This repository contains the code for AutoTemplate: A Simple Recipe for Lexically Constrained Text Generation.
title = "AutoTemplate: A Simple Recipe for Lexically Constrained Text Generation",
author = {Iso, Hayate},
booktitle = "INLG",
year = "2024",
url = "",
- You can install most of the dependencies with the following commands.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To evaluate the keywords-to-sentence generation models with METEOR v1.5 score, you can follow the following link to install:
- To evaluate the entity-guided summarization with ROUGE scores, we used
- You can download the raw datasets in the following link:
- Then, you can decompress these datasets and place them under
- Run the following to automatically create the train/dev/test splits from raw datasets.
python scripts/
- You can train the automatic template generation model with the following commands.
- You can also specify the initial pre-trained checkpoint by changing the
python ./data/one-billion-words ./log/one-billion-words --model_name google/t5-v1_1-large
python ./data/yelp_review ./log/yelp_review --model_name google/t5-v1_1-large
- You can generate sentences from the set of keywords.
- If you want to generate the sentences from the different number of keywords, you need to change the model input.
python \
./data/one-billion-words/1keywords.jsonl \ # Input path
./log/one-billion-words/checkpoint-100000 \ # Model checkpoint
./log/one-billion-words/checkpoint-100000/1keywords.txt # Output path
- Finally, you can evaluate the generated sentences with the following command.
- Note that you need to store generated files with 1-6 keywords to perform evaluation.
python scripts/ \
./data/one-billion-words/ \ # directory of reference files
./log/one-billion-words/checkpoint-100000/ # directory of hypothesis files
- We used two major summarization datasets, CNNDM and XSUM.
- You can follow the preprocessing decision made by the BART model refer to this README document:
Run the following to automatically create the train/dev/test splits of the entity-guided summarization datasets.
python scripts/ data/cnndm
python scripts/ data/xsum
- You can train the automatic template generation model with the following commands.
- You can also specify the initial pre-trained checkpoint by changing the
python ./data/cnndm ./log/cnndm --model_name google/t5-v1_1-large
python ./data/xsum ./log/xsum --model_name google/t5-v1_1-large
- If you want to generate the summaries of the XSum, you need to change the model input and the checkpoint.
python \
./data/cnndm/test.jsonl \ # Input path
./log/cnndm/checkpoint-100000 \ # Model checkpoint
./log/cnndm/checkpoint-100000/test.hypo # Output path
- Finally, you can evaluate the generated summaries using
files2rouge ./data/cnndm/ ./log/cnndm/checkpoint-100000/test.hypo
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