For our workflow, we need a project management tool for all the different tasks that need to be done and solved. We decided on using Trello to organize our to do list. Everyone contributing to Metabrain should be part of our Trello boards.
- Register a Trello account:
- Send us your username on slack (Refugees DE) via direct message (@ulrike, @midnighter) or via mail ([email protected])
- We will grant you editing rights for the following Trello boards:
- General:
- Backend:
- Landing Page:
There are three different Trello Boards so far:
- General: This is where we collect all project management tasks. Here, we also define the organizational structure
- Backend: All tasks regarding the backend/data structure
- Landing page: All tasks on creating a landing page In the future, there might be more Trello boards (e.g., public relations). We will discuss the purpose of those boards within those boards and also post them within the slack channel.
- To Do: Here, we define all working packages by a card each. We need the following information for each new working package:
- priority, defined by color labels: low (yellow), medium (orange), high (red)
- due date
- responsible persons
- clear discription
- In Progress: Once you start to work on a working package, please move the card in here. If there are needs for comments (e.g., important realization, problems, status), please comment in the card.
- Done: Once a task is solved/done, please move it in here.
- In Review: The project management team will take a look at the solution.
- Accepted: Once the task is solved, the project management team will move this card in here.