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Releases: mendix/docker-mendix-buildpack

Fix compatibility with the CF Buildpack v4.5.0

22 May 08:38
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  • Fixes compatibility with changes made in CF Buildpack v4.5.0
  • Uses a pinned version of CF Buildpack (v4.5.0) instead of the master branch

Reduce the size of resulting Docker images

05 Mar 20:31
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  • The size of Docker images built by the Buildpack is reduced, especially when the Docker Buildpack is used to build from an *.mpr source file
  • Shared layers can be reused between images - if the images are build in the same Docker daemon without cleaning the image cache

Fix confusing errors related to missing git

23 Jan 14:37
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Fix error about a missing git file

When using the buildpack, a confusing No such file or directory: 'git' error message is shown because the rootfs for Docker Mendix Buildpack doesn't include git. This is not an issue, but the error message may be confusing, as it may be interpreted that the build failed.

In this release, we added a mock git binary to determine exact version of CF Buildpack and remove the confusing errors.

Closes #85

Use Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr by default

07 Nov 15:24
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Using Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr as default

With the previous release (, the build process started failing under certain conditions. Until this issue is fixed, the Buildpack will use Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr as the base image by default.

To use Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver as the base image, add a --build-arg ROOTFS_IMAGE=mendix/rootfs:trusty argument to docker build.

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of the buildpack and to replace the base image tag to use a specific version of Ubuntu. For example, replace ARG ROOTFS_IMAGE=mendix/rootfs in your Dockerfile with ARG ROOTFS_IMAGE=mendix/rootfs:trusty or ARG ROOTFS_IMAGE=mendix/rootfs:bionic.

Additional changes

  • If the build process fails, fail and return an error code instead of continuing with the build #16

Switch to Ubuntu 18.04

04 Nov 15:11
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Using Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver as for the base version.

The Docker buildpack is now migrated to use Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver as the base image.

Additional changes

  • Applying read/execute permissions in case the Docker Buildpack is built in Windows.

Remove DATABASE_ENDPOINT validation

05 Aug 10:02
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Buildpack has no validation of DATABASE_ENDPOINT environment variable. It allows to configure Database connection with multiple ways.

For more information see examples in documentation.

Support for OpenShift Arbitrary User IDs

28 May 08:12
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Support for OpenShift Arbitrary User IDs

The Docker buildpack can be used in OpenShift as a user, without needing root access. This is done by adding support for Arbitrary User IDs.

To run the Docker buildpack in OpenShift, CF Mendix Buildpack v3.2.4 or later is required.

Additional changes

  • All resources of the Mendix app are now installed in /opt/mendix.
  • SIGTERM is now forwarded to the CF Buildpack, making it possible for the container to perform a clean shutdown instead of force stopping it.
  • Support for reaping of zombie processes. If the Mendix Runtime stops or crashes, the Docker container will stop as well.

Non-root support

27 Feb 14:04
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Breaking changes

v2.0.0 allows you to execute container as non-root user. It implies one breaking change from v1.x.x versions: default container port is now 8080 (was 80). If your pipeline has broken after switch to v2.0.0 you have two options:

Option 1: update your pipeline to expect port 8080

This option is preferrable as it is a best practice of Docker to not use root user within container.

Option 2: update your script to use v1.x.x version of buildpack

You should provide a tag in your script in the step when you fetch the buildpack:

git clone --branch <TAG>

List of tags is available here.

Other features

  • CF buildpack version selection support
  • Base rootfs image selection support

Migrate to Python 3 support DataDog and CA

20 Feb 08:52
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  • Migrate to Python 3
  • Support CA
  • Support DataDog

MySQL support and Travis CI fix

20 Feb 08:52
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Add MySQL support and docker-compose example
Fix Travis CI integration