These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
you have to study :
1- jsp and servelt Before download the first 5 versions nearly
2- if you need to see the project more readable .. no error.. you have to go JSTL Version
3- if you need to understand the project you have to study some design patterns
i- DAO ( Data Access Object)
ii- Bulider
iii- MVC (Model - View - Controller)
4- some knowlege about Maven
5- some knowlege about lombok project
The project is being developed ...
you have to set up :
1- IDE (Netbeans or any IDE as you like)
2- XAMPP (php my admin to handle database MYSQL)
3- get file shop.sql and do import to xampp
4- JDK 1.8
1-using jsp and servelt
2-using jstl
3-using bulider
4-using maven
1-Mohamed Gamal Mohamed
2-Ahmed Ramadan Teleb
from EGYPT
ALL programs Under MIT license
- Thanks for all