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API Reference

Top-Level Exports


Every function described above is a top-level export. You can import any of them like this:

import { createHttpClient } from '@meltwater/mlabs-http'


  • metricNames: Un-prefixed metric names.


Create an HttpClient with an API compatible with Got.

  • A new Got instance will be created for the HttpClient.
  • If origin is set, then prefixUrl will be set to origin + path.
  • If prefixUrl is set, then origin and path are ignored.
  • Use the extend option to pass default options to Got These options are merged with got.extend.
  • Additional options are passed to HttpClient.


  1. options (object): Any additional options are passed directly to the HttpClient.
    • origin (string): The HTTP server URL origin. Default: none.
    • path (string): The path to prefix all requests with. Only used when origin is set. Default: none.
    • prefixUrl (string): The Got prefixUrl. Overrides origin and path. Default: none.
    • bearerToken (string): Token to send in the authorization header. Default: none.
    • cache (boolean): The Got cache option. Default: none.
    • hooks (boolean): The Got hooks option. Default: none.
    • extend (object): Passed to got.extend when creating the Got instance.
    • got (object): Got instance to use. Default: got imported from got.




JSON requests
import { createHttpClient } from '@meltwater/mlabs-http'

const http = createHttpClient({origin: ''})

const body = await http.get('get')
await'post', { json: { foo: 'bar' } })
Full response
import { createHttpClient } from '@meltwater/mlabs-http'

const http = createHttpClient({
  resolveBodyOnly: false,
  origin: ''

const { body, statusCode } = await http.get('get')

// or per request

const { body, statusCode } = await http.get('get', {
  resolveBodyOnly: false
With custom Got options
import { createHttpClient } from '@meltwater/mlabs-http'

const http = createHttpClient({
  extend: {headers: {foo: 'bar'}},
  origin: ''

const body = await http.get('get')
Control logging
import { createHttpClient } from '@meltwater/mlabs-http'

const http = createHttpClient({
  origin: '',
  responseLogLevel: 'info',
  getLogResponseProps: ({ body }) => ({ myIp: body.origin })

const body = await http.get('get', {
  meta: { user: { name: 'foo' } },
  logProps: { userId: 123 }

// all logs have { userId: 123, meta: { user: { name: 'foo' } } }
// success log also has { myIp: '' }

registerClient(container, client)

Register an HttpClient and its dependencies in the Awilix container.

The container must provide the dependencies registry, log and reqId. The reqId will be sent in the x-request-id header. The registry is passed as metricRegistry to the HttpClient.

For example, registering a client named http will register the following dependencies:

  • httpCache: A quick-lru cache.
  • httpHooks: No default hooks.
  • httpClient: The HttpClient (scoped).

Any of these dependencies may be overridden manually by registering a compatible dependency under the corresponding name.


  1. container (object required): The [Awilix] container.
  2. client (object):
    • name (string): The (unique) client name. The client will be registered as ${name}Client. Default: http.
    • origin (string): Passed directly to HttpClient.
    • path (string): Passed directly to HttpClient.
    • prefixUrl (string): Passed directly to HttpClient.
    • token (string): Passed as bearerToken to HttpClient.
    • createHooks (function): Function that returns hooks (registered as dependency).
    • cacheOptions (object): Options passed directly to quick-lru.
    • clientOptions (object): Options passed directly to HttpClient.




registerClient(container, {
  name: 'foo',
  origin: ''

const client = container.resolve('fooClient')

registerClients(container, clients, defaults)

Register each HttpClient and its dependencies in the Awilix container using registerClient.


  1. container (object required): The [Awilix] container.
  2. clients (object): The clients to register. Each key will be used as the client name and the value will be passed as the second argument to registerClient.
  3. defaults (object): Options to apply to each client by default.




registerClients(container, {
  foo: { origin: '' },
  { token: 'auth-token' }

const client = container.resolve('fooClient')


Collect metrics with Prometheus client.

Call this function once with a Prometheus Registry instance and pass the same Registry instance to each HttpClient that should send metrics to this Registry.

The list of (un-prefixed) metric names is exported as metricNames.


  1. options (object):
    • register (object required): Prometheus registry to use for metrics.
    • prefix (string): Prefix to prepend to all metric names. Default: http_client_.
    • metricOptions (object): Override options for each metric. Default: no overrides.




const register = new Registry()

  prefix: 'my_prefix_',
  options: {
    'request_duration_milliseconds': {
      buckets: [0, 200, 300, 800]

const http = createHttpClient({ metricRegistry: register })
await http.get('/get')



Wraps all Got methods (except stream) with an identical API: get, post, put, patch, head, and delete.

Provides an additional method health which takes no arguments and resolves true or rejects. Configure with the healthPath, healthPrefixUrl and getHealth options.

  • The default responseType is json.
  • The default for resolveBodyOnly is true.
  • An error err thrown from a request will have err.statusCode set (copied from err.response.statusCode).
  • All methods have a meta option to log additional properties to the meta key.
  • All methods have a logProps option to log additional properties at the top-level.
  • All methods have a resourceName option to group dynamic requests, e.g., if url=/api/users/123 then set resourceName=/api/users.
  • All methods have these additional options, which may be set per-request to override the default from the constructor (see below):
    • responseLogLevel
    • willLogOptions
    • willLogResponseProps
    • willLogResponseData
    • getLogResponseProps
    • getLogResponseData


  1. options (object):
    • got (object required): The Got instance to use for requests.
    • name (string): The client name (for logging). Default: http.
    • metricRegistry (object): Prometheus Registry to collect metrics. Default: null (metrics disabled).
    • metricPrefix (object): Prefix prepend to all metric names. Default: See collectMetrics.
    • healthPath (string): Path to use for the health check. Default: ''.
    • healthPrefixUrl (string): Use a different prefixUrl for the health check. Default: use the same prefixUrl as the client.
    • getHealth: Function called for the health method. Receives the client instance and the healthPath as arguments. Default: a GET request to healthPath.
    • reqId (string): A request id to bind to the instance. Default: one will be generated.
    • reqIdHeader (string): Name of the header to use for the request id. Default: x-request-id.
    • reqNameHeader (string): Name of the header to use for the request name. Default: x-request-name.
    • responseLogLevel (string): Log level to log successful responses. If this level is active, then successful responses will be logged according to the other log response options. Default: debug.
    • willLogOptions (boolean): If true, log all options under meta. Default: true.
    • willLogResponseProps (boolean): If true, log props returned by getLogResponseProps. Only relevant if responseLogLevel is an active level. Default: true.
    • willLogResponseData (boolean): If true, log data returned by getLogResponseData. Only relevant if responseLogLevel is an active level. Default: false.
    • getLogResponseProps (function): Receives the full response from Got and returns an object whose properties will be logged at the top level. Only relevant if responseLogLevel is an active level. Default: no additional props are logged.
    • getLogResponseData (function): Receives the full response from Got and returns an object whose properties will be logged under data. Only relevant if responseLogLevel is an active level and willLogResponseData is set. Default: logs a relevant subset of the full Got response.
    • log (object): A Logger. Default: a new logger.

Metric Handlers

Handlers for updating metrics. Provided for libraries that want to register and track similar metrics.

Each handler is passed the following options in the first argument:

  • prefix (see collectMetrics)
  • name (see HttpClient)
  • resourceName (see HttpClient)
  • method
  • data (on success) or err (on fail)
    • Must contain statusCode and timings properties.
    • May contain isFromCache property.


  • metricsHandleStart: Call immediately before request is started.
  • metricsHandleDone: Call when request completes or errors.
  • metricsHandleFail: Call when request fails; passed err property.
  • metricsHandleRetry: Call when request retries; passed err property.
  • metricsHandleSuccess: Call when request succeeds; passed data property.