A very simple and easy to use MOCK API server that serves static JSON written in ruby/sinatra.
NOTE: This is a super simple, super fragile MOCKING SERVER Intended so you can test routes and mock an API with static jso whilst you're still building the real production API. DO NOT EVER use this in production... Seriously. It breaks a lot and will if you try... DONT. Absolutely 0 effort went into it, therefor 0 Warranty. Use if you dare.
Folder structure defines API calls.... return.json is what gets served.
site_root ->
[ http method ] -> [ api call route ] -> [ json response contents of call return.json ]
site_root ->
GET -> users -> return.json
POST -> users -> create -> return.json
If you have static assets you wanna reference in the json, plonk them in the ASSETS folder
site_root -> file.jpg
You can call http://yourhost:port/ASSETS/file.jpg
Here's the directory structure of the sample project included here
Which supports calls like...
And gives responses from the static result.json file like...
"sheep": [
"id": "1234",
"name": "Dolly Two",
"url": "http://mike.kz/sheep1234",
"assets": {
"small_image": "http://cloned.sheep.com/ASSETS/small.jpg",
"large_image": "http://cloned.sheep.com/ASSETS/large.jpg"
gem install sinatra
ruby mockacino.rb
=) I'm @ArmstrongAtWork on Twitter if you wanna moan.