This is a patch release following 2.4.0. It contains several new features for self-hosted (standalone) NeoDash deployments, as well as a variety of UX improvements for dashboard editors.
- Improvements to customizability of the bar chart (styling, legend customization, report actions). #689
- Improved dashboard settings interface, fixed alignment for table download button. #729
- Adjusted ordering of suggested labels/properties for parameter selectors. #728
- Better handling of date parameters when saving/loading dashboards. #727
- Fixed incorrect z-index issue for form creation modals. #726
- Adjusted filtering tooltip on tables to avoid hiding result data. #712
- Fixed uncontrolled component issue for dashboard import modal. #711
- Adjusted font color of graph context popups to use theme colors. #699
- Adjust sidebar database selector to only show active databases. #698
- Incorporated logging functionality for self-hosted NeoDash deployments. #705
- Improved dashboard management in standalone-mode deployments. #705
- Added Docker parameter for overriding the app's logo & custom header. #705
- Changed the dashboard 'save' action to a logical merge, rather than a delete + create, allowing to persist labels across saves. #705
- Docker: Updated Alpine base image to mitigate CVE-2023-38039 & CVE-2023-4863. #705