Configurations at SR Linux Node involves 3 steps, Follow the below steps:
Create a TLS Server Profile
--{ running }--[ system tls ]-- A:srl# info server-profile tls-profile-1 { key "server_side key copy here" certificate "server_side_certificate copy here" authenticate-client true trust-anchor "Signing CA copy here" }
Create gNMI Server Configurations
--{ running }--[ system gnmi-server ]-- A:srl# info admin-state enable timeout 7200 rate-limit 60 session-limit 20 network-instance mgmt { admin-state enable use-authentication true port 57400 tls-profile tls-profile-1 }
Create JSON RPC Server Configurations
--{ running }--[ system json-rpc-server ]-- A:srl# info admin-state enable network-instance mgmt { http { admin-state enable use-authentication true session-limit 1 port 80 } https { admin-state enable use-authentication true session-limit 1 port 443 tls-profile tls-profile-1 source-address [ :: ] } }
From NAPALM NOKIA REPO clone the repository on your local computer
git clone https://github.com/napalm-automation-community/napalm-sros
Install requirements using command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run a script to get the results.
from napalm import get_network_driver import json driver = get_network_driver("srl") optional_args = { "port": 57400, "target_name": "", "tls_ca":"/root/gnmic_certs/srl_certs/clientCert.crt", "tls_cert": "/root/gnmic_certs/srl_certs/RootCA.crt", "tls_key": "/root/gnmic_certs/srl_certs/clientKey.pem", "skip_verify": True, "insecure": True, "encoding": "JSON_IETF" } device = driver("", "admin", "admin", 60, optional_args) device.open() print(json.dumps(device.get_bgp_neighbors())) device.close()
We welcome suggestions and contributions. Please contact the Nokia owners of this repository for how to contribute.