity code 'start-leave-inpatient'. The sender and serviceProvider organisation is the same.
+* [2 - Simplified example of 'Start leave'](./hospitalnotification/HNstartOnleave.svg)
+[Click here to see the generated example of simplified example number 2.](
+##### SLOR - End leave
+The simplified example below is an example of a 'End leave' HospitalNotification which is sent in continuation of simplified example number 2. The status in the Encounter is changed from 'onleave' to 'in-progress', and the Encounter is populated with a end timestamp for the period of leave (extension:leavePeriod.end). In the Provenance instance is the activity code 'end-leave-inpatient'. The sender and serviceProvider organisation is the same.
+* [3 - Simplified example of 'End leave'](./hospitalnotification/HNendOnleave.svg)
+[Click here to see the generated example of simplified example number 3.](
+##### SLHJ - End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector (inpatient)
+The simplified example below is an example of a 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' HospitalNotification which is sent in continuation of simplified example number 1. The status in the Encounter is changed from 'in-progress' to 'finished', and the Encounter is populated with a timestamp indicating end of the encounter (period.end). In the Provenance instance is the activity code 'discharge-inpatient-home'. The sender and serviceProvider organisation is the same.
+* [4 - Simplified example of 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector'](./hospitalnotification/HNdischargeInPat.svg)
+[Click here to see the generated example of simplified example number 4.](
+##### MORS - Deceased (inpatient)
+The simplified example below is an example of a 'Deceased' HospitalNotification which is sent in continuation of simplified example number 1. The status in the Encounter is changed from 'in-progress' to 'finished', and the Encounter is populated with a timestamp indicating end of the encounter (period.end) i.e. the death of the patient. The element Patient.deceased is sat to 'true', indicating that the patient is deceased. In the Provenance instance is the activity code 'admit-inpatient', as it shall remain the current activity. The sender and serviceProvider organisation is the same.
+* [5 - Simplified example of 'Deceased'](./hospitalnotification/HNdeceasedInPat.svg)
+[Click here to see the generated example of simplified example number 5.](
+##### AN_STIN - Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted
+The simplified example below is an example of a 'Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted' HospitalNotification which is sent in continuation of simplified example number 1. In the Provenance instance the activity code is changed to 'cancel-admit-inpatient' and the entity.what is now 'removal' indicating that the previous message is cancelled. The sender and serviceProvider organisation is the same.
+* [6 - Simplified example of 'Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted'](./hospitalnotification/HNcancelEnteredInError.svg)
+[Click here to see the generated example of simplified example number 6.](
#### Terminology
On [MedCom Terminology IG]( all referenced CodeSystem and ValueSets developed by MedCom can be found.
diff --git a/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmit.puml b/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmit.puml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dcdb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmit.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+@startuml HNAdmitInPat
+skinparam class {
+ BackgroundColor White
+ BorderColor Black
+ ArrowColor Black
+ }
+hide circle
+hide empty members
+skinparam SameClassWidth true
+skinparam Ranksep 10
+'Message 1: Admit inpatient
+package "Start hospital stay - admitted" as admit <>{
+ class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as admitB{
+ id = "a5e5b880-c087-4055-b9ec-99108695f81d"
+ type = "message"
+ timestamp = "2022-12-07T12:00:01"
+ }
+ class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as admitMH{
+ id = "b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+ event.system = ""
+ event.code = "hospital-notification-message"
+ destination.use.system = ""
+ destination.use.code = "primary"
+ destination.endpoint = ""
+ destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
+ sender.reference = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
+ source.endpoint = ""
+ extension:reportOfAdmissionFlag = "true"
+ extension:reportofAdmissionRecipient = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
+ focus = "Encounter/a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8"
+ }
+ class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as admitPT{
+ id = "t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
+ identifier.system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier.value = "2509479989"
+ name.use = "official"
+ = "Elmer"
+ name.given[0] = "Bruno"
+ name.given[1] = "Test"
+ }
+ class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as admitENC{
+ id = "a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8"
+ status.system = ""
+ status.code = "in-progress"
+ class.system = ""
+ class.code = "IMP"
+ subject = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
+ episodeOfCare.identifier.system = ""
+ episodeOfCare.identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
+ period.start = "2022-12-07T12:00:00"
+ serviceProvider = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
+ }
+ class "Receiver (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as admitROrg{
+ id = "o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
+ identifier[0].system = ""
+ identifier[0].value = "5790001348120"
+ identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier[1].value = "953741000016009"
+ name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+ }
+ class "Sender (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as admitSOrg{
+ id = "o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
+ identifier[0].system = ""
+ identifier[0].value = "5790000209354"
+ identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier[1].value = "265161000016000"
+ name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+ }
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitPRO{
+ id = "a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0"
+ target = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ recorded = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ activity.system = ""
+ activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
+ agent.who = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
+ }
+admitB -[hidden]- admitMH
+' pile mellem de to beskeder
+' admit --> finished
diff --git a/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitEnteredInError.puml b/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitEnteredInError.puml
index 58139c9..11a9064 100644
--- a/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitEnteredInError.puml
+++ b/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitEnteredInError.puml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@startuml HNAdmitEnteredInError
+@startuml HNcancelEnteredInError
skinparam class {
@@ -13,103 +13,29 @@ skinparam Ranksep 10
-title Simplified example: Admit and cancel admission for inpatient
+title Simplified example: Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted
'Message 1: Admit inpatient
-package "Message 1: Admit Inpatient" as admit <>{
- class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as admitB{
- id = "a5e5b880-c087-4055-b9ec-99108695f81d"
- type = "message"
- timestamp = "2022-09-01T12:00:10"
- }
- class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as admitMH{
- id = "b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
- event.system = ""
- event.code = "hospital-notification-message"
- destination.use.system = ""
- destination.use.code = "primary"
- destination.endpoint = ""
- destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
- sender.reference = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- source.endpoint = ""
- reportOfAdmissionFlag = "true"
- reportofAdmissionRecipient = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- focus = "Encounter/a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8"
- }
- class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as admitPT{
- id = "t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
- identifier.system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier.value = "2509479989"
- name.use = "official"
- = "Elmer"
- name.given[0] = "Bruno"
- name.given[1] = "Test"
- }
- class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as admitENC{
- id = "a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8"
- status.system = ""
- status.code = "in-progress"
- class.system = ""
- class.code = "IMP"
- subject = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
- episodeOfCare.identifier.system = ""
- episodeOfCare.identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
- period.start = "2022-09-01T12:00:05+02:00"
- serviceProvider = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- }
- class "Receiver: Municipality (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as admitROrg{
- id = "o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
- identifier[0].system = ""
- identifier[0].value = "5790001348120"
- identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier[1].value = "953741000016009"
- }
- class "Sender: Hospital (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as admitSOrg{
- id = "o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- identifier[0].system = ""
- identifier[0].value = "5790000209354"
- identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier[1].value = "265161000016000"
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitPRO{
- id = "a7128eb7-8df1-4479-b56f-9c66970159f6"
- target = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
- occuredDateTime = "2022-09-01T12:00:30+02:00"
- recorded = "2022-09-01T12:00:30"
- activity.system = ""
- activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
- agent.who = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- }
-admitB -[hidden]- admitMH
-'Message 2: Entered in Error inpatient
-package "Message 2: Cancel Admission of Inpatient" as error <> {
-class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as errorB{
+package "Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted" as cancel <>{
+ class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as cancelB{
id = "c83671a4-9584-11ec-b909-0242ac120002"
type = "message"
- timestamp = "2022-09-01T14:00:05"
+ timestamp = "2022-12-07T15:00:01"
- class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as errorMH{
+ class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as cancelMH{
id = "d8749b54-1aeb-4089-8941-8d876bdffc51"
event.system = ""
event.code = "hospital-notification-message"
destination.use.system = ""
destination.use.code = "primary"
destination.endpoint = ""
- destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/0cfcaed6-067d-4c66-92eb-690d26b333bc"
- sender.reference = "Organization/d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
+ destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/eefc2dfa-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ sender.reference = "Organization/05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
source.endpoint = ""
focus = "Encounter/c9782061-ce63-41b5-8be6-655812d23332"
- class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as errorPT{
- id = "b4055f9c-56ed-472b-b51e-be53652fd0aa"
+ class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as cancelPT{
+ id = "d6eeaca6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
identifier.system = "urn:oid:"
identifier.value = "2509479989"
name.use = "official"
@@ -117,66 +43,64 @@ class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as errorB{
name.given[0] = "Bruno"
name.given[1] = "Test"
- class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as errorENC{
+ class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as cancelENC{
id = "c9782061-ce63-41b5-8be6-655812d23332"
status.system = ""
status.code = "entered-in-error"
class.system = ""
class.code = "IMP"
- subject = "Patient/b4055f9c-56ed-472b-b51e-be53652fd0aa"
+ subject = "Patient/d6eeaca6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
episodeOfCare.identifier.system = ""
episodeOfCare.identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
- period.start = "2022-09-01T12:00:05+02:00"
- serviceProvider = "Organization/d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
+ period.start = "2022-12-07T12:00:00"
+ serviceProvider = "Organization/05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
- class "Receiver: Municipality (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as errorROrg{
- id = "0cfcaed6-067d-4c66-92eb-690d26b333bc"
+ class "Receiver (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as cancelROrg{
+ id = "eefc2dfa-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
identifier[0].system = ""
identifier[0].value = "5790001348120"
identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
identifier[1].value = "953741000016009"
+ name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
- class "Sender: Hospital (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as errorSOrg{
- id = "d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
+ class "Sender (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as cancelSOrg{
+ id = "05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
identifier[0].system = ""
identifier[0].value = "5790000209354"
identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
identifier[1].value = "265161000016000"
+ name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admiterrorPRO{
- id = "a7128eb7-8df1-4479-b56f-9c66970159f6"
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitPRO{
+ id = "a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0"
target = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
- occuredDateTime = "2022-09-01T12:00:30+02:00"
- recorded = "2022-09-01T12:00:30"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ recorded = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
activity.system = ""
activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
agent.who = "Organization/d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as errorPRO{
- id = "dc421d0a-cded-470f-9a53-2ddba7583baa"
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as cancelPRO{
+ id = "c67ecb1c-957a-11ec-b909-0242ac120002"
target = "MessageHeader/d8749b54-1aeb-4089-8941-8d876bdffc51"
- occuredDateTime = "2022-09-01T14:00:25+02:00"
- recorded = "2022-09-01T14:00:25"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-07T15:00:02"
+ recorded = "2022-12-07T15:00:02"
activity.system = ""
activity.code = "cancel-admit-inpatient"
- agent.who = "Organization/d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
+ agent.who = "Organization/05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
entity.role.system = ""
entity.role.value = "removal"
entity.what = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+cancelB -[hidden]- cancelMH
-' pile mellem de to beskeder
-' admit --> error
diff --git a/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitFinish.puml b/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitFinish.puml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd4a5b4..0000000
--- a/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitFinish.puml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-@startuml HNAdmitInPat
-skinparam class {
- BackgroundColor White
- BorderColor Black
- ArrowColor Black
- }
-hide circle
-hide empty members
-skinparam SameClassWidth true
-skinparam Ranksep 10
-'Message 1: Admit inpatient
-package "Message 1: Admit Inpatient" as admit <>{
- class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as admitB{
- id = "a5e5b880-c087-4055-b9ec-99108695f81d"
- type = "message"
- timestamp = "2022-09-01T12:00:10"
- }
- class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as admitMH{
- id = "b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
- event.system = ""
- event.code = "hospital-notification-message"
- destination.use.system = ""
- destination.use.code = "primary"
- destination.endpoint = ""
- destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
- sender.reference = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- source.endpoint = ""
- reportOfAdmissionFlag = "true"
- reportofAdmissionRecipient = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- focus = "Encounter/a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8"
- }
- class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as admitPT{
- id = "t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
- identifier.system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier.value = "2509479989"
- name.use = "official"
- = "Elmer"
- name.given[0] = "Bruno"
- name.given[1] = "Test"
- }
- class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as admitENC{
- id = "a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8"
- status.system = ""
- status.code = "in-progress"
- class.system = ""
- class.code = "IMP"
- subject = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
- episodeOfCare.identifier.system = ""
- episodeOfCare.identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
- period.start = "2022-09-01T12:00:05+02:00"
- serviceProvider = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- }
- class "Receiver: Municipality (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as admitROrg{
- id = "o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
- identifier[0].system = ""
- identifier[0].value = "5790001348120"
- identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier[1].value = "953741000016009"
- }
- class "Sender: Hospital (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as admitSOrg{
- id = "o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- identifier[0].system = ""
- identifier[0].value = "5790000209354"
- identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier[1].value = "265161000016000"
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitPRO{
- id = "a7128eb7-8df1-4479-b56f-9c66970159f6"
- target = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
- occuredDateTime = "2022-09-01T12:00:30+02:00"
- recorded = "2022-09-01T12:00:30"
- activity.system = ""
- activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
- agent.who = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- }
-admitB -[hidden]- admitMH
-package "Message 2: Discharge Inpatient to Home" as finished <>{
- class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as finishedB{
- id = "f4aa42a4-86db-4e68-9b38-9dda0dfd5774"
- type = "message"
- timestamp = "2022-09-30T09:22:33"
- }
- class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as finishedMH{
- id = "g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969"
- event.system = ""
- event.code = "hospital-notification-message"
- destination.use.system = ""
- destination.use.code = "primary"
- destination.endpoint = ""
- destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/0cfcaed6-067d-4c66-92eb-690d26b333bc"
- sender.reference = "Organization/d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
- source.endpoint = ""
- focus = "Encounter/f405ba2d-467a-4e92-9acc-9dc2a629760f"
- }
- class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as finishedPT{
- id = "b4055f9c-56ed-472b-b51e-be53652fd0aa"
- identifier.system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier.value = "2509479989"
- name.use = "official"
- = "Elmer"
- name.given[0] = "Bruno"
- name.given[1] = "Test"
- }
- class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as finishedENC{
- id = "f405ba2d-467a-4e92-9acc-9dc2a629760f"
- status.system = ""
- status.code = "finished"
- class.system = ""
- class.code = "IMP"
- subject = "Patient/b4055f9c-56ed-472b-b51e-be53652fd0aa"
- episodeOfCare.identifier.system = ""
- episodeOfCare.identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
- period.start = "2022-09-01T12:00:05+02:00"
- periode.end = "2022-09-30T09:22:28+02:00"
- serviceProvider = "Organization/d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
- }
- class "Receiver: Municipality (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as finishedROrg{
- id = "0cfcaed6-067d-4c66-92eb-690d26b333bc"
- identifier[0].system = ""
- identifier[0].value = "5790001348120"
- identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier[1].value = "953741000016009"
- }
- class "Sender: Hospital (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as finishedSOrg{
- id = "d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
- identifier[0].system = ""
- identifier[0].value = "5790000209354"
- identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier[1].value = "265161000016000"
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitfinishedPRO{
- id = "a7128eb7-8df1-4479-b56f-9c66970159f6"
- target = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
- occuredDateTime = "2022-09-01T12:00:30+02:00"
- recorded = "2022-09-01T12:00:30"
- activity.system = ""
- activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
- agent.who = "Organization/d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as finishedPRO{
- id = "dc421d0a-cded-470f-9a53-2ddba7583baa"
- target = "MessageHeader/g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969"
- occuredDateTime = "2022-09-30T09:22:53+02:00"
- recorded = "2022-09-30T09:22:53"
- activity.system = ""
- activity.code = "discharge-inpatient-home"
- agent.who = "Organization/d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
- entity.role.system = ""
- entity.role.value = "revision"
- entity.what = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
- }
-' pile mellem de to beskeder
-' admit --> finished
diff --git a/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitOnleaveEndFinish.puml b/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitOnleaveEndFinish.puml
deleted file mode 100644
index a40d678..0000000
--- a/puml/HospitalNotificationAdmitOnleaveEndFinish.puml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-@startuml HNAdmitOnleaveEndFinish
-skinparam class {
- BackgroundColor White
- BorderColor Black
- ArrowColor Black
- }
-hide circle
-hide empty members
-skinparam SameClassWidth true
-skinparam Ranksep 10
-title Simplified example: Admit, Onleave, and Discharge Inpatient
-package "Message 1: Admit Inpatient" as admit <>{
- class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as admitB{
- id = "a5e5b880-c087-4055-b9ec-99108695f81d"
- type = "message"
- timestamp = "2022-09-01T12:00:10"
- }
- class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as admitMH{
- id = "b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
- event.system = ""
- event.code = "hospital-notification-message"
- destination.use.system = ""
- destination.use.code = "primary"
- destination.endpoint = ""
- destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
- sender.reference = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- source.endpoint = ""
- reportOfAdmissionFlag = "true"
- reportofAdmissionRecipient = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- focus = "Encounter/a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8"
- }
- class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as admitPT{
- id = "t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
- identifier.system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier.value = "2509479989"
- name.use = "official"
- = "Elmer"
- name.given[0] = "Bruno"
- name.given[1] = "Test"
- }
- class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as admitENC{
- id = "a790f964-88d3-4652-bbc8-81d2f3d035f8"
- status.system = ""
- status.code = "in-progress"
- class.system = ""
- class.code = "IMP"
- subject = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
- episodeOfCare.identifier.system = ""
- episodeOfCare.identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
- period.start = "2022-09-01T12:00:05+02:00"
- serviceProvider = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- }
- class "Receiver: Municipality (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as admitROrg{
- id = "o4cdf292-abf3-4f5f-80ea-60a48013ff6d"
- identifier[0].system = ""
- identifier[0].value = "5790001348120"
- identifier[0].system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier[0].value = "953741000016009"
- }
- class "Sender: Hospital (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as admitSOrg{
- id = "o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- identifier[0].system = ""
- identifier[0].value = "5790000209354"
- identifier[0].system = "urn:oid:"
- identifier[0].value = "265161000016000"
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitPRO{
- id = "a7128eb7-8df1-4479-b56f-9c66970159f6"
- target = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
- occuredDateTime = "2022-09-01T12:00:30+02:00"
- recorded = "2022-09-01T12:00:30"
- activity.system = ""
- activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
- agent.who = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
- }
-admitB -[hidden]- admitMH
-'Message 2: Onleave inpatient
-package "Message 2: Start Onleave Inpatient" as Onleave <> {
- class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as onleaveB {
- id = "a5e5b880-c087-4055-b9ec-99108695f81d"
- type = "message"
- timestamp = "2022-09-01T12:00:10"
- }
- class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as onleaveMH{
- id = MH2
- event = "hospital-notification-message"
- destination:primary = MedComMessagingOrganization/RO1
- destination:primary.use = "primary"
- destination:primary.endpoint = *url to receiver of HospitalNotification message*
- sender = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- source.endpoint = *url to receiver of Acknowledgement*
- focus = MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter/ENC1
- }
- class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as onleavePT{
- id = PA1
- identifier:cpr = 2509479989
- = Elmer
- name.given[0] = Bruno
- name.given[1] = Test
- }
- class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as onleaveENC{
- id = ENC2
- status = "onleave"
- class = "IMP"
- subject = MedComCorePatient/PA1
- episodeOfCare = *refence to the episode of care*
- episodeOfCare.identifier = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
- period.start = 2021-12-01T12:00:00Z
- serviceProvider = MedComCoreOrganization/SPO1
- }
- class "Service Provider Organization (MedComCoreOrganization)" as onleaveSPOrg{
- id = SPO1
- sorIdentifier = 369258147
- }
- class "Receiver: Municipality (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as onleaveROrg{
- id = RO1
- eanIdentifier = 987654321
- sorIdentifier = 741852963
- }
- class "Sender: Hospital (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as onleaveSOrg{
- id = SO1
- eanIdentifier = 123456789
- sorIdentifier = 369258147
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitonleavePRO{
- id = PROV1
- target = MessageHeader/MH1
- occuredDateTime = 2021-12-01T12:00:10+01:00
- recorded = 2021-12-01T12:00:20
- activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
- agent.who = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as onleavePRO{
- id = PROV2
- target = MH2
- occuredDateTime = 2021-12-01T12:00:10+01:00
- recorded = 2021-12-01T12:00:20
- activity = "start-leave-inpatient"
- agent.who = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- entity.role = "deriviation"
- entity.what = MessageHeader/MH1
- }
-'Message 3: End onleave inpatient
-package "Message 3: End onleave Inpatient" as endOnleave <> {
- class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as endOnleaveB {
- id = BUN3
- type = "message"
- timestamp = 2021-12-03T13:00:00
- }
- class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as endOnleaveMH{
- id = MH3
- event = "hospital-notification-message"
- destination:primary = MedComMessagingOrganization/RO1
- destination:primary.use = "primary"
- destination:primary.endpoint = *url to receiver of HospitalNotification message*
- sender = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- source.endpoint = *url to receiver of Acknowledgement*
- focus = MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter/ENC1
- }
- class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as endOnleavePT{
- id = PA1
- identifier:cpr = 2509479989
- = Elmer
- name.given[0] = Bruno
- name.given[1] = Test
- }
- class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as endOnleaveENC{
- id = ENC3
- status = "in-progress"
- class = "IMP"
- subject = MedComCorePatient/PA1
- episodeOfCare = *refence to the episode of care*
- episodeOfCare.identifier = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
- period.start = 2021-12-01T12:00:00Z
- serviceProvider = MedComCoreOrganization/SPO1
- }
- class "ServiceProvider Organization (MedComCoreOrganization)" as endOnleaveSPOrg{
- id = SPO1
- sorIdentifier = 369258147
- }
- class "Receiver: Municipality (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as endOnleaveROrg{
- id = RO1
- eanIdentifier = 987654321
- sorIdentifier = 741852963
- }
- class "Sender: Hospital (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as endOnleaveSOrg{
- id = SO1
- eanIdentifier = 123456789
- sorIdentifier = 369258147
- }
- class "Provenance(MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitendOnleavePRO{
- id = PROV1
- target = MessageHeader/MH1
- occuredDateTime = 2021-12-01T12:00:10+01:00
- recorded = 2021-12-01T12:00:20
- activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
- agent.who = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as onleaveendOnleavePRO{
- id = PROV2
- target = MessageHeader/MH2
- occuredDateTime = 2021-12-02T08:00:00+01:00
- recorded = 2021-12-02T08:00:20
- activity = "start-leave-inpatient"
- agent.who = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- entity.role = "deriviation"
- entity.what = MessageHeader/MH1
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as endOnleavePRO{
- id = PROV3
- target = MessageHeader/MH3
- occuredDateTime = 2021-12-03T13:00:00+01:00
- recorded = 2021-12-03T13:00:20
- activity = "end-leave-inpatient"
- agent.who = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- entity.role = "deriviation"
- entity.what = MessageHeader/MH2
- }
-'Message 2: Finished inpatient
-package "Message 4: Discharge Inpatient to Home" as finished <>{
- class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as finishedB{
- id = BUN4
- type = "message"
- timestamp = 2021-12-04T14:00:10+01:00
- }
- class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as finishedMH{
- id = MHID2
- event = "hospital-notification-message"
- destination:primary = MedComMessagingOrganization/RO2
- destination:primary.use = "primary"
- destination:primary.endpoint = *url to receiver of HospitalNotification message*
- sender = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- source.endpoint = *url to receiver of Acknowledgement*
- focus = MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter/ENC2
- }
- class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as finishedPT{
- id = PA1
- identifier:cpr = 2509479989
- = Elmer
- name.given[0] = Bruno
- name.given[1] = Test
- }
- class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as finishedENC{
- id = ENC4
- status = "finished"
- class = "IMP"
- subject = MedComCorePatient/PA1
- episodeOfCare = *refence to the episode of care*
- episodeOfCare.identifier = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
- period.start = 2021-12-01T12:00:00+01:00
- serviceProvider = MedComCoreOrganization/SPO1
- }
- class "ServiceProvider Organization (MedComCoreOrganization)" as finishedSPOrg{
- id = SPO1
- sorIdentifier = 369258147
- }
- class "Receiver: Municipality (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as finishedROrg{
- id = RO1
- eanIdentifier = 987654321
- sorIdentifier = 741852963
- }
- class "Sender: Hospital (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as finishedSOrg{
- id = SO1
- eanIdentifier = 123456789
- sorIdentifier = 369258147
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitfinishedPRO{
- id = PROV1
- target = MessageHeader/MH1
- occuredDateTime = 2021-12-01T12:00:10+01:00
- recorded = 2021-12-01T12:00:20
- activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
- agent.who = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as startfinishedPRO{
- id = PROV2
- target = MessageHeader/MH2
- occuredDateTime = 2021-12-02T08:00:00+01:00
- recorded = 2021-12-02T08:00:20
- activity = "start-leave-inpatient"
- agent.who = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- entity.role = "deriviation"
- entity.what = MessageHeader/MH1
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as endfinishedPRO{
- id = PROV3
- target = MessageHeader/MH3
- occuredDateTime = 2021-12-03T13:00:00+01:00
- recorded = 2021-12-03T13:00:20
- activity = "end-leave-inpatient"
- agent.who = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- entity.role = "deriviation"
- entity.what = MessageHeader/MH2
- }
- class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as finishedPRO{
- id = PROV4
- target = MessageHeader/MH4
- occuredDateTime = 2021-12-04T14:00:10+01:00
- recorded = 2021-12-04T14:00:20
- activity = "discharge-inpatient-home"
- agent.who = MedComMessagingOrganization/SO1
- entity.role = "deriviation"
- entity.what = MessageHeader/MH3
- }
diff --git a/puml/HospitalNotificationDischarge.puml b/puml/HospitalNotificationDischarge.puml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d499384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puml/HospitalNotificationDischarge.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+@startuml HNdischargeInPat
+skinparam class {
+ BackgroundColor White
+ BorderColor Black
+ ArrowColor Black
+ }
+hide circle
+hide empty members
+skinparam SameClassWidth true
+skinparam Ranksep 10
+package "End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector" as finished <>{
+ class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as finishedB{
+ id = "f4aa42a4-86db-4e68-9b38-9dda0dfd5774"
+ type = "message"
+ timestamp = "2022-12-18T09:45:31"
+ }
+ class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as finishedMH{
+ id = "g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969"
+ event.system = ""
+ event.code = "hospital-notification-message"
+ destination.use.system = ""
+ destination.use.code = "primary"
+ destination.endpoint = ""
+ destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/7e692262-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ sender.reference = "Organization/8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ source.endpoint = ""
+ focus = "Encounter/f405ba2d-467a-4e92-9acc-9dc2a629760f"
+ }
+ class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as finishedPT{
+ id = "6841b54e-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier.system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier.value = "2509479989"
+ name.use = "official"
+ = "Elmer"
+ name.given[0] = "Bruno"
+ name.given[1] = "Test"
+ }
+ class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as finishedENC{
+ id = "f405ba2d-467a-4e92-9acc-9dc2a629760f"
+ status.system = ""
+ status.code = "finished"
+ class.system = ""
+ class.code = "IMP"
+ subject = "Patient/6841b54e-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ episodeOfCare.identifier.system = ""
+ episodeOfCare.identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
+ period.start = "2022-12-07T12:00:00"
+ periode.end = "2022-12-18T09:45:30"
+ serviceProvider = "Organization/8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ }
+ class "Receiver (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as finishedROrg{
+ id = "7e692262-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier[0].system = ""
+ identifier[0].value = "5790001348120"
+ identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier[1].value = "953741000016009"
+ name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+ }
+ class "Sender (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as finishedSOrg{
+ id = "8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier[0].system = ""
+ identifier[0].value = "5790000209354"
+ identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier[1].value = "265161000016000"
+ name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+ }
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitfinishedPRO{
+ id = "a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0"
+ target = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ recorded = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ activity.system = ""
+ activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
+ agent.who = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
+ }
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as finishedPRO{
+ id = "f710698c-83eb-4c3e-81c8-fe8e40baf524"
+ target = "MessageHeader/g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-18T09:45:32"
+ recorded = "2022-12-18T09:45:32"
+ activity.system = ""
+ activity.code = "discharge-inpatient-home"
+ agent.who = "Organization/8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ entity.role.system = ""
+ entity.role.value = "revision"
+ entity.what = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+ }
+' pile mellem de to beskeder
+' admit --> finished
diff --git a/puml/HospitalNotificationEndOnleave.puml b/puml/HospitalNotificationEndOnleave.puml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5028632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puml/HospitalNotificationEndOnleave.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+@startuml HNendOnleave
+skinparam class {
+ BackgroundColor White
+ BorderColor Black
+ ArrowColor Black
+ }
+hide circle
+hide empty members
+skinparam SameClassWidth true
+skinparam Ranksep 10
+title Simplified example: End leave
+'Message 3: End onleave inpatient
+package "End leave" as endOnleave <> {
+ class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as endOnleaveB{
+ id = "e94de8ee-bd94-475e-b454-b8fbbef8a685"
+ type = "message"
+ timestamp = "2022-12-14T15:30:01"
+ }
+ class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as endOnleaveMH{
+ id = "f47254da-f170-46f0-b624-4778a9c92b1f"
+ event.system = ""
+ event.code = "hospital-notification-message"
+ destination.use.system = ""
+ destination.use.code = "primary"
+ destination.endpoint = ""
+ destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/55ba5884-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ sender.reference = "Organization/5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ source.endpoint = ""
+ focus = "Encounter/e07c4bd4-cfad-4c4d-9c4b-e4ba3424a65b"
+ }
+ class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as endOnleavePT{
+ id = "519d5170-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier.system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier.value = "2509479989"
+ name.use = "official"
+ = "Elmer"
+ name.given[0] = "Bruno"
+ name.given[1] = "Test"
+ }
+ class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as endOnleaveENC{
+ id = "e07c4bd4-cfad-4c4d-9c4b-e4ba3424a65b"
+ status.system = ""
+ status.code = "in-progress"
+ class.system = ""
+ class.code = "IMP"
+ subject = "Patient/519d5170-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ episodeOfCare.identifier.system = ""
+ episodeOfCare.identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
+ period.start = "2022-12-07T12:00:00"
+ extension:leavePeriod.start = "2022-12-13T14:00:10"
+ extension:leavePeriod.end = "2022-12-14T15:30:00"
+ serviceProvider = "Organization/5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ }
+class "Receiver (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as endOnleaveROrg{
+ id = "a39d4a04-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier[0].system = ""
+ identifier[0].value = "5790001348120"
+ identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier[1].value = "953741000016009"
+ name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+ }
+ class "Sender (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as endOnleaveSOrg{
+ id = "b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier[0].system = ""
+ identifier[0].value = "5790000209354"
+ identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier[1].value = "265161000016000"
+ name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+ }
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitPRO{
+ id = "a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0"
+ target = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ recorded = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ activity.system = ""
+ activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
+ agent.who = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
+ }
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as startOnleavePRO{
+ id = "dc421d0a-cded-470f-9a53-2ddba7583baa"
+ target = "MessageHeader/e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-13T14:00:12"
+ recorded = "2022-12-13T14:00:12"
+ activity.system = ""
+ activity.code = "start-leave-inpatient"
+ agent.who = "Organization/b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ entity.role.system = ""
+ entity.role.value = "revision"
+ entity.what = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+ }
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as endOnleavePRO{
+ id = "e4db4939-7c60-4ac6-aefc-523f809ccba6"
+ target = "MessageHeader/f47254da-f170-46f0-b624-4778a9c92b1f"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-14T15:30:02"
+ recorded = "2022-12-14T15:30:02"
+ activity.system = ""
+ activity.code = "end-leave-inpatient"
+ agent.who = "Organization/5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ entity.role.system = ""
+ entity.role.value = "revision"
+ entity.what = "MessageHeader/e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded"
+ }
+endOnleaveB -[hidden]- endOnleaveMH
diff --git a/puml/HospitalNotificationMors.puml b/puml/HospitalNotificationMors.puml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ab15e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puml/HospitalNotificationMors.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+@startuml HNdeceasedInPat
+skinparam class {
+ BackgroundColor White
+ BorderColor Black
+ ArrowColor Black
+ }
+hide circle
+hide empty members
+skinparam SameClassWidth true
+skinparam Ranksep 10
+package "Deceased" as finished <>{
+ class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as finishedB{
+ id = "g099bbf3-3fca-4722-a248-bfe1aa956410"
+ type = "message"
+ timestamp = "2022-12-09T09:45:31"
+ }
+ class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as finishedMH{
+ id = "hefc6d95-6161-4493-99c9-f359488dedb8"
+ event.system = ""
+ event.code = "hospital-notification-message"
+ destination.use.system = ""
+ destination.use.code = "primary"
+ destination.endpoint = ""
+ destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/753bdcba-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ sender.reference = "Organization/840b4046-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ source.endpoint = ""
+ focus = "Encounter/gcab7218-9584-11ec-b909-0242ac120002"
+ }
+ class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as finishedPT{
+ id = "t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931"
+ identifier.system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier.value = "2509479989"
+ name.use = "official"
+ = "Elmer"
+ name.given[0] = "Bruno"
+ name.given[1] = "Test"
+ deceased = "true"
+ }
+ class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as finishedENC{
+ id = "gcab7218-9584-11ec-b909-0242ac120002"
+ status.system = ""
+ status.code = "finished"
+ class.system = ""
+ class.code = "IMP"
+ subject = "Patient/t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931"
+ episodeOfCare.identifier.system = ""
+ episodeOfCare.identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
+ period.start = "2022-12-07T12:00:00"
+ periode.end = "2022-12-09T09:45:30"
+ serviceProvider = "Organization/840b4046-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ }
+ class "Receiver (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as finishedROrg{
+ id = "753bdcba-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier[0].system = ""
+ identifier[0].value = "5790001348120"
+ identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier[1].value = "953741000016009"
+ name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+ }
+ class "Sender (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as finishedSOrg{
+ id = "840b4046-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier[0].system = ""
+ identifier[0].value = "5790000209354"
+ identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier[1].value = "265161000016000"
+ name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+ }
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitfinishedPRO{
+ id = "a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0"
+ target = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ recorded = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ activity.system = ""
+ activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
+ agent.who = "Organization/d6ed6725-1aec-42ad-829d-f7074c3914f3"
+ }
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as finishedPRO{
+ id = "g9942adb-197a-4e30-bec8-566e3a113efe"
+ target = "MessageHeader/hefc6d95-6161-4493-99c9-f359488dedb8"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-09T09:45:32"
+ recorded = "2022-12-09T09:45:32"
+ activity.system = ""
+ activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
+ agent.who = "Organization/840b4046-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ entity.role.system = ""
+ entity.role.value = "revision"
+ entity.what = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+ }
+' pile mellem de to beskeder
+' admit --> finished
diff --git a/puml/HospitalNotificationStartOnleave.puml b/puml/HospitalNotificationStartOnleave.puml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89bfc23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puml/HospitalNotificationStartOnleave.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+@startuml HNstartOnleave
+skinparam class {
+ BackgroundColor White
+ BorderColor Black
+ ArrowColor Black
+ }
+hide circle
+hide empty members
+skinparam SameClassWidth true
+skinparam Ranksep 10
+title Simplified example: Start leave
+'Message 3: End onleave inpatient
+package "Start leave" as startOnleave <> {
+ class "Bundle (MedComHospitalNotificationMessage)" as startOnleaveB{
+ id = "d3128d9b-cede-4c7f-8904-809eab322d7d"
+ type = "message"
+ timestamp = "2022-12-13T15:30:01"
+ }
+ class "MessageHeader (MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader)" as startOnleaveMH{
+ id = "e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded"
+ event.system = ""
+ event.code = "hospital-notification-message"
+ destination.use.system = ""
+ destination.use.code = "primary"
+ destination.endpoint = ""
+ destination.receiver.reference = "Organization/a39d4a04-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ sender.reference = "Organization/b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ source.endpoint = ""
+ focus = "Encounter/d56e9c54-23d2-43a4-816e-951d2a6e3281"
+ }
+ class "Patient (MedComCorePatient)" as startOnleavePT{
+ id = "97404d10-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier.system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier.value = "2509479989"
+ name.use = "official"
+ = "Elmer"
+ name.given[0] = "Bruno"
+ name.given[1] = "Test"
+ }
+ class "Encounter (MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter)" as startOnleaveENC{
+ id = "d56e9c54-23d2-43a4-816e-951d2a6e3281"
+ status.system = ""
+ status.code = "onleave"
+ class.system = ""
+ class.code = "IMP"
+ subject = "Patient/97404d10-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ episodeOfCare.identifier.system = ""
+ episodeOfCare.identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
+ period.start = "2022-12-07T12:00:00"
+ extension:leavePeriod.start = "2022-12-13T14:00:10"
+ serviceProvider = "Organization/b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ }
+ class "Receiver (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as startOnleaveROrg{
+ id = "a39d4a04-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier[0].system = ""
+ identifier[0].value = "5790001348120"
+ identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier[1].value = "953741000016009"
+ name = "Plejecenter Herlev"
+ }
+ class "Sender (MedComMessagingOrganization)" as startOnleaveSOrg{
+ id = "b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ identifier[0].system = ""
+ identifier[0].value = "5790000209354"
+ identifier[1].system = "urn:oid:"
+ identifier[1].value = "265161000016000"
+ name = "Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital"
+ }
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as admitPRO{
+ id = "a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0"
+ target = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ recorded = "2022-12-07T12:00:02"
+ activity.system = ""
+ activity.code = "admit-inpatient"
+ agent.who = "Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d"
+ }
+ class "Provenance (MedComMessagingProvenance)" as startOnleavePRO{
+ id = "dc421d0a-cded-470f-9a53-2ddba7583baa"
+ target = "MessageHeader/e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded"
+ occuredDateTime = "2022-12-13T14:00:12"
+ recorded = "2022-12-13T14:00:12"
+ activity.system = ""
+ activity.code = "start-leave-inpatient"
+ agent.who = "Organization/b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
+ entity.role.system = ""
+ entity.role.value = "revision"
+ entity.what = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
+ }
+startOnleaveB -[hidden]- startOnleaveMH
diff --git a/sushi-config.yaml b/sushi-config.yaml
index 6266c6f..c076632 100644
--- a/sushi-config.yaml
+++ b/sushi-config.yaml
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ publisher:
jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#DK "Denmark"
dependencies: 2.0.0
- current #2.0.0
- current #2.0.0
+ 2.1.0
+ 2.0.0
+ 1.1.0
Table of Contents: toc.html
From 28b0fb7a1bc2c8c58388e2651195ba38efbe14b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tmsMedcom <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2022 13:55:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/10] Update sushi-config.yaml
sushi-config.yaml | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sushi-config.yaml b/sushi-config.yaml
index c076632..315d226 100644
--- a/sushi-config.yaml
+++ b/sushi-config.yaml
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ publisher:
jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#DK "Denmark"
dependencies: 2.0.0
- 2.1.0
- 2.0.0
- 1.1.0
+ "current"
+ "current"
+ "current"
Table of Contents: toc.html
From 9e94dd28da73c56a058ac98bdd589529719b4c52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tmsMedcom <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2023 10:10:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/10] Modified after review
...ospitalNotificationProvenanceInstances.fsh | 46 +-
.../MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh | 47 ++-
.../fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessage.fsh | 22 +-
.../HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg | 397 ------------------
.../hospitalnotification/HNAdmitInPat.svg | 24 +-
.../HNcancelEnteredInError.svg | 34 +-
.../hospitalnotification/HNdeceasedInPat.svg | 38 +-
.../hospitalnotification/HNdischargeInPat.svg | 38 +-
.../hospitalnotification/HNendOnleave.svg | 52 +--
.../hospitalnotification/HNstartOnleave.svg | 38 +- | 14 +-
input/pagecontent/ | 4 +-
puml/HospitalNotificationAdmit.puml | 8 +-
...spitalNotificationAdmitEnteredInError.puml | 12 +-
puml/HospitalNotificationDischarge.puml | 14 +-
puml/HospitalNotificationEndOnleave.puml | 20 +-
puml/HospitalNotificationMors.puml | 14 +-
puml/HospitalNotificationStartOnleave.puml | 14 +-
18 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 615 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg
diff --git a/input/fsh/HospitalNotificationProvenanceInstances.fsh b/input/fsh/HospitalNotificationProvenanceInstances.fsh
index 4da6a18..6d14b9a 100644
--- a/input/fsh/HospitalNotificationProvenanceInstances.fsh
+++ b/input/fsh/HospitalNotificationProvenanceInstances.fsh
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - STIN"
Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-07T12:00:02Z
-* recorded = 2022-12-07T12:00:02Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-07T12:00:02+02:00
+* recorded = 2022-12-07T12:00:02+02:00
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#admit-inpatient
* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ Usage: #definition
Instance: b5f7de8c-957a-11ec-b909-0242ac120002
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - RE_STIN"
-Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Revise Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Update Start hospital stay -admitted'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(cc47c1e2-78e6-4291-b071-f423a4f7fbfe) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-07T14:00:02Z
-* recorded = 2022-12-07T14:00:02Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-07T14:00:02+02:00
+* recorded = 2022-12-07T14:00:02+02:00
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#revise-admit-inpatient
* agent.who = Reference(abb09e14-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - AN_STIN"
Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(d8749b54-1aeb-4089-8941-8d876bdffc51) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-07T15:00:02Z
-* recorded = 2022-12-07T15:00:02Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-07T15:00:02+02:00
+* recorded = 2022-12-07T15:00:02+02:00
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#cancel-admit-inpatient
* agent.who = Reference(05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #removal
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - STOR"
Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Start leave'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-13T14:00:12Z
-* recorded = 2022-12-13T14:00:12Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-13T14:00:12+02:00
+* recorded = 2022-12-13T14:00:12+02:00
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#start-leave-inpatient
* agent.who = Reference(b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - SLOR"
Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'End leave'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(f47254da-f170-46f0-b624-4778a9c92b1f)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-14T15:30:02Z
-* recorded = 2022-12-14T15:30:02Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-14T15:30:02+02:00
+* recorded = 2022-12-14T15:30:02+02:00
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#end-leave-inpatient
* agent.who = Reference(5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - SLHJ (inpatient)"
Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (inpatient). Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-18T09:45:32Z
-* recorded = 2022-12-18T09:45:32Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-18T09:45:32+02:00
+* recorded = 2022-12-18T09:45:32+02:00
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#discharge-inpatient-home
* agent.who = Reference(8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - MORS (inpatient)"
Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Deceased' (inpatient). Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(hefc6d95-6161-4493-99c9-f359488dedb8)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-09T09:45:32Z
-* recorded = 2022-12-09T09:45:32Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-09T09:45:32+02:00
+* recorded = 2022-12-09T09:45:32+02:00
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#admit-inpatient
* agent.who = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
* entity.role = #revision
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - STAA"
Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Start hospital stay - acute ambulant'. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-01T10:00:06Z
-* recorded = 2022-12-01T10:00:06Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-01T10:00:06+02:00
+* recorded = 2022-12-01T10:00:06+02:00
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#admit-emergency
* agent.who = Reference(1f5882b4-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - SLHJ (acute ambulant)"
Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (acute ambulant). Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(m9bea09c-e662-4d59-b84f-9af570b57f42)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-02T22:00:11Z
-* recorded = 2022-12-02T22:00:11Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-02T22:00:11+02:00
+* recorded = 2022-12-02T22:00:11+02:00
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#discharge-emergency-home
* agent.who = Reference(0465ec66-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - MORS (acute ambulant)"
Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Deceased' (acute ambulant). Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(nabb68aa-c97b-4905-a60c-71ff3209fd51)
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-02T07:00:02Z
-* recorded = 2022-12-02T07:00:02Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-02T07:00:02+02:00
+* recorded = 2022-12-02T07:00:02+02:00
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#admit-emergency
* agent.who = Reference(66c12a92-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* entity.role = #revision
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ Usage: #definition
Instance: m7cf3888-6f52-5e4d-939c-d2575d24fba0
InstanceOf: MedComMessagingProvenance
Title: "MedComMessagingProvenance - STIN."
-Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. With different serviceProvider and sender Organization. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
+Description: "Example of MedComMessagingProvenance used in 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. With different serviceProvider and sender Organisation. Only valid if used in a Bundle (message)."
Usage: #definition
* target = Reference(o9b4818e-12de-5cc4-c418-d30cbc7b5404) // should be changed to the current MessageHeader
-* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-09T12:00:02Z
+* occurredDateTime = 2022-12-09T12:00:02+02:00
* recorded = 2022-12-09T12:00:02Z
* activity.coding = $ActivityCode#admit-inpatient
* agent.who = Reference(cd72967c-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh
index 5104935..a11359b 100644
--- a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh
+++ b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter.fsh
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Description: "Encounter derivation that handles hospital notification when a pat
* priority 0..0
* episodeOfCare 1.. MS
* episodeOfCare.identifier 1.. MS
-* episodeOfCare ^definition = "Shall contain an episode of care identifier for the entire hospitalization"
+* episodeOfCare ^definition = "Shall contain an episode of care identifier for the entire hospitalisation"
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier] MS
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier SU
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].reference ..0
@@ -22,10 +22,13 @@ Description: "Encounter derivation that handles hospital notification when a pat
* participant ..0
* appointment ..0
* period 1.. MS
-* period ^definition = "The start and end time of the encounter. For notification of hospitalization an start interval is always known as the notification of adminssion is trigged by the arrival of a patient. There a period will always exist as the notification of admission always starts the communication flow. Please that the encounter.period values always referes to the encounter start and end. The period of the leave of absence is not part of the notification of hospitalization FHIR resource ."
+* period ^definition = "The start and end time of the encounter. For notification of hospitalisation an start interval is always known as the notification of adminssion is trigged by the arrival of a patient. There a period will always exist as the notification of admission always starts the communication flow. Please that the encounter.period values always referes to the encounter start and end. The period of the leave of absence is not part of the notification of hospitalization FHIR resource ."
* period.start 1.. MS
* period.end MS
-* period.start ^definition = "Encounter Starting time. \r\nFor the notificationOfHospitalization a starting time is the timestamp that is registered by the hospital at patient physical arrival at the ward or emergency department."
+* period.start ^short = "Encounter start time."
+* period.start ^definition = "In HospitalNotification a start time is the timestamp that is registered by the hospital at patient physical attendance at the hospital."
+* period.end ^short = "Encounter end time."
+* period.end ^definition = "In HospitalNotification a end time is the timestamp that is registered by the hospital when the patient leaves the hospital after discharge."
* length ..0
* reasonCode ..0
* reasonReference ..0
@@ -53,19 +56,19 @@ Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Start hospital sta
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
* subject = Reference(t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00+02:00
* serviceProvider = Reference(o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
Instance: b9846c24-0335-11ed-b939-0242ac120002
InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
Title: "HospitalNotification Encounter - RE_STIN"
-Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Revise Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
+Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Update Start hospital stay - admitted'. Only Valid if used in a Bundle."
* status = #in-progress
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
* subject = Reference(48393486-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-12-07T13:00:00Z //updated here
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T13:00:00+02:00 //updated here
* serviceProvider = Reference(abb09e14-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: c9782061-ce63-41b5-8be6-655812d23332
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Cancellation Start
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
* subject = Reference(d6eeaca6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00+02:00
* serviceProvider = Reference(05266a00-81c7-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: d56e9c54-23d2-43a4-816e-951d2a6e3281
@@ -87,8 +90,8 @@ Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Start leave'. Only
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
* subject = Reference(97404d10-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:a8e9917e-4081-5f99-905c-54246ae72867"
-* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
-* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.start = 2022-12-13T14:00:10Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00+02:00
+* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.start = 2022-12-13T14:00:10+02:00
* serviceProvider = Reference(b79a7914-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: e07c4bd4-cfad-4c4d-9c4b-e4ba3424a65b
@@ -99,9 +102,9 @@ Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'End leave'. Only V
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
* subject = Reference(519d5170-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:a8e9917e-4081-5f99-905c-54246ae72867"
-* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
-* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.start = 2022-12-13T14:00:10Z
-* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.end = 2022-12-14T15:30:00Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00+02:00
+* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.start = 2022-12-13T14:00:10+02:00
+* extension[leavePeriod].valuePeriod.end = 2022-12-14T15:30:00+02:00
* serviceProvider = Reference(5961ade8-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: f405ba2d-467a-4e92-9acc-9dc2a629760f
@@ -112,8 +115,8 @@ Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'End hospital stay
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
* subject = Reference(6841b54e-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:b0172334-fa5e-5dfe-acb8-2a5b7aee3143"
-* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
-* period.end = 2022-12-18T09:45:30Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00+02:00
+* period.end = 2022-12-18T09:45:30+02:00
* serviceProvider = Reference(8d813af0-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
//Embedded Encounter with admitted patient deceased
@@ -125,8 +128,8 @@ Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Deceased' (inpatie
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
* subject = Reference(t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:150d589a-d7e0-50cd-9651-fd9cad93be68"
-* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
-* period.end = 2022-12-09T09:45:30Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00+02:00
+* period.end = 2022-12-09T09:45:30+02:00
* serviceProvider = Reference(840b4046-81ce-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
@@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Start hospital sta
* class = $ActCodes#EMER
* subject = Reference(fdc1fc66-81d0-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-12-01T10:00:04Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-01T10:00:04+02:00
* serviceProvider = Reference(1f5882b4-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: kbbad98c-3310-404a-af0c-7e3739d7b49f
@@ -150,8 +153,8 @@ Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'End hospital stay
* class = $ActCodes#EMER
* subject = Reference(6c16f41e-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:b0172334-fa5e-5dfe-acb8-2a5b7aee3143"
-* period.start = 2022-12-01T10:00:04Z
-* period.end = 2022-12-02T22:00:09Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-01T10:00:04+02:00
+* period.end = 2022-12-02T22:00:09+02:00
* serviceProvider = Reference(0465ec66-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
//Embedded Encounter with admitted patient deceased
@@ -163,8 +166,8 @@ Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Deceased' (acute a
* class = $ActCodes#EMER
* subject = Reference(384b4a58-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:150d589a-d7e0-50cd-9651-fd9cad93be68"
-* period.start = 2022-12-01T10:00:04Z
-* period.end = 2022-12-02T07:00:00Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-01T10:00:04+02:00
+* period.end = 2022-12-02T07:00:00+02:00
* serviceProvider = Reference(66c12a92-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
Instance: m790f964-98d3-4852-bac8-83d2f3d035f8
@@ -175,5 +178,5 @@ Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter 'Start hospital sta
* class = $ActCodes#IMP
* subject = Reference(b00ea1c0-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
* episodeOfCare[lpr3identifier].identifier.value = "urn:uuid:fc60e762-b13b-5773-865e-67f3907bdcc7"
-* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00Z
+* period.start = 2022-12-07T12:00:00+02:00
* serviceProvider = Reference(of839e87-4e44-4977-b38e-92b5a6f187b5)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessage.fsh b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessage.fsh
index 408a9bb..eb626f2 100644
--- a/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessage.fsh
+++ b/input/fsh/MedComHospitalNotificationMessage.fsh
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - STIN"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Start hospital stay - admitted'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-07T12:00:01Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-07T12:00:01+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404"
* entry[=].resource = b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc7b5404
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t33cef33-3626-422b-955d-d506aaa65fe1"
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - RE_STIN"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Update Start hospital stay - admitted'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-07T14:00:01Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-07T14:00:01+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/cc47c1e2-78e6-4291-b071-f423a4f7fbfe"
* entry[=].resource = cc47c1e2-78e6-4291-b071-f423a4f7fbfe
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/48393486-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - AN_STIN"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-07T15:00:01Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-07T15:00:01+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/d8749b54-1aeb-4089-8941-8d876bdffc51"
* entry[=].resource = d8749b54-1aeb-4089-8941-8d876bdffc51
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/d6eeaca6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - STOR"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Start leave'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-13T14:00:11Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-13T14:00:11+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded"
* entry[=].resource = e563a2b2-bf92-4b13-bbd2-0a021a95bded
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/97404d10-81c8-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - SLOR"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'End leave'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-14T15:30:01Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-14T15:30:01+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/f47254da-f170-46f0-b624-4778a9c92b1f"
* entry[=].resource = f47254da-f170-46f0-b624-4778a9c92b1f
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/519d5170-81ca-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - SLHJ (inpatient)"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (inpatient)"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-18T09:45:31Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-18T09:45:31+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969"
* entry[=].resource = g1affa53-c157-4080-abb0-8e681524f969
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/6841b54e-81cd-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - MORS (inpatient)"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Deceased' (inpatient)"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-09T09:45:31Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-09T09:45:31+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/hefc6d95-6161-4493-99c9-f359488dedb8"
* entry[=].resource = hefc6d95-6161-4493-99c9-f359488dedb8
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/t82fb8a3-6725-41e2-a615-2b1cfcfe9931"
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - STAA"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Start hospital stay - acute ambulant'"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-01T10:00:05Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-01T10:00:05+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029"
* entry[=].resource = i50fc5fe-2d11-4ef3-acac-2e2e5c6c0029
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/fdc1fc66-81d0-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - SLHJ (acute ambulant)"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector' (acute ambulant)"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-02T22:00:10Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-02T22:00:10+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/m9bea09c-e662-4d59-b84f-9af570b57f42"
* entry[=].resource = m9bea09c-e662-4d59-b84f-9af570b57f42
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/6c16f41e-81d1-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - MORS (acute ambulant)"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Deceased' (acute ambulant)"
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-02T07:00:01Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-02T07:00:01+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/nabb68aa-c97b-4905-a60c-71ff3209fd51"
* entry[=].resource = nabb68aa-c97b-4905-a60c-71ff3209fd51
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/384b4a58-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ InstanceOf: MedComHospitalNotificationMessage
Title: "HospitalNotification Message - STIN"
Description: "Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage 'Start hospital stay - admitted'. With different serviceProvider and sender Organization."
* type = $BundleType#message
-* timestamp = 2022-12-07T12:00:01Z
+* timestamp = 2022-12-07T12:00:01+02:00
* entry[+].fullUrl = "MessageHeader/o9b4818e-12de-5cc4-c418-d30cbc7b5404"
* entry[=].resource = o9b4818e-12de-5cc4-c418-d30cbc7b5404
* entry[+].fullUrl = "Patient/b00ea1c0-81d2-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002"
diff --git a/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c202eb..0000000
--- a/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitEnteredInError.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitInPat.svg b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitInPat.svg
index cd1271f..725c3a8 100644
--- a/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitInPat.svg
+++ b/input/images/hospitalnotification/HNAdmitInPat.svg
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@