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File metadata and controls

197 lines (145 loc) · 10.8 KB


This folder contains the files that are needed for the deployment of a sample supply chain application on a Substrate based DLT Network that has been deployed using Hyperledger Bevel. This application uses a node.js API to support communication to the Substrate based dscp-node and an IPFS node via polkadot.js API.

Folder Structure



  • Substrate DSCP network of one or more organizations. A complete supplychain network will have the following organizations:
    • OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer (admin organization)
    • Tier 1 Supplier
    • Tier 2 Supplier
  • IPFS node for each organization


The dscp-api optionally uses an Auth0 Machine to Machine API to issue a JSON Web Token for authentication on its endpoints. You will need to create your own Auth0 API, which can be done for free and then set the appropriate environment variables, as shown below. By default, This option is turned off. You can set auth.type: NONE and use custom authentication methods at cluster level.


The following environment variables are used by the dscp-api. Entries marked as required are needed when running dscp-api in production mode.

Variable Required Default Description
PORT N 3001 The port for the API to listen on
API_HOST Y - The hostname of the dscp-node to which the API should connect
API_PORT N 9944 The port of the dscp-node to which the API should connect
LOG_LEVEL N info Logging level. Valid values are [trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
USER_URI Y - The Substrate URI (representing the private key) to use when making dscp-node transactions
IPFS_HOST Y - Hostname of the IPFS node used for metadata storage
IPFS_PORT N 15001 Port of the IPFS node used for metadata storage
METADATA_KEY_LENGTH N 32 Fixed length of metadata keys
METADATA_VALUE_LITERAL_LENGTH N 32 Fixed length of metadata LITERAL values
MAX_METADATA_COUNT N 16 Maximum number of metadata items allowed per token
API_VERSION N package.json version API version
API_MAJOR_VERSION N v3 API major version
FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE N 200 * 1024 * 1024 The Maximum file upload size (bytes)
SUBSTRATE_STATUS_POLL_PERIOD_MS N 10 * 1000 Number of ms between calls to check dscp-node status
SUBSTRATE_STATUS_TIMEOUT_MS N 2 * 1000 Number of ms to wait for response to dscp-node health requests
IPFS_STATUS_POLL_PERIOD_MS N 10 * 1000 Number of ms between calls to check ipfs status
IPFS_STATUS_TIMEOUT_MS N 2 * 1000 Number of ms to wait for response to ipfs health requests
AUTH_TYPE N NONE Authentication type for routes on the service. Valid values: [NONE, JWT]

The following environment variables are additionally used when AUTH_TYPE : 'JWT'

Variable Required Default Description
AUTH_JWKS_URI N JSON Web Key Set containing public keys used by the Auth0 API
AUTH_AUDIENCE N inteli-dev Identifier of the Auth0 API
AUTH_ISSUER N Domain of the Auth0 API

DSCP-Frontend Configuration Guide WIP


  1. Create a copy of the network.yaml you have used to set up your network.
  2. For each organization, navigate to the gitops section and change the chart_source to examples/dscp-app/charts.
  3. Deploy the dscp-app by executing the following command:
ansible-playbook examples/dscp-app/configuration/deploy-dscp-app.yaml -e "@/path/to/application/network.yaml"

API specification

Access token endpoint

Authenticated endpoints

If AUTH_TYPE env is set to JWT, the rest of the endpoints in dscp-api require authentication in the form of a header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN':

  1. GET /item/:id
  2. GET /item/:id/metadata/:metadataKey
  3. POST /run-process
  4. GET /last-token

GET /item/:id

Gets the item identified by id. Item ids are returned by POST /run-process. This will return a JSON response (Content-Type application/json) of the form:

    "id": 42, // Number
    "original_id": 20, // Number
    "roles": {"Owner": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"}, // Object
    "creator": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY", // String
    "created_at": 4321, // Number
    "destroyed_at": 4999, || null, // Nullable<Number>
    "parents": [40, 41], // Array<Number>
    "children": [43, 44] || null // Nullable<Array<Number>>
    "timestamp": "2022-02-09T10:30:12.003Z" // Date (ISO)
    "metadata_keys": ["metadataKey1", ..."metadataKeyN"] // Array<String>

GET /item/:id/metadata/:metadataKey

Gets the metadata value matching the metadataKey for the item identified by id. Item ids are returned by POST /run-process. If the value is a string, it will be returned with a Content-Type of text/plain. If the value is a file, it will be returned with a Content-Type of application/octet-stream. The original filename is returned in the Content-Disposition header.

POST /run-process

This endpoint governs the creation and destruction of all tokens in the system. The endpoint takes a body of a multi-part form constructed with a request field. The request field should be a JSON object with the following format:

  "inputs": [40, 41] // Array<Number>,
  "outputs": [{ // Array<Output>
    "roles": {
      "Owner": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY",
      ..."some_other_role_key": "some_account_id"
    "metadata": {
      "some_file": { "type": "FILE", "value": "some_file.txt"},
      "some_literal": {"type": "LITERAL", "value": "some_value"},
      "some_token_id": {"type": "TOKEN_ID", "value": "42"},
      ..."metadataKeyN": {"type": "LITERAL", "value", "some_other_value"}
    "parent_index": 0, // Number, optional

The inputs field is an array of token ids that identifies the tokens to be consumed by running this process. To create tokens without destroying any inputs simply pass an empty array. To destroy a token, the AccountId from the USER_URI of the sender must match the AccountId associated with the default (Owner) role for that token.

The outputs field is an array of objects that describe tokens to be created by running this process. To destroy tokens without creating any new ones simply pass an empty array. Each output must reference a roles object containing a (key, value) pair for each role associated with the new token. The value is the AccountId for the role. At minimum, a token requires the default Owner role to be set. The following role keys are accepted:

["Owner", "Customer", "AdditiveManufacturer", "Laboratory", "Buyer", "Supplier", "Reviewer"]

Each output must also reference a metadata object containing a (key, value) pair for each metadata item associated with the new token. The following metadata value types are accepted:


The key identifies the metadata item, and the value is either a string value, or for files, a file path. Each file path must match a corresponding file attached to the request.

The changing state of an asset is tracked through multiple tokens using original_id. To update the state of an asset, a new output for the asset can be uniquely assigned to the input token that represents the latest state of the asset, meaning the new token has the same original_id as the now burned input token. This is achieved with the optional parent_index field, which takes a value of a single integer representing the index of the inputs that this output will be assigned to. If no parent_index is given, the token represents a new asset, and the original_id matches the token id.

The response of this API will be JSON (Content-Type application/json) of the following form

[42, 43]

Each element of the array contains the id of the output that was described in the corresponding index of the outputs array.

GET /last-token

Gets the id of the last item created by POST /run-process. This will return a JSON response (Content-Type application/json) of the form:

    "id": 5, // Number

GET /members

Each element returned represents a member and their corresponding address in the following format:

    "address": "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY"