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Web Application Project for General Assembly's internal 24 hour 'Sparks Joy' Hackathon. Working in a team of four, our decided direction was to create a mobile-first web application that provided users with a prompt for a fun task to complete and then upload a post about, from home.

Our team has been working to expand this project into a fully functioning, full stack web app with the following tech stack:

  • React.js
  • GraphQL
  • Express.js
  • PostGreSQL (Sequelize)


  1. npm install inside of the /client folder
  2. npm install inside of the /server folder
  3. run npm start inside of the /client folder
  4. run npx nodemon app.js or just nodemon app.js inside the server folder
  5. All done!


We worked in a team of four made up of two User Experience Designers and two Developers.
Signe Bergman - UX Designer
Jay-Kwon James Park - UX Designer
Erik Heikkila - Full Stack Web Developer
Melissa Young - Front End Developer

Project Architecture


erd diagram

GraphQL Queries and Mutations


Function Name Behavior
currentUser Returns current user
user(id: Int!) Returns a single user
post(id: Int!) Returns a single post
posts Returns all posts
prompt(id: Int!) Returns a single prompt
prompts Returns all prompts
randomPrompt Returns a random prompt
category(id: Int!) Returns a single category
categories Returns all categories


Function Name Behavior
signup Creates an entry in the user table and gives back a valid session token
login Locates and validates an existing user and gives back a valid session token
followUser Creates an entry in the follow table with the current user id and the user id passed in
unfollowUser Removes an entry in the follow table with the current users id and the user id passed in
editCurrentUser Locates and updates current user’s information based on what’s passed in
editCurrentUserPassword Locates and updates current user’s password if a valid password is also given. Gives back an updated session token.
deleteCurrentUser Removes current user from users table
addCategoryToUser Adds an entry to the usercategory table with the current user’s id and the passed in category id.
removeCategoryFromUser Removes an entry from the usercategory table with the current user’s id and the passed in category id
createPrompt Creates and adds a new entry to the prompts table
editPrompt Updates an entry in the prompt table as long as no posts have been assigned to it. Based on id passed in
deletePrompt Removes an entry from the prompt table as long as no posts have been assigned to it. Based on id passed in.
createPost Creates and add a new entry to the post table, or updates non published entry with new prompt id
publishPost Updates latest non published entry with post information and publishes it
editPost Updates the text of an entry in the post table. The picture is not updatable.
deletePost Removes an entry from the post table.
addLikeToPost Creates an entry in the like table using the current user id and post id
removeLikeFromPost Removes an entry from the like table
createComment Creates an entry in the comment table
editComment Updates an entry in the comment table
deleteComment Removes an entry from the comment table

Site Map

Site map


Wireframes are hosted on Figma. Request access from the team to view wireframes.

Hackathon Research

  • Created and sent out a quick 5 question survey to help figure out audience, age, interests, and what people have readily available at home in terms of hobby/activity related items. Also included open ended questions about activities or skills people wanted to try out or develop, but just hadn't gotten around to yet.
  • Competetive analysis with similar social applications such as Instagram, Tinder, and Bumble.
  • Created a user journey map

Hackathon MVP:

  1. Have a sign up and login flow
  2. Have user's able to select a prompt
  3. Have user able to post about the prompt

Accomplished Goals:

1. Hackathon

  1. User's were able to sign up for a new account, though for the hackathon, we saved all credentials to a JSON file in plain text and also did not persist the session.
  2. Since we did save credentials to the file, users were able to log back in after signing up.
  3. Prompts were provided for a user to choose from, one at a time, so user's could either decide if that prompt interested them or not. If not, a new prompt replaced the previous one. Currently, all prompts are sourced from the Bored API, so while we do have quite a few of them, they are not all prompts that can be accomplished while remaining at home.
  4. User's were able to select a prompt and then post about it. Currently you can supply the app with a title, a description, and a link to an image. After submitting a post, that post then displays on the feed.

2. Development

  1. Implemented Sequelize as ORM.
  2. Backend API is built and fully tested in GraphQL, including CRUD routes for Users, Prompts, Categories, Posts, and Comments.
  3. Implemented Cloudinary widget, allowing users to upload photos for posts.
  4. Implemented auth on React front end so users can register and login through the user interface.

Current Product Images

Future Goals

  • Conduct more user research through an additional survey to gain a deeper insight into what features in a social application are most pertinant to a user.
  • Conduct more competative analysis of different platforms and what they offer that users like.

Improvements Going Forward

  • Complete user research to see what social features users would find the most beneficial in our application.
  • Develop mobile-first approach into responsive frontend for both mobile and desktop.