Asteroid SubClassOf FeatureOfInterest
Every Asteroid is a Feature of Interest.
NearEarthAsteroid SubClassOf Asteroid
Every NearEarthAsteroid is an Asteroid.
Asteroid SubClassOf hasNumericID only xsd:int
The scoped range of hasNumericID, scoped by Asteroid, is an xsd:integer.
Asteroid SubClassOf hasNumericID exactly 1 xsd:int
Every Asteroid has exactly 1 Numeric ID.
Asteroid SubClassOf hasCommonName only rdfs:Literal
The scoped range of hasCommonName, scoped by Asteroid, is an rdfs:Literal
Asteroid SubClassOf hasCommonName max 1 rdfs:Literal
Every Asteroid has at maximum 1 Common Name.
Asteroid SubClassOf hasDiscoveryName only rdfs:Literal
The scoped range of hasDiscoveryName, scoped by Asteroid, is an rdfs:Literal
Asteroid SubClassOf hasDiscoveryName exactly 1 rdfs:Literal
Every Asteroid has exactly 1 Discovery Name.
Asteroid SubClassOf hasAsteroidClassification only AsteroidClassification
The scoped range of hasAsteroidClassification, scoped by Asteroid, is AsteroidClassification
Asteroid SubClassOf hasAsteroidClassification exactly 1 AsteroidClassification
Every Asteroid has exactly 1 AsteroidClassification.
Asteroid SubClassOf hasDistanceRecord only DistanceRecord
The scoped range of hasDistanceRecord, scoped by Asteroid, is DistanceRecord
Asteroid SubClassOf hasDistanceRecord min 0 DistanceRecord
Every Asteroid has at minimum 0 DistanceRecord.
Asteroid SubClassOf hasObservation only Observation
The scoped range of hasObservation, scoped by Asteroid, is Observation
Asteroid SubClassOf hasObservation min 1 Observation
Every Asteroid has at minimum 1 Observation.
AsteroidClassification SubClassOf EntityWithProvenance
Every AsteroidClassification is an Entity With Provenance .
AsteroidClassification SubClassOf hasSMASSIIClass only SMASSIIClass
The scoped range of hasSMASSIIClass, scoped by AsteroidClassification, is SMASSIIClass.
AsteroidClassification SubClassOf hasSMASSIIClass exactly 1 SMASSIIClass
Every AsteroidClassification has exactly 1 SMASSII Class.
ElementalComposition SubClassOf derivesFrom min 1 SMASSIIClass
Every ElementalComposition is derived from at minimum 1 SMASSII Class.
ElementalComposition SubClassOf hasElement only dbo:ChemicalElement
The scoped range of hasElement, scoped by ElementalComposition, is dbo:ChemicalElement.
ElementalComposition SubClassOf hasElement min 1 dbo:ChemicalElement
Every ElementalComposition has at minimum 1 Element.
SMASSIIClass SubClassOf hasElementalComposition only ElementalComposition
The scoped range of hasElementalComposition, scoped by SMASSIIClass, is ElementalComposition.
SMASSIIClass SubClassOf hasElementalComposition exactly 1 ElementalComposition
Every SMASSIIClass has exactly 1 ElementalComposition.
SMASSIIClass SubClassOf hasLabel only rdfs:Literal
The scoped range of hasLabel, scoped by SMASSIIClass, is an rdfs:Literal.
SMASSIIClass SubClassOf hasLabel exactly 1 rdfs:Literal
Every SMASSIIClass has exactly 1 Label.
DistanceRecord SubClassOf EntityWithProvenance
Every DistanceRecord is an Entity With Provenance.
DistanceRecord SubClassOf hasResult exactly 1 Result
Every DistanceRecord has exactly 1 Result.
DistanceRecord SubClassOf hasTemporalExtent only TemporalExtent
The scoped range of hasTemporalExtent, scoped by DistanceRecord, is TemporalExtent.
DistanceRecord SubClassOf hasTemporalExtent exactly 1 TemporalExtent
Every DistanceRecord has exactly 1 Temporal Extent.
TemporalExtent SubClassOf recordedAt only xsd:dateTime
The scoped range of recordedAt, scoped by TemporalExtent, is an xsd:date.
TemporalExtent SubClassOf recordedAt exactly 1 xsd:dateTime
Every TemporalExtent has exactly 1 xsd:date.
EntityWithProvenance SubClassOf generatedBy only ProvenanceActivity
The scoped range of generatedBy, scoped by EntityWithProvenance, is ProvenanceActivity.
EntityWithProvenance SubClassOf generatedBy exactly 1 ProvenanceActivity
Every EntityWithProvenance is generated by exactly 1 Provenance Activity.
EntityWithProvenance SubClassOf attributedTo only Agent
The scoped range of attributedTo, scoped by EntityWithProvenance, is Agent.
EntityWithProvenance SubClassOf attributedTo exactly 1 Agent
Every EntityWithProvenance is attributed to by exactly 1 Agent.
ProvenanceActivity SubClassOf performedBy only Agent
The scoped range of performedBy, scoped by ProvenanceActivity, is Agent.
ProvenanceActivity SubClassOf performedBy exactly 1 Agent
Every ProvenanceActivity is performed by exactly 1 Agent.
ProvenanceActivity SubClassOf hasDescription only xsd:string
The scoped range of hasDescription, scoped by ProvenanceActivity, is an xsd:string.
ProvenanceActivity SubClassOf hasDescription exactly 1 xsd:string
Every ProvenanceActivity has exactly 1 Description.
Agent SubClassOf hasName only xsd:string
The scoped range of hasName, scoped by Agent, is an xsd:string.
Agent SubClassOf hasName exactly 1 xsd:string
Every Agent has exactly 1 Name.
Observation SubClassOf hasFeatureOfInterest only Asteroid
The scoped range of hasFeatureOfInterest, scoped by Observation, is Asteroid.
Observation SubClassOf hasFeatureOfInterest exactly 1 Asteroid
Every Observation has exactly 1 Feature of Interest, which is an Asteroid.
Observation SubClassOf hasObservableProperty only ObservableProperty
The scoped range of hasObservableProperty, scoped by Observation, is ObservableProperty.
Observation SubClassOf hasObservableProperty exactly 1 ObservableProperty
Every Observation has exactly 1 ObservableProperty.
Observation SubClassOf hasResult exactly 1 Result
Every Observation has exactly 1 Result.
Observation SubClassOf EntityWithProvenance
Every Observation is an Entity With Provenance.
EconomicProperty SubClassOf ObservableProperty
Every EconomicProperty is an Observable Property.
OrbitalProperty SubClassOf ObservableProperty
Every OrbitalProperty is an Observable Property.
PhysicalProperty SubClassOf ObservableProperty
Every PhysicalProperty is an Observable Property.
Quantity SubClassOf hasQuantityValue only QuantityValue
The scoped range of hasQuantityValue, scoped by Quantity, is QuantityValue.
Quantity SubClassOf hasQuantityKind only QuantityKind
The scoped range of hasQuantityKind, scoped by Quantity, is QuantityKind.
Quantity SubClassOf hasQuantityKind exactly 1 QuantityKind
Every Quantity has exactly 1 Quantity Kind.
Result SubClassOf hasQuantity only Quantity
The scoped range of hasQuantity, scoped by Result, is Quantity.
Quantity SubClassOf hasQuantityValue exactly 1 QuantityValue
Every Quantity has exactly 1 Quantity Value.
Result SubClassOf hasQuantity exactly 1 Quantity
Every Result has exactly 1 Quantity.
QuantityValue SubClassOf hasNumericValue only xsd:double
The scoped range of hasNumericValue, scoped by QuantityValue, is an xsd:double.
QuantityValue SubClassOf hasNumericValue exactly 1 xsd:double
Every QuantityValue has exactly 1 Numeric Value.
QuantityValue SubClassOf hasUnit only Unit
The scoped range of hasUnit, scoped by QuantityValue, is Unit.
QuantityValue SubClassOf hasUnit exactly 1 Unit
Every QuantityValue has exactly 1 Unit.
Result SubClassOf inverse (hasResult) exactly 1 (Observation or DistanceRecord)
Every Result belongs to exactly 1 Observation or DistanceRecord.
- A result can be associated with a DistanceRecord or an Observation