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Gematik IDP

IDP plugin to integrate the gematik central-IDP with the gematik Authenticator application. Allows a user to log in with his HBA (Heil-Berufs-Ausweis) card, supplying HBA and SMCB (Elektronischer Praxis-/Institutionsausweis) card information. Additionally, HBA- and SMCB-specific IDP mappers are provided.

Please be aware, that this plugin was developed for and tested with Keycloak 22 Quarkus. With version 22, Keycloak moved from JavaX to Jakarta, which is why this version is incompatible with other versions of Keycloak.


  1. Run mvn clean install in this directory.
  2. After completion, install the gematik-idp jar from the target folder into your Keycloak instance by copying it into your Docker container under /opt/keycloak/providers/ and rebuild the Quarkus environment.
  3. Add the new Identity Provider gematik-idp following the official guide Integrating identity providers. Specific configuration properties are listed below.
  4. Set the login theme in your realm, where you added the Identity Provider, to gematik-idp for full support of all features. You can also add the content from ./themes/gematik-idp to you custom theme if necessary.

Local Deployment

⚠️Disclaimer: The following steps and files are not intended for production usage! Use at your own risk! ⚠️

A docker-compose.yml file is provided, which starts a Keycloak and a Postgres container, respectively. It also imports the fully configured Gematik-IDP realm defined under sample-realm/GematikIDP-ref-idp.json. This deployment depends on a parallel running ref-idp-server instance, which is also started by the docker-compose file.

You'll need to manually switch the Admin console theme to gematik-idp in the master realm. The new admin console theme is currently not supported by this plugin.


If you don't see any of these attributes, please make sure to switch to the old admin console theme. We currently don't support the new theme with this plugin.

Name Value Description
Multiple Identity Mode ON or OFF If this option is switched on, the current timestamp is appended to the Gematik-IDP-ID, which means that an eHBA can be linked to several users at the same time. You will not be able to login with your registered IDP credentials in this case.
Authentication Flow Either single, HBA, SMCB or multiple request Choose your preferred authentication flow. When single, HBA or SMCB is selected, only a single request is made to the Gematik-Authenticator, but this flow requires at least an Authenticator in version 4.6.0. Otherwise, multiple requests are made to the Gematik-Authenticator.
Authenticator Timeout (ms) default: 20000 Timeout in milliseconds until the process of establishing a connection to the Authenticator is aborted
Gematik IDP openid configuration url availble from public internet only available from TI (Telematik-Infrastruktur)
Gematik IDP timeout (ms) default: 10000 Timeout in milliseconds until the process of establishing a connection to the Gematik IDP is aborted
Gematik IDP User-Agent User-Agent Header as specified in "gemILF_PS_eRp - A_20015-01": <Produktname>/<Produktversion> <Herstellername>/<client_id>
Client ID Client ID to verify your request on C-IDP side. Assigned on registration for the IDP on Gematik side
Client Secret Client Secret to verify your request on C-IDP side. Assigned on registration for the IDP on Gematik side
Scopes default: openid Scopes to send on each request.

Because of limitations in the way, Keycloak displays dynamic identity provider settings, it is currently not possible to define a custom alias or display name for the Gematik-IDP identity provider. This means, that only a single Gematik-IDP identity provider can be configured per realm, since that one always gets the alias gematik-idp and the alias cannot be shared between identity providers.

If you need to have multiple Gematik-IDP identity provider for your realm or want to define a custom display name, please consider to import them via partial realm import. A discussion regarding this problem ist currently being done in the Keycloak repository at github:


A base login theme is provided under /themes and named gematik-idp. This theme contains only the necessary files for this plugin and can be adapted according to your requirements.

Please make sure to use your standard browser without an incognito window, when using the authenticator:// Authenticator Url

If you configured the Authenticator Url authenticator:// and aren't using the new authentication flow, the Gematik- Authenticators opens two tabs in your standard browser while authenticating. This is necessary, because the Gematik-cIDP doesn't support requests for the SMCB and eHBA at the same time and this plugin therefore needs to do two separate calls to the Gematik-Authenticator. Additionally, the Gematik-Authenticator isn't able to open the response in the same tab, because of limitations of the authenticator:// endpoint.

This can cause problems, when you aren't using your standard browser or an incognito window while authenticating. In this case, the tab opened by the Gematik-Authenticator doesn't know anything about your session, which in turn leeds to exception in the plugin backend.

Configuring the authentication flow to prevent duplicate IDP Links

If Multiple Identity Mode is set to TRUE, it is possible to create multiple IDP links for one user, but registering the same IDP for the same user is still not possible and will result in a database error. To prevent this error from happening, it is possible to extend the appropriate flow that uses Multiple Identity Mode with a conditional branch that displays a more appropriate error message if a user has already registered an IDP link for your Gematik-IDP, so this illegal state cannot be reached.

  1. Go to "Roles > Realm Roles" and create a new role that registered users will get assigned
  2. Go to "Identity Providers > Your Gematik-IDP > Mappers" and create a new mapper of the type "Hardcoded Role" that maps to the newly created role
  3. Go to "Authentication > Flows" and select your registration authentication flow from the dropdown. Click "Add flow" and add a new generic flow
    1. Check the "CONDITIONAL" radio button next to the new entry
    2. Add executions for "Condition - User Role" and "Deny Access" as children to this flow via the "Actions" menu
    3. Check the radio button "REQUIRED" next to both added executions
    4. Configure the "Condition - User Role" execution to check for the newly create role from step 1
    5. Configure the "Deny Access" execution to show the error message. You're able to localized messages by using a message property key here.
  4. Move the newly added flow up to the top of the list.

Now the OTC Registration flow will check, if the user that tries to go through this flow has the newly created role and will show the "already registered" error page in that case. Otherwise, the flow continues as usual and the user will be assigned the newly created role via the hardcoded role mapper on completion of the registration.

Prevention of blocked requests to the Gematik-Authenticator

Currently, this plugin makes two requests against the Gematik-Authenticator, as described above: One for the eHBA and on for the SMCB data.

Some browsers based on Chromium (e.g. Chrome, Edge, etc.) block the second request with an error message when no user interaction was done between the requests. To prevent this from happening, a modal is shown which the user has to acknowledge before the Gemaik-Authenticator is opened.

Authentication Flow

A description of the different authentication flows can be found in the following files: