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Thomas Nipen edited this page Apr 9, 2020 · 81 revisions

[April 9, 2020: This wiki is under a lot of development right now]

Gridpp a is post-processing tool for gridded weather forecasts. It consists of a library of commonly-used methods and a command-line tool that applies these methods to forecast fields in NetCDF files.

Gridpp is written in C++ but offers python and (and soon R) bindings to the functions in the library. The tool is used at MET Norway to produce operational weather forecasts for Yr (


  • Methods for downscaling a forecast from a coarse grid to a fine grid
  • Methods for calibrating the downscaled grid based on a set of parameters
  • Computationally efficient neighbourhood methods to compute neighbourhood min, mean, max, and any quantile.
  • Data assimilation using optimal interpolation (OI) to merge observations and gridded forecasts (deterministic or ensemble).
  • Efficient data structures for finding nearest points in a vector or grid of points.

This wiki includes documentation and examples of how to use the gridpp command-line tool and the python interface to the gridpp library.


Date News
April 9, 2020 Gridpp is being restructured to expose its API.
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