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Thomas Nipen edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 9 revisions

In v0.3.0, a combined coastal and elevation gradient approach is implemented. The method first computes an elevation gradient based on land points only, and then computes a land-sea gradient after correcting points in a neighbourhood with the elevation gradient.

The two gradients are then added.

Library example

import gridpp
ovalues = gridpp.simple_gradient(igrid, ogrid, temp_analysis[:, :, 0], -0.0065)

Elevation gradient

Meteorological variables change predictably with elevation. When a high resolution topography is available, coarse resolution models can be downscaled by fitting the variable to the new topography.

For temperature, a standard 6.5°C/km lapse rate is often applied. In gridpp, this is done using

gridpp <input> <output> -v T -d gradient constantGradient=-0.0065

gridpp <input> <output> -v T -d gradient radius=3

Land-sea gradient

More info


  • downscaler (string): Which basic downscaler should be used before gradients are computed? One of nearestNeighbour (default), bilinear.
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