wumpus-detective is to a simple agent, surviving in a multi-agent scenario together with other agents in the Wumpus world.
$ mvn clean compile package
$ cp target/wumpusDetective-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar wDetective.jar
$ java -jar wDetective.jar --local-url wd://localhost:2000 --name jochen ----monitor-url wd://example.com:6666
On Linux/BSD/Mac you can start multiple agents in parallel using the script test-scripts/startParallelAgents.sh
. To use it, GNU Parallel is required.
The agents connect to a monitor at the address localhost:6666
. The script can be easily adapted to use a monitor on another system for example.
test-scripts/startParallelAgents.sh 16
The agent also prints its state on the command line. In the following example, you can see the output of a CarefulAgent (right) and the output of the monitor (left) with three other agents, a communication distance of 4 fields and a throttling of 50 ms per action. You can see very clearly how the agent updates its world state when other agents are within communication range.
A short example of a simple agent that simply runs in an arbitrary direction.
public class LogicA2M implements AgentLogic {
private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(LogicA2M.class);
private agent a;
public LogicA2M(AgentContext context) {
this.a = new Agent(context); // create new agent and send description
public void start() {
while(a.isALive()) {
// wait until a new message arrives
Message m = a.waitForMessage();
if (m.getClass() == ActionToken.class) {
logger.info("---- ActionToken arrived! Performing some action. -----");
// read the message and write the content to my own state
// do some action: walk in a random direction
while(!a.walk(a.getRandomDirection())) {}
// send my new state to the monitor
} else if (m.getClass() == MonitorResponse.class) { // response for MonitorInformation
logger.info("---- MonitorResponse arrived! -----");
// read the message and write the content to my own state
// I'am so sleepy
// send unsubscribe message and kill myself