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File metadata and controls

executable file
77 lines (52 loc) · 4.82 KB

String Checker JS

Scan TypeScript and JavaScript documents for non-technical strings.

The aim is to help identifying strings in code that might need to be translated.
Such strings should be moved in a dedicated resource file for translation purpose.


Scan workspace documents, and navigate from string to string in source code:


Switch view to browse detected strings:


Add custom rules to improve string detection:


Search for strings in view:


Detection providers

Strings are evaluated by different providers, each being dedicated to a specific area.

Provider Description Example
Keywords provider Detects strings from user list. "far fa-smile" will be detected as a Font Awesome smile icon.
Class provider Detects strings as class names or expressions. "use strict" will be detected as JavaScript expression.
Code provider Detects strings as code (variable names). "../path/to/my/file" will be detected as a path.
"someVariable" will be detected as a camel case variable.
Natural language provider Detects strings as natural language. "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" will be detected as french language.
Entropy provider Detects string as Gibberish.
String entropy [1] threshold can be configured in settings (entropy.threshold, default = 3).
"abbcccddddeeeee" has an entropy of 2.15.
"dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss" has an entropy of 2.44.
"Gloubi-boulga" has an entropy of 2.75.
String provider Pass-through detection. Any string will be detected as such.
  • [1] Starting at version v0.0.3, entropy is computed after removing non-alphabetical characters from a lower case version of the string.

The string.checker.js.testString command brings a convenient way to test all providers for a given string.



There are no known requirements.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • string.checker.js.scanDocument: scan selected document.

  • string.checker.js.scanDocumentIncludeAll: scan selected document for any string.

  • string.checker.js.scanDocumentWorkspace: scan workspace documents.

  • string.checker.js.scanDocumentWorkspaceIncludeAll: scan workspace documents for any string.

  • string.checker.js.switchView: switch between file/token and token/file view.

  • string.checker.js.excludeParentFolderPath: exclude a file (using its path) containing folder from scan [1].

  • string.checker.js.excludeParentFolderName: exclude a file (using its name) containing folder from scan [1].

  • string.checker.js.excludeFilePath: exclude a file (using its path) from scan [1].

  • string.checker.js.excludeFileName: exclude a file (using its name) from scan [1].

  • string.checker.js.excludeToken: exclude a token from scan result.

  • string.checker.js.includeToken: include a token to scan result.

  • string.checker.js.selectTreeItem: select token in document.

  • string.checker.js.filterTokens: filter tokens view.

  • string.checker.js.testString: test a string with all detection providers.

  • string.checker.js.showVersion: display String Checker JS version.

  • [1] Path exclusion is based on the full path (/path/to/my/file.js), while name exclusion only uses the last part (file.js for a file, my for a folder), which means if the same name is found in another folder, it will be excluded too.
