This is a simple Todo List app that allows you to manage your todos. You can add, edit, and delete todos with a title, description, and date. Additionally, the app includes Web3 features that allow you to connect your MetaMask wallet, view your BNB balance, and check the current epoch from a Pancake Prediction smart contract.
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
To clone the repository, run the following command in your terminal:
git clone
Installing Dependencies Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies:
npm install
Starting the Project Locally First, start the json-server to serve the local database:
json-server --watch db.json --port 3000
In a new terminal, start the dev server:
npm run dev
Your application should now be running on http://localhost:5173
- Connect MetaMask Wallet: Click the "Connect Wallet" button to connect your MetaMask wallet to the app.
- View Wallet Balance: Once connected, your BNB balance will be displayed. If you are not on the BNB mainnet, you will be prompted to change the network.
- Show Current Epoch: Click the "Show Current Epoch" button to read the current epoch of Pancake Prediction from the smart contract (0x18B2A687610328590Bc8F2e5fEdDe3b582A49cdA).
- Vite: Fast development build tool.
- TypeScript: Typed superset of JavaScript.
- React: Library for building user interfaces.
- Web3: Library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework.
- json-server: Fake REST API for testing.
- Axios: Promise-based HTTP client.
- React Hot Toast: Notifications for React applications.