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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
rename from MMVII/Doc/Session-0324-Sat-Bundle-Adj/SerialDeriv.tex
rename to MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/SerialDeriv.tex
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+% ----------------------------------
+\title[]{Python API for MMVII}
+\subtitle{IGN - 2024}
+%~ \author[shortname]{Jean-Michaël Muller}
+%\author[shortname]{Muller J.M. \inst{1} \and Poyard J.C. \inst{1} \and \\Collilieux X. \inst{2}}
+%\institute[shortinst]{\inst{1} IGN SGN, Saint-Mandé, France \and %
+%                      \inst{2} IGN LAREG, Université Paris Diderot - Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France}
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diff --git a/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/ex_cpp/CMakeLists.txt b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/ex_cpp/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c0e157d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/ex_cpp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
+project(mini2007 VERSION 0.1.0)
+set(MICMAC_PATH $ENV{HOME}/micmac)
+set(mmv2_include_dir "${MMVII_SOURCE_DIR}/include")
+set(mmv2_external_include_dir "${MMVII_SOURCE_DIR}/ExternalInclude")
+set(EIGEN3_INCLUDE_PATH  "${mmv2_external_include_dir}/eigen-3.4.0")
+add_executable(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)
+include_directories(${mmv2_include_dir} ${mmv2_external_include_dir} ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_PATH})
+target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${MICMAC_PATH}/MMVII/bin/libP2007.a)
+target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${MICMAC_PATH}/lib/libelise.a)
+target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${MICMAC_PATH}/lib/libANN.a)
+target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} pthread X11 stdc++fs -fopenmp)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64086458c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/ex_cpp/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <MMVII_PCSens.h>
+namespace MMVII {
+    void CloseRandom();
+int main()
+    MMVII::cMMVII_Appli::InitMMVIIDirs(std::string(getenv("HOME"))
+                                       + "/micmac/MMVII/");
+    MMVII::InitStandAloneAppli("mimi2007");
+    std::string oripath = std::string(getenv("HOME"))
+      + "/micmac/MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/Input/Saisies-MMV1/"
+      + "MMVII-PhgrProj/Ori/toto/Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4168.JPG.xml";
+    MMVII::cSensorCamPC *aCam;
+    aCam = MMVII::cSensorCamPC::FromFile(oripath);
+    std::cout<<"Center: "<<aCam->Center()<<".\n";
+    delete aCam;
+    MMVII::CloseRandom();
+    std::cout<<"done."<<std::endl;
+    return 0;
diff --git a/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/ex_py/ex_mmv2_circcodetargets.py b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/ex_py/ex_mmv2_circcodetargets.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..846aab9fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/ex_py/ex_mmv2_circcodetargets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import MMVII
+from pathlib import Path
+pt2dSet = MMVII.SetMesPtOf1Im.fromFile('/home/JMMuller/tmp/Circ-Code-Target/MMVII-PhgrProj/PointsMeasure/Filt/MesIm-043_0005_Scaled.tif.xml')
+for mes in pt2dSet.measures():
+    print(mes.namePt, mes.pt)
+pcIntrCalib = MMVII.PerspCamIntrCalib.fromFile('/home/JMMuller/tmp/Circ-Code-Target/MMVII-PhgrProj/Ori/BA_rig/CalibIntr_CamNIKON_D5600_Add043_Foc24000.xml')
+pp2i = pcIntrCalib.mapPProj2Im()
+i2pp = pp2i.mapInverse()
+print(pcIntrCalib.pp, ' -> ', i2pp.value(pcIntrCalib.pp))
+dist = pcIntrCalib.dir_Dist()
+inv_dist = MMVII.DataInvertOfMapping2D(pcIntrCalib.dir_DistInvertible())
+for mes in pt2dSet.measures():
+    pt = mes.pt
+    print('Pt ', mes.namePt, ' im: ', pt)
+    print(' -> central with disto: ', i2pp.value(pt))
+    print(' -> central no disto: ', inv_dist.value(i2pp.value(pt)))
+    print(' -> lig/col no disto: ', pp2i.value(inv_dist.value(i2pp.value(pt))))
+for mes in pt2dSet.measures():
+    mes.pt = pp2i.value(inv_dist.value(i2pp.value(mes.pt)))
diff --git a/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/img/IGN.jpg b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/img/IGN.jpg
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index 0000000000..d2a5ccb78b
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index 0000000000..5eba37b2e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
+using namespace std::chrono;
+using ClockType = std::chrono::steady_clock;
+#define SIMPLE
+int main(int argc, char** argv )
+    cv::Mat im = cv::imread( "in.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE );
+    auto start = ClockType::now();
+    uint8_t* im_data = (uint8_t*)im.data;
+    for (int l=0; l<im.rows; ++l)
+        for (int c=0; c<im.cols; ++c)
+            im_data[l*im.cols+c] = im_data[l*im.cols+c] * c / im.cols;
+    auto end = ClockType::now();
+    auto duration = (end - start);
+    auto ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(duration).count();
+    std::cout << "duration: " << ms << " ms " << '\n';
+    cv::imwrite("out.png", im);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/makefile b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5b3039af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#voir https://github.com/jeromyanglim/rmarkdown-rmeetup-2012/tree/master/talk
+	pandoc presentation.md  --slide-level 3 -t beamer -o presentation.tex
+	pdflatex beamer.tex
+	pdflatex beamer.tex
+	rm -f *.aux *.log *.out *.toc *.snm *.nav
diff --git a/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/presentation.md b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/presentation.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30b224fc82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MMVII/Doc/Programming-Session-2024-03-Sat-Bundle-Adj/apipy_mmvii/presentation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+# Introduction
+MMVII is easily scriptable thanks to its command line interface.
+How to read/write MMVII files for a custom usage?
+How to use MMVII classes and functions?
+You can add features to MMVII by modifying its sources (the doc helps!):
+  - it's in C++
+  - fork or pushing right to MMVII repository
+  - quality and reasonable follow-up should be ensured
+  - adding commands for some very specific cases makes MMVII more complex for all users
+You can make your own C++ project using the *libP2007.a* library...
+### Standalone C++: source (read Ori)
+``` {.cpp}
+#include <MMVII_PCSens.h>
+namespace MMVII { void CloseRandom(); }
+int main()
+  MMVII::cMMVII_Appli::InitMMVIIDirs(
+    std::string(getenv("HOME"))+"/micmac/MMVII/" );
+  MMVII::InitStandAloneAppli("mini2007");
+  std::string oriPath =
+    "Ori-PerspCentral-IMGP4168.JPG.xml";
+  MMVII::cSensorCamPC *aCam;
+  aCam = MMVII::cSensorCamPC::FromFile(oriPath);
+  std::cout<<"Center: "<<aCam->Center()<<"\n";
+  delete aCam;
+  MMVII::CloseRandom();
+  return 0;
+###  Standalone C++: CMakeLists
+``` {.cmake}
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
+project(mini2007 VERSION 0.1.0)
+set(MICMAC_PATH $ENV{HOME}/micmac)
+set(mmv2_include_dir "${MMVII_SOURCE_DIR}/include")
+    "${MMVII_SOURCE_DIR}/ExternalInclude")
+    "${mmv2_external_include_dir}/eigen-3.4.0")
+### Standalone C++: CMakeLists
+``` {.cmake}
+add_executable(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)
+    ${mmv2_external_include_dir}
+    ${MICMAC_PATH}/MMVII/bin/libP2007.a)
+    ${MICMAC_PATH}/lib/libelise.a)
+    ${MICMAC_PATH}/lib/libANN.a)
+    pthread X11 stdc++fs -fopenmp)
+... or use the Python API!
+MMVII Python API (aka *apib11*) is based on *pybind11* ([https://github.com/pybind/pybind11](https://github.com/pybind/pybind11)):
+> pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of existing C++ code.
+A selection of MMVII classes and functions is made usable in Python, with some adjustments:
+ - differences between C++ and Python synthax (e.g.: no overloading, no templates...)
+ - simplification if possible
+ - pythonization:
+    - define *\_\_repr\_\_()* etc.
+    - automatic conversion from lists or *np.array* into MMVII points objects etc.
+ - memory management: *return value policy*
+### Other tools
+Other tools to generate a Python API:
+ - *SWIG*: universal, can make APIs for many languages, but uses a specific synthax and not easy to use with modern C++. Used in an unofficial Python API for MM3D.
+ - *Boost.Python*: close to *pybind11*, but depends on *Boost*...
+### Why pybind11?
+ - rather simple C++ syntax
+ - good documentation
+ - home-made automatic integration of *Doxygen* comments into Python doc
+### Documentation
+ - this presentation
+ - *MMVII/apib11/README.md*
+ - MMVII documentation chapter 17
+ - examples in *MMVII/apib11/examples*
+# Compilation
+### Sources
+All sources are in *MMVII/apib11/*.
+The main files are:
+ - *py_MMVII.cpp* / *py_MMVII.h*: initialization, closing and error handling, calling all the other files
+ - *MMVII.py*: Python-side initialization
+ - *makedoc.py*: automatic C++ *Doxygen* comments conversion into Python doc
+ - *setup.py*: description of the MMVII module and its compilation
+###  Sources
+Some MMVII C++ class bindings:
+ - *py_MMVII_Matrix.cpp*, *py_MMVII_Geom3D.cpp*: matrix, 3d rotation and isometry 
+ - *py_MMVII_Images.cpp*, *py_MMVII_Image2D.cpp*: data from images
+ - *py_MMVII_MeasuresIm.cpp*: 2D and 3D measures, sets of measures
+ - *py_MMVII_PCSens.cpp*, *py_MMVII_Mappings.cpp*: cameras and mappings
+### Building
+The build system is based on a *makefile* calling *Setuptools*.
+For now, it only works on GNU/Linux.
+Extract from *MMVII/apib11/README.md*:
+``` {.markdown}
+    sudo apt install python3-pip doxygen
+    pip3 install pybind11 wheel
+First, compile MMv1 and MMv2.
+Then, in 'apib11' directory:
+    make
+    make install
+# Usage
+### Installation
+The *wheel* file \textit{dist/MMVII-*.whl}, created at compilation, can be distributed to machines with the same OS, architecture, python version...
+- it contains all the necessary files to run the module:
+MMVII does not have to be installed on the machine to use the python module.
+- it can be installed with:
+    ``` {.bash}
+    pip3 install MMVII-*.whl
+    ```
+### Import 
+``` {.bash}
+>>> import MMVII
+MMVII path: /home/Toto/.local/MMVII/MMVII
+MMVII initialized.
+>>> MMVII.
+MMVII.AimeDescriptor(     MMVII.Mes1GCP(
+MMVII.AimePCAR(           MMVII.MesIm1Pt(
+MMVII.Box2dr(             MMVII.PerspCamIntrCalib(
+MMVII.Box3di(             MMVII.Rect1(
+MMVII.Box3dr(             MMVII.Rect2(
+MMVII.DataIm2Df(          MMVII.Rect3(
+MMVII.DataIm2Di(          MMVII.Rotation3D(
+MMVII.DataIm2Dr(          MMVII.SensorCamPC(
+MMVII.DataIm2Duc(         MMVII.Set2D3D(
+### Example
+Let's read a 2D measurements file, correct the image coordinates
+from distortion and export them.
+The data is in:
+``` {.python}
+path = 'MMVII/MMVII-TestDir/' \
+       'Input/Saisies-MMV1/MMVII-PhgrProj/'
+- the 2D measurements file:
+*PointsMeasure/ Saisies_MMVII/MesIm-IMGP4167.JPG.xml*
+- the calibration file: 
+*Ori/toto/ Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml*
+### 2D measurements file
+``` {.haskell}
+    <Type>"MMVII_Serialization"</Type>
+    <Version>"0.0.0"</Version>
+    <Data>
+        <SetMesIm>
+            <NameIm>"IMGP4167.JPG"</NameIm>
+            <Measures>
+            <el>
+               <Name>"Stone-6"</Name>
+               <Pt>644.2863 232.6833</Pt>
+               <Sigma2>1 0 1</Sigma2>
+            </el>
+            [...]
+            </Measures>
+        </SetMesIm>
+    </Data>
+### C++ classes diagram
+  \begin{center}
+        \includegraphics[height = 7cm]{img/uml_mes_im1.png}
+  \end{center}
+### Reading the file
+``` {.python}
+pt2dSet = MMVII.SetMesPtOf1Im.fromFile(path
+            +'PointsMeasure/Saisies_MMVII/'
+            +'MesIm-IMGP4167.JPG.xml')
+``` {.bash}
+>>> pt2dSet
+SetMesPtOf1Im MesIm-IMGP4167.JPG.xml
+Stone-6 644.28631 232.68332
+Stone-7 1265.3681 735.26883
+Grille 322.0761 766.81187
+``` {.bash}
+>>> dir(pt2dSet)
+['AddMeasure', '__class__', [...], '__str__',
+    '__subclasshook__', 'fromFile', 'measures',
+    'measuresOfName', 'nameHasMeasure', 'nameIm',
+    'nearestMeasure', 'stdNameFile', 'toFile']
+### Python integration
+``` {.bash}
+>>> type(pt2dSet.measures())
+<class 'list'>
+>>> type(pt2dSet.measures()[0])
+<class '_MMVII.MesIm1Pt'>
+>>> type(pt2dSet.measures()[0].pt)
+<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
+``` {.bash}
+>>> for mes in pt2dSet.measures():
+...     print(mes.namePt, mes.pt)
+Stone-6 [644.286308   232.68331645]
+Stone-7 [1265.36807144  735.2688294 ]
+Grille [322.07609729 766.81186618]
+### Errors handling
+``` {.bash}
+>>> MMVII.SetMesPtOf1Im.fromFile('xxx.xml')
+############## Python API error handler ######
+Mes=[Cannot open file : xxx.xml in mode read]
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
+RuntimeError: UserEr:OpenFile Cannot open file :
+    xxx.xml in mode read
+### Errors handling
+``` {.bash}
+>>> try:
+...   tmp = MMVII.SetMesPtOf1Im.fromFile('no.xml')
+...   print('read OK')
+... except:
+...   tmp = 79
+...   print('error when reading')
+############### Python API error handler ######
+Mes=[Cannot open file : error.xml in mode read]
+error when reading
+>>> tmp
+### Calibration
+Get the perspective camera internal calibration object:
+``` {.python}
+pcIntrCalib = MMVII.PerspCamIntrCalib.fromFile(path
+ +'Ori/toto/'
+ +'Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml')
+``` {.bash}
+>>> dir(pcIntrCalib)
+[[...], 'dir_Dist', 'dir_DistInvertible',
+    'f', 'fromFile', 'infoParam', 'invProjIsDef',
+    'inv_Proj', 'mapPProj2Im', 'name', 'pp',
+    'szPix', 'toFile', 'value', 'values']
+>>> pcIntrCalib.pp
+array([856.86700874, 577.61365093])
+>>> pcIntrCalib.f
+### Mappings
+Mapping between photogrammetric/PP and pixel/image frames:
+$$ Q_{Im}  =  PP + F * Q_{PP}$$
+``` {.python}
+pp2i = pcIntrCalib.mapPProj2Im()
+i2pp = pp2i.mapInverse()
+``` {.bash}
+>>> pt = pcIntrCalib.pp
+>>> print(pt, ' -> ', i2pp.value(pt))
+[856.8670 577.6136]  ->  [0. 0.]
+``` {.bash
+>>> pt = pcIntrCalib.pp + [1000, 100]
+>>> print(pt, ' -> ', i2pp.value(pt))
+[1856.8670  677.6136]  ->  [0.4734 0.0473 ]
+### Distorsion
+Distorsion is also a mapping:
+``` {.python}
+dist = pcIntrCalib.dir_Dist()
+But not easily invertible:
+``` {.bash}
+>>> type(pcIntrCalib.dir_Dist())
+<class '_MMVII.DataMapping2D'>
+>>> type(pcIntrCalib.dir_DistInvertible())
+<class '_MMVII.DataInvertibleMapping2D'>
+``` {.python}
+inv_dist = MMVII.DataInvertOfMapping2D(
+                pcIntrCalib.dir_DistInvertible())
+Do not use *pcIntrCalib.dir\_DistInvertible()* directly!
+``` {.bash}
+>>> for mes in pt2dSet.measures():
+...   pt = mes.pt
+...   print('Pt', mes.namePt, 'im:', pt)
+...   print(' -> central with disto: ',
+        i2pp.value(pt))
+...   print(' -> central no disto: ',
+        inv_dist.value(i2pp.value(pt)))
+...   print(' -> lig/col no disto: ',
+        pp2i.value(inv_dist.value(i2pp.value(pt))))
+Pt Stone-6 im: [644.286308   232.68331645]
+  -> central with disto:  [-0.10064335 -0.16330243]
+  -> central no disto:  [-0.10100147 -0.1638833 ]
+  -> lig/col no disto:  [643.52988797 231.45641165]
+### Full script
+``` {.python}
+import MMVII
+pt2dSet = MMVII.SetMesPtOf1Im.fromFile(
+    'MesIm-XXXX.JPG.xml')
+pcIntrCalib = MMVII.PerspCamIntrCalib.fromFile(
+    'Calib-PerspCentral-Foc-28000_Cam-PENTAX_K5.xml')
+pp2i = pcIntrCalib.mapPProj2Im()
+i2pp = pp2i.mapInverse()
+inv_dist = MMVII.DataInvertOfMapping2D(
+                pcIntrCalib.dir_DistInvertible())
+for mes in pt2dSet.measures():
+    mes.pt = pp2i.value(
+                inv_dist.value(
+                    i2pp.value(mes.pt)))
+# Development
+### Documentation
+The basic documentation:
+Classes manipulation documentation:
+### How to bind *cMesIm1Pt*
+*cMesIm1Pt* class is declared in 
+*MMVII/include/ MMVII_MeasuresIm.h*:
+``` {.cpp}
+class cMesIm1Pt
+     public :
+        cMesIm1Pt(const cPt2dr & aPt,
+                  const std::string & aNamePt,
+                  tREAL4 aSigma2);
+        cMesIm1Pt();
+        cPt2dr         mPt;
+        std::string    mNamePt;
+        tREAL4         mSigma2[3];  // xx xy yy
+The Python-accessible version is in *MMVII/apib11/ py_MMVII_MeasuresIm.cpp*:
+``` {.cpp}
+void pyb_init_MeasuresIm(py::module_ &m) {
+    py::class_<cMesIm1Pt>(m, "MesIm1Pt",
+                          DOC(MMVII_cMesIm1Pt))
+      .def(py::init<>(),
+           DOC(MMVII_cMesIm1Pt,cMesIm1Pt))
+      .def(py::init<const cPt2dr &,
+                    const std::string &,tREAL4>(),
+           DOC(MMVII_cMesIm1Pt,cMesIm1Pt))
+      .def_readwrite("pt", &cMesIm1Pt::mPt,
+           DOC(MMVII_cMesIm1Pt,mPt))
+      .def_readwrite("namePt", &cMesIm1Pt::mNamePt,
+           DOC(MMVII_cMesIm1Pt,mNamePt))
+The _DOC_ part is the doxygen comment.
+``` {.cpp}
+      .def_property("sXX",
+         [](const cMesIm1Pt& m)
+            {return m.mSigma2[0];},
+         [](cMesIm1Pt& m, tREAL8 sXX)
+            { m.mSigma2[0] = sXX;},
+         "Sigma2 of x coordinate")
+      [...]
+      .def("__repr__",
+         [](const cMesIm1Pt &m) {
+           std::ostringstream ss;
+           ss.precision(8);
+           ss << "MesIm1Pt " << m.mNamePt << " "
+              << m.mPt << ", sigma2 (xx,xy,yy): "
+              << m.mSigma2[0] << ", "
+              << m.mSigma2[1] << ", "
+              << m.mSigma2[2] << ")";
+           return ss.str();
+       })
+     ;
+### SetMesPtOf1Im
+``` {.cpp}
+class cSetMesPtOf1Im : public cMemCheck
+public :
+  cSetMesPtOf1Im(const std::string & aNameIm);
+  cSetMesPtOf1Im();
+  static cSetMesPtOf1Im FromFile(const std::string&);
+  void AddMeasure(const cMesIm1Pt &);
+  void AddData(const  cAuxAr2007 & anAux);
+  void ToFile(const std::string & aNameFile) const;
+  [...]
+  const std::vector<cMesIm1Pt> &  Measures() const;
+  std::vector<cMesIm1Pt> &  Measures() ;
+  [...]
+private :
+  [...]
+  std::string             mNameIm;
+  std::vector<cMesIm1Pt>  mMeasures;
+*SetMesPtOf1Im::Measures()* returns a reference to the *mMeasures* attribute.
+The *cSetMesPtOf1Im* object must not be destroyed while the reference is still used.
+This function *return value policy* must be adjusted to avoid crashes and memory corruption:
+``` {.cpp}
+py::class_<cSetMesPtOf1Im>(m, "SetMesPtOf1Im",
+                         DOC(MMVII_cSetMesPtOf1Im))
+  [...]
+  .def("measures",
+    py::overload_cast<>(&cSetMesPtOf1Im::Measures),
+    py::return_value_policy::reference_internal,
+    DOC(MMVII_cSetMesPtOf1Im,Measures))
+  [...]
+*py::overload_cast* is mandatory since *Measures()* is overloaded.
+### Future developments
+ - Distribution:
+    - modernize *setup.py* project
+    - integrate in main *cmake* build system
+    - automatize compilation on several targets
+    - integrate in *github actions*
+    - distribute on *Python Package Index* ([https://pypi.org/](https://pypi.org/))
+ - API design:
+    - based on users needs
+    - with users help: tests, documentation, development
+### Examples of API improvements
+ - fix *SetMesGCP.\_\_repr\_\_()*, points name missing
+ - add *cPerspCamIntrCalib.Undist()*
+ - fix *SetMesPtOf1Im.measuresOfName()* which crashes with an error message beyond understanding
+ - add *measuresOfName()* to *SetMesGCP*
+ - add *cBlocOfCamera* class