- Robert (Weconnect)
- InfoCompass: Jan, Stefan
- Refugeeboard/Social Collective: Britta, Conni
- Metabrain: Moritz, Ulrike
- Nerds4Refugees/Migration Hub: Oli
- USEEDS°: Maria
- All share similiar problems: Started collecting data of projects
- Tools for initiatives
- Discussion on target group started ... main focus on refugees seeking basic information (where is which administration, where can I by a SIM card)
- Nerds4refugees as another player
- Sahana eden as management tool (Oli)
- Oli: Now tipping point, we need to find a commonly agreed platform
- Oli: Digiteers
- we need to collect to benefits
- we need to ask the question which channels do we actually use? ... distribution by natural ways
- Maria - want to contribute "utask"-days to improve UIX/frontend of metabrain
- presenting more technical aspects
- data has to be found
- Why does Google not do it?
- initiatives have only scarce ressources
- maybe start with low user base to increase trust
- press will distribute quickly
- different kind of interactions and stakeholders
- is "static information" the right category? maybe "contact information", "core information"
- maybe don't think too complicated
- target group definition urgently needed
- useeds could also jump in with consulting
- login should be avoided (barrier)
- information on landing page on which information will be distributed
- iframe solution? (clickable small interface design to copy paste into own website)
- language solutions/multi-language solution is very hard to implement
- maybe concentrate on Berlin?
- discussion on funding: EU, Ernst&Young, small donors -> we need to stay independent with our product (keep it in our hands)
- use HXL as a database standard
- meta-tags are very important for crawlable information (comparable to #/hashtags in twitter)
- we have to reduce permanent work
- backend and interface cannot be separated in the discussion
- "metabrain" as a name should be re-thought. better solutions?
- publish a mvp (minimal viable product) quickly, not complex
- use the data
- developers as first target group
- technical consortium
- data base as an identity
- interface as an own identity
- how many interfaces do we need?
- refugees as main target group
- specialized data base with metabrain as backend
- entry mask withith login and simple authorized entry
- API is important
- default data browser is needed
- how to validate data/information
- users could be part of data evaluation (stars, comments)
- emails to initiative when user identifies missing information
- reminder mails to initiatives
- microanalytics can be offered in connection with notifications
- make the last day of information update public
- give incentives out to initiatives to keep information up to date
- Useeds could help to define personas and needs of future data base users
- Metabrain embassadors to develop trust through personal contact
- Britta: Look at Foodsharing how to develop a network and PR
- use existent data base and use grassrooting
- system of recommendations
- branding a data set
- "cryptoparty" for refugee organisations ("be an angel") -> further incentive for getting data in metabrain and keeping it up to date
- meetup "silicon drinkabout", "beta breakfast"
- long-term effects needed
- we need to stay "open"
- manpower needed (Conni)
- when do we inform press? -> Conni has contacts to Frontal21 and rbb, print easy to serve, DW by Monis
- vacation of Moritz ... when?
- meeting dates can be included
- in the future: event calender
- knowledge transfer important
- brainstorm naming
- maybe not specific for refugees
- has to be unique
- spreadsheet
- sheet for important information (wiki)
- March: small product will be published before workshop of Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) - Civil Society 4.0 - https://www.hkw.de/en/programm/projekte/2016/civil_society_4_0/civil_society_4_0_start.php
- SocialProHub can be used -> contact to Michael
- List of Collective is needed -> Social Collective needs to be publicly defined for Metabrain (and cooperation)
- Useeds workshop: 1/28-1/29
- one group with user identity research
- more groups to define on sunday (Fabian)
- Trello for working packages: https://trello.com/b/B1LMfbyn/backend
- Social Collective and Metabrain group are almost the same and should be considered as a whole (everything we do here on this weekend is relevant for the Social Collective as well)
- Melting Social Pro Hub and Refugee Board interfaces and use the data of metabrain
- project network platform seen as most important
- Landing page needed (github, launchrock.com) until tomorrow
- Prepare information on
- external communication and its strategy should be decided with the social collective
- this could be done via a landing page at the HKW event or our own where many projects are invited
- define clear goals and the work packages needed to achieve them
- direct curation of project data at an event like the HKW
- invitation to update their data via mail
- we need to be transparent and establish a relationship of trust with the projects
- ideas for incentivizing an active relationship:
- good feedback from us via notifications (non-spammy, useful content)
- visible certificates, for example, for verified data, working relationships with the city and others
- project reviews by users and maybe even comments
- exclusivity
- use good multiplicators
- Metabrain logo embedded on sites should be a sign of quality
- Entrepreneur pledge as an example to look into
- we need to closely look at our capacity to do work and possibly recruit more help
- distribution of tasks and designated responsible people for certain user stories which stories should we focus on?
- we need an implementation fast, that should be our focus
- what professional level do we want to reach and what is the resulting work load?
- Monis is in talks with Ernst & Young, an opportunity for support?
- a simple solution for single sign-on could be two-factor authentication
- we should fast implementation strategies (KISS)
- what happens after the "refugee crisis" is "contained"?
- Human-readable API by offering embeddable code that allows views on our data
- conclusively define target groups and communicate that (internally and externally)
- think big but then pick feasible targets
- who are "we"?
- realistic estimation of amount of work; avoid burn-outs
- create a culture for volunteer work, lower barriers for participation
- clearly mark who contributes with what capacity (time budget) and adjust expectations
- team organization
- organize information material
- list projects by their status, e.g., status concept, in progress, funded
- collection of projects that have a national focus (Germany)
- languages: at first German and English but build the system so it is extendable to N languages
- in the long run we need to ensure that metabrain is found (SEO)
- coordinate with Fabian who is invited to USEEDS and who else should maybe be invited
- research on what kind of users makes up the majority, this has important implications for the presentaiton and curation of data
- discuss category system
- what information needs to be covered and according changes to database schema
- contents of landing page, under which name to publish and one-pager
- history of the project, who is and was part of it, which events shaped it, attribute data collections