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File metadata and controls

85 lines (62 loc) · 3.81 KB


This repo contains scripts that we used to recreate WDBench benchmark, as well as the results that we gathered. The benchmark was performed on AWS instances of following specification: image

Data import

Here you may find the instructions how we imported the data to both tested databases. The Wikidata data that we used may be found here

Setup Neo4j

This part assumes you are connected to the AWS instance with at least 24GB of RAM and 350GB of free disk space. Some of the commands may require root access if you are using Amazon Linux as we did.

1. Download Neo4J

  • Download Neo4J community edition. We used the version 4.3.5, same that was used in the original run.
  • Extract the downloaded file
    • tar -xf neo4j-community-4.*.*-unix.tar.gz
  • Enter to the folder:
    • cd neo4j-community-4.*.*/
  • Set the variable $NEO4J_HOME pointing to the Neo4J folder.

2. Edit configuration file

Edit the text file conf/neo4j.conf

  • Set dbms.default_database=wikidata
  • Uncomment the line
  • Add the line dbms.transaction.timeout=10m

3. Convert .nt to .csv files

Use the script to generate the .csv files entities.csv, literals.csv and edges.csv

4. Bulk import and index

Execute the data import

bin/neo4j-admin import --database wikidata \
 --nodes=Entity=wikidata_csv/entities.csv \
 --nodes wikidata_csv/literals.csv \
 --relationships wikidata_csv/edges.csv \
 --delimiter "," --array-delimiter ";" --skip-bad-relationships true

Now we have to create the index for entities:

  • Start the server: bin/neo4j console
  • Open the cypher console (in another terminal):
    • bin/cypher-shell, and inside the console run the command:
      • CREATE INDEX ON :Entity(id);
      • Even though the above command returns immediately, you have to wait until is finished before interrupting the server. You can see the status of the index with the command SHOW INDEXES;.

Setup Blazegraph

1. Split .nt file into smaller files

Blazegraph can't load big files in a reasonable time, so we need to split the .nt into smaller files (1M each)

  • mkdir splitted_nt
  • cd splitted_nt
  • split -l 1000000 -a 4 -d --additional-suffix=.nt [path_to_nt]
  • cd ..

2. Clone the Git repository and build

  • git clone --recurse-submodules wikidata-query-rdf
  • cd wikidata-query-rdf
  • mvn package
  • cd dist/target
  • tar xvzf service-*-dist.tar.gz
  • cd service-*/
  • mkdir logs

3. Edit the default script

  • Edit the script file
    • configure main memory here: HEAP_SIZE=${HEAP_SIZE:-"64g"} (You may use other value depending on how much RAM your machine has)
    • set the log folder LOG_DIR=${LOG_DIR:-"/path/to/logs"}, replace /path/to/logs with the absolute path of the logs dir you created in the previous step.
    • add -Dorg.wikidata.query.rdf.tool.rdf.RdfRepository.timeout=60 to the exec java command to specify the timeout (value is in seconds).
    • also change -Dcom.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.QueryHints.analyticMaxMemoryPerQuery=0 which removes per-query memory limits.

4. Load the splitted data

  • Start the server: ./
    • This process won't end until you interrupt it (Ctrl+C). Let this execute until the import ends. Run the next command in another terminal.
  • Start the import: ./ -n wdq -d [path_of_splitted_nt_folder] This step may take a while, on AWS instance that we used, it took around 4 days to finish.