- bugfix: handle custom label when no service was active
- remove unused module setting for REST API usage
- check for existence before setting values in parcel shipping requests
- removed deprecated SOAP API integration
- improved naming for DHL settings in Admin panel
- added LICENSE file
- updated sandbox credentials
- fix category model inheritance
- Account API implementation
- remove api key for Standortsuche
- use orderarticle title as fallback if article of orderarticle was deleted
- unittest: get manifest for next week returns error code (greater 0)
- replaced deprecated shipping confirmation service in REST API
- SignedForByRecipient service added
- print a receiver state name if provided (International only)
- Introduced new REST API for Parcel Shipments (SOAP API is deprecated)
- NoNeighbourDelivery service added
- NamedPersonOnly service added
- fixed js-validation not working in flow theme with packstation on creating new addresses
- dont allow Packstation and Postfiliale as delivery address street names for regular addresses
- show a list of branches when google maps api key is not provided
- async google maps js load
- bugfix:validate fields before saving in order dhl tab
- bugfix: show correct error messages if wunschpaket is not enabled
- bugfix: use del address inputs if no address is selected
- bugfix: prevent label generation in batch mode if order has no dhl product assigned
- removed unused DHL products
- bugfix for Ident in GKV API
- split name of sender and return receiver in name1, name2 and name3 for custom labels
- bugfix: improved PHP 8.1 compatibility
- fixed country value not being sent in form
- bugfix: remove PackstationType.php
- bugfix: prevent null parameter in html_entity_decode
- bugfix for custom label with Postfiliale
- new Service CDP (Closest Droppoint) for Paket International
- bugfix: multibyte substring problem for article title in export documents
- templating changes: proper use of smarty.block.parent call in chipping country form
- extended output for soap errors
- bugfix for selecting a Paketshop in the Filialfinder
- new Service PDDP (Postal Delivery Duty Paid) for Paket International
- bugfix: don't apply the billing country to an existing delivery address
- add order numbers to Soap fault log messages in GKV calls
- filter out results not suitable to receive packages
- add weight inputs for articles in custom label form
- use article weight over orderarticle weight
- handle comma in weight inputs in custom label form
- added optional radius as parameter for location searches
- new Warenpost International process
- bugfix for empty additional sender lines
- sender data build logic updated for warenpost international
- retoure and individual label buttons removed for warenpost international
- package announcement customisation link added in settings
- use existing mandant id for prodws requests
- renamed DHL services
- display company on custom label creation form
- warenpost international request formatting to be compliant to API
- add piece origin to warenpost international request for compliance to non EU delivery
- bugfix: catch internetmarke refund error on admin controller
- use existing partner id for warenpost requests
- bugfix: add country selection to standortsuche in wave theme
- add complete bank data for cash on delivery
- adjusted valid preferred day check to handle test errorrs
- set note1 for cash on delivery
- same weight calculation for local and international delivery
- weight calculation fix: use package weight only if calculate weight is active
- New product: Warenpost International
- specify endorsement for parcel send via Paket International
- check for comma in weight settings and replace it with a dot
- improved error handling for gkv requests
- bugfix for call to TableViewNameGenerator
- bugfix for special character handling in label data
- added address delete button to flow template
- fixed javascript to not delete address delete button
- resized logo
- error handling in admin controllers
- delete tracking code from order if corresponding label is deleted
- improved weight calculation
- set ordernr as customer reference
- correct insurance rules for non-EUR currencies
- premium service available for DHL International delivery
- display article title in a language dependant on the receiver country in export documents
- tarif number can be assigned to articles and will be displayed in export documents
- bugfix: corect special chars in lables for name, articles and address
- removed tracking pixel
- integrated the Internetmarke Products
- new Standortsuche using Location Finder - Unified
- open links to dhl from the oxid admin in a new tab
- set active flag of services in gkv to 0/1 instead of false/true
- fix links to logs in the module config tab in oxid admin
- create export documents for international shipments
- allows international shipments outside the EU
- bugfix: check for user, address and payment data when showing wunschpaket services
- bugfix: oxid 6.2 compatible email rendering
- bugfix: check for basket existance when calculating surcharge in emails
- bugfix for article parent extension
- added additional features for return label creation:
- option do prevent customers to create return labels and instead let them request them
- return label creation link in emails
- sending an email with the return label to the customer after it was created
- return label creation for guest order
- change additional services in custom label creation process
- bugfix for basket without user
- bugfix don't allow non german packstation in filialfinder results
- added a list of additional services:
- bulky goods (assign per product or category)
- visual check of age (assign per product or category)
- additional incurance (assign per shipping method)
- ident check (assign per shipping method)
- cash on delivery (assign per payment method)
- retoure international for returns outside the EU
- set a time span in which customers are allowed to create return labels after products were sent
- store shipment number in oxtrackcode field of order after delivery label creation
- display dhl tracking link when oxtrackcode was set via delivery label creation
- create return labels in the oxid admin
- allow users to create return labels in the frontend
- display return labels and return label QR codes
- define the receiverID for returns on a per country level
- fixed HTML layout
- product Warenpost is now available
- only those services are selectable and sent that are available for the product
- GoGreen label can be displayed for dhl deliveries on the checkout overview page
- Removed preferred time
- Oxid 6.2 compatibility
- Bugfix: put addinfo data in name3 field to display it on labels
- use real shipment methods for credentials check
- Bugfix: use Mediaopt credentials for GKV requests and add customer gkv login to requests
- Bugfix: use Mediaopt credentials for Wunschpaket and Standortsuche requests
- Initial release of the DHL Produkte und Services plugin for OXID.