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rcl_executor is a small ROS 2 package for providing real-time scheduling for ROS nodes. Currently the package supports a static order scheduler with logical-execution-time (LET) semantics.
Static order scheduling refers to the fact, that during configuration the order of DDS handles, e.g. subscriptions and timers, is specfied. If at runtime multiple handles are ready, e.g. subscriptions received new messages or timers are ready, then these handles are always processed in the order as specified during configuration.
LET refers to a semantic, where input data is first read for all handles, then all handels are processed. The benefit for static order scheduling, is that provides a deterministic execution in the case when multiple data is available. The benefit of LET is that there is no interference of input data for all handles processed. For example, if a timer callback evaluates the data processed by a subscription callback and the order of these is not given, then the timer callback could sometimes process the old data and sometimes the new. By reading all data first (and locally copying it), this dependence is removed simplifying the synchronization of callbacks.
Please see the of the rcl_executor_examples package for a step-by-step description how to use the executor.
The API of the static LET scheduler provides functions for configuration, defining the execution order, running the scheduler and cleaning-up:
- rcle_let_executor_init()
- rcle_let_executor_set_timeout()
Definition of the execution order
- rcle_let_executor_add_subscription()
- rcle_let_executor_add_timer()
Running the scheduler
- rcle_let_executor_spin_some()
- rcle_let_executor_spin_period()
- rcle_let_executor_spin()
Clean-up memory
- rcle_let_executor_fini()
In the function rcle_let_executor_init
, the user must specify among other things how many handles shall be scheduled.
The function rcle_let_executor_set_timeout
is an optional configuration function, which defines the timeout for calling rcl_wait(), i.e. the time to wait for new data from the DDS queue. The default timeout is 100ms.
The functions rcle_let_executor_add_subscription
and rcle_let_executor_add_timer
add the corresponding handle to the executor. The maximum number of handles is defined in rcle_let_executor_init
. The sequential order of these function calls defines the static execution order in the spin-functions.
The function rcle_let_executor_spin_some
checks for new data from the DDS queue once. It first copies all data into local data structures and then executes all handles according the specified order. This implements the LET semantics.
The function rcle_let_executor_spin_period
calls rcle_let_executor_spin_some
periodically (as defined with the argument period) as long as the ROS system is alive.
The function rcle_let_executor_spin
calls rcle_let_executor_spin_some
indefinitely as long as the ROS system is alive. This might create a high performance load on your processor.
The function rlce_executor_fini
frees the dynamically allocated memory of the executor.
The complete code example is provided in the package rcl_executor_examples
. See also the corresponding README
Step 1: Include the let_executor.h
from the rcl_executor package in your C code.
#include "rcl_executor/let_executor.h"
Step 2: Define a subscription callback cmd_hello_callback
// callback for topic "cmd_hello"
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.h>
void cmd_hello_callback(const void * msgin)
const std_msgs__msg__String * msg = (const std_msgs__msg__String *)msgin;
printf("Callback 'cmd_hello': I heard: %s\n", msg->;
Step 3: Define a timer callback my_timer_callback
// timer callback
void my_timer_callback(rcl_timer_t * timer, int64_t last_call_time)
if (timer != NULL) {
printf("Timer: time since last call %d\n", (int) last_call_time);
Step 4: Create a ROS node with rcl library in main function.
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
// rcl node initialization
rcl_context_t context; // global static var in rcl
rcl_init_options_t init_options; // global static var in rcl
rcl_ret_t rc;
// create init_options
init_options = rcl_get_zero_initialized_init_options();
rc = rcl_init_options_init(&init_options, rcl_get_default_allocator());
if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) {
printf("Error rcl_init_options_init.\n");
return -1;
// create context
context = rcl_get_zero_initialized_context();
rc = rcl_init(argc, argv, &init_options, &context);
if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) {
printf("Error rcl_init.\n");
return -1;
// create ROS node
rcl_node_t node = rcl_get_zero_initialized_node();
rcl_node_options_t node_ops = rcl_node_get_default_options();
rc = rcl_node_init(&node, "rcle_let_executor_test1_node", "", &context, &node_ops);
if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) {
printf("Error rcl_node_init\n");
return -1;
Step 5: Create a subscription sub_cmd_hello
with rcl library.
// create subscription
const char * cmd_hello_topic_name = "cmd_hello";
rcl_subscription_t sub_cmd_hello = rcl_get_zero_initialized_subscription();
rcl_subscription_options_t subscription_ops2 = rcl_subscription_get_default_options();
const rosidl_message_type_support_t * sub_type_support2 = ROSIDL_GET_MSG_TYPE_SUPPORT(std_msgs,
std_msgs__msg__String msg2;
rc = rcl_subscription_init(
if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) {
printf("Failed to create subscriber %s.\n",cmd_hello_topic_name);
return -1;
} else {
printf("Created subscriber %s:\n", cmd_hello_topic_name);
Step 6: Create a timer timer1_timeout
with rcl library with a timeout of 100ms with timer callback timer1_timeout
, as defined in Step 3.
// create timer with rcl
rcl_clock_t clock;
rcl_allocator_t allocator = rcl_get_default_allocator();
rc = rcl_clock_init(RCL_STEADY_TIME, &clock, &allocator);
if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) {
printf("Error calling rcl_clock_init.\n");
return -1;
rcl_timer_t timer1 = rcl_get_zero_initialized_timer();
const unsigned int timer1_timeout = 100;
rc = rcl_timer_init(&timer1, &clock, &context, RCL_MS_TO_NS(timer1_timeout),
my_timer_callback, allocator);
if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) {
PRINT_RCL_ERROR(create_timer, rcl_timer_init);
return -1;
} else {
printf("Created timer1 with timeout %d ms.\n", timer1_timeout);
Step 7: Create an static-let executor and initialize it with the ROS context (context
), number of handles (2
) and provide an allocator for memory allocation. (See Step 6 for defining the allocator
The user can configure, when the callback shall be invoked: Options are ALWAYS
is selected, the callback is always called, even if no new data is available. In this case, the callback is given a NULL
pointer for the argument msgin
and the callback needs to handle this correctly. If ON_NEW_DATA
is selected, then the callback is called only if new data from the DDS queue is available. In this case the parameter msgin
of the callback always points to memory-allocated message.
rcle_let_executor_t exe;
rcle_let_executor_init(&exe, &context, 2, &allocator);
Step 8: Add subscription to the executor using the subscription sub_cmd_hello
, the message variable msg2
, in which the new data is stored (See Step 2), and the callback function cmd_hello_callback
(See Step 5).
rc = rcle_let_executor_add_subscription(&exe, &sub_cmd_hello, &msg2, &cmd_hello_callback,
if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) {printf("Failed to add subscription.\n");}
Step 9: Add timer to the executor with the timer timer1
, as defined in Step 6. The period of the timer is already configured in the timer object.
rcle_let_executor_add_timer(&exe, &timer1);
if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) {PRINT_RCL_ERROR(rcle_executor, add_timer);}
Step 10: (Optionally) Define the timeout for accessing the wait-set of DDS queue. Here the timeout is 100ms
//set time_out for wait_set in nanoseconds
rc = rcle_let_executor_set_timeout(&exe, 100000000);
if (rc != RCL_RET_OK) { printf("Setup of timeout failed.\n");}
Step 11: Run the executor. This example shows the execution of the spin function with a period of 20ms.
// spin with 20ms period
rcle_let_executor_spin_period(&exe, 20);
Step 12: Clean up memory for Executor.
Step 13: Clean up memory for other ROS objects.
rc = rcl_subscription_fini(&sub_cmd_hello, &node);
rc = rcl_timer_fini(&timer1);
rc = rcl_node_fini(&node);