var WebSocketFrame = require('websocket').frame
This object represents the low level individual frame and is used to drive how the bytes are serialized onto the wire.
new WebSocketFrame();
Indicates that this is either the only frame in a message, or the last frame in a fragmentation sequence.
Represents the RSV1 field in the framing, which is currently not used. Setting this to true will result in a Protocol Error on the receiving peer.
Represents the RSV2 field in the framing, which is currently not used. Setting this to true will result in a Protocol Error on the receiving peer.
Represents the RSV3 field in the framing, which is currently not used. Setting this to true will result in a Protocol Error on the receiving peer.
Whether or not this frame is (or should be) masked. For outgoing frames, when connected as a client, this flag is automatically forced to true
by WebSocketConnection. Outgoing frames sent from the server-side of a connection are not masked.
Identifies which kind of frame this is. List of Opcodes:
Hex - Dec - Description
0x00 - 0 - Continuation
0x01 - 1 - Text Frame
0x02 - 2 - Binary Frame
0x08 - 8 - Close Frame
0x09 - 9 - Ping Frame
0x0A - 10 - Pong Frame
Read-only, uint
Identifies the length of the payload data on a received frame. When sending a frame, the length will be automatically calculated from the binaryPayload
Buffer object
The binary payload data. NOTE: Even text frames are sent with a Buffer providing the binary payload data. When sending a UTF-8 Text Frame, you must serialize your string into a Buffer object before constructing your frame, and when receiving a UTF-8 Text Frame, you must deserialize the string from the provided Buffer object. Do not read UTF-8 data from fragmented Text Frames, as it may have fragmented the data in the middle of a UTF-8 encoded character. You should buffer all fragments of a text message before attempting to decode the UTF-8 data.