Abstract asynchronous processing and make it synchronous for your clients.
The HMB proxy is made to allow under-the-hood, loosely coupled processing with parallel processing in mind.
Instead of having a "fire & forget", callback-supported asynchronous processing, customers can rely on simple HTTP calls while having all the benefits of async processing.
Using a timeout / retry / exponential back-off strategy, users can completely abstract the implementation complexity of asynchronous systems.
$ export GIN_MODE=release
$ hmb-proxy --env=prod
2025/02/19 15:33:01 sqs: map[destination_queue:output-queue source_queue:input-queue]
2025/02/19 15:33:01 aws: map[access_key_id:default endpoint_url:http://localstack:4566/ region:eu-west-1 secret_access_key:default]
2025/02/19 15:33:01 env: prod
2025/02/19 15:33:01 server: map[port:8080]
You can then forward requests to the proxy using curl
A dummy-service is available in ./dummy-service to try out the loosely coupling mechanism locally.
Alternatively, the repository contains a ./e2e
script to manually simulate
a backend service.
This project is not Production-ready as of now. Feel free to use it, give your feedback and to help us improve it !
This project supports packaging through container images.
The proxy can be built using the following command:
$ docker build -t hmb-proxy:local .
It can then be run locally using:
$ docker run -it --rm hmb-proxy:local
The repository offers different utilities to improve development.
A docker-compose.yml
manifest is available in the top-level directory to emulate AWS services using localstack.
$ docker compose up -d --wait
[+] Running 2/2
✔ Container hmb-proxy-hmb-proxy-1 Healthy 1.8s
✔ Container hmb-proxy-localstack-1 Healthy 6.8s
- Project name: HMB proxy
- Reference to the executable: hmb-proxy