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Plot trees in R #1222

sosmond opened this issue Jan 27, 2018 · 13 comments

Plot trees in R #1222

sosmond opened this issue Jan 27, 2018 · 13 comments


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sosmond commented Jan 27, 2018

The python package has plotting functions to visualize the trees grown. Is there a plan to add the same functionalities to the R package? Something like xgboost's xgb.plot.tree and xgb.plot.multi.trees using DiagrammeR.

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Laurae2 commented Jan 30, 2018

@yanyachen any idea?

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zkurtz commented Mar 6, 2018

These go above and beyond what's current in xgb.plot.tree; would be great to have them in R for LightGBM

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tantrev commented Mar 26, 2018

A function similar to xgb.plot.multi.trees method would be especially useful for biological applications like setting gates for cell sorting, where model interpretation is pivotal.

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randxie commented Jun 5, 2018

@Laurae2 if no one is working this, I can help with the feature request.

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zkurtz commented Jun 6, 2018

@randxie In addition to my link above, another possible starting point is to extend SHAP (which is already implemented in python-lightgbm):

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Laurae2 commented Jun 8, 2018

@randxie You can base the charts on the following R package if you want a baseline to compare with xgboost: is also extremely interesting and go way beyond what LightGBM currently has as @zkurtz pointed out earlier..

Interactive link:


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Closed in favor of being in #2302. We decided to keep all feature requests in one place.

Welcome to contribute this feature! Please re-open this issue (or post a comment if you are not a topic starter) if you are actively working on implementing this feature.

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Adding this comment to this discussion: #3188 (comment)

hey @randxie are you still interested in trying this 😛

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I wrote an R function called lgb.plot.tree to graph a single tree from a LightGBM model, along similar lines to XGBoost's xgb.plot.multi.trees (but my function at the moment only plots a single LightGBM tree).

The function uses the DiagrammeR package (like XGBoost) to draw the tree graph.

Three examples in the code at the bottom of this message and I have also attached the agaricus mushroom dataset in .csv format which is used by the code to graph an example tree based on a LightGBM using categorical features.

I think there is already a tree diagram function for the Python LightGBM package - if there are already some tests for that function then it would probably make sense to use similar tests for this function - happy to do the work to set up these tests.


# libraries

# function to plot a single LightGBM tree using DiagrammeR
lgb.plot.tree <- function(model = NULL, tree = NULL, rules = NULL){
  # check model is lgb.Booster
  if (!inherits(model, "lgb.Booster")) {
    stop("model: Has to be an object of class lgb.Booster")
  # check DiagrammeR is available
  if (!requireNamespace("DiagrammeR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("DiagrammeR package is required for lgb.plot.tree", 
         call. = FALSE)
  # tree must be numeric
  if(!inherits(tree, 'numeric')){
    stop("tree: Has to be an integer numeric")
  # tree must be integer
    stop("tree: Has to be an integer numeric")
  # extract data.table model structure
  dt <- lgb.model.dt.tree(model)
  # check that tree is less than or equal to the maximum tree index in the model
    stop("tree: has to be less than the number of trees in the model")
  # filter dt to just the rows for the selected tree
  dt <- dt[tree_index==tree,]
  # change the column names to shorter more diagram friendly versions
  data.table::setnames(dt, old = c('tree_index','split_feature','threshold','split_gain'), new = c('Tree','Feature','Split','Gain'))
  dt[, Value:=0.0]
  dt[, Value:= leaf_value]
  dt[, Value := internal_value]
  dt[, Gain := leaf_value]
  dt[, Feature := 'Leaf']
  dt[, Cover := internal_count][Feature=='Leaf', Cover := leaf_count]
  dt[, c('leaf_count', 'internal_count','leaf_value','internal_value'):= NULL]
  dt[, Node := split_index]
  max_node <- max(dt[['Node']], na.rm = TRUE)
  dt[, Node := max_node + leaf_index +1]
  dt[, ID := paste(Tree, Node, sep = '-')]
  dt[, c('depth','leaf_index') := NULL]
  dt[, parent := node_parent][, parent := leaf_parent]
  dt[, c('node_parent', 'leaf_parent','split_index') := NULL]
  dt[, Yes := dt$ID[match(dt$Node, dt$parent)]]
  dt <- dt[nrow(dt):1,]
  dt[, No := dt$ID[match(dt$Node, dt$parent)]]
  # which way do the NA's go (this path will get a thicker arrow)
  # for categorical features, NA gets put into the zero group
  dt[default_left==TRUE, Missing := Yes]
  dt[default_left==FALSE, Missing := No]
  zero_present <- function(x){sapply(strsplit(as.character(x),'||',fixed = TRUE), function(el){any(el=='0')})}
  dt[zero_present(Split), Missing := Yes]
  #dt[, c('parent', 'default_left') := NULL]
  #data.table::setcolorder(dt, c('Tree','Node','ID','Feature','decision_type','Split','Yes','No','Missing','Gain','Cover','Value'))
  # create the label text
  dt[, label:= paste0(Feature,
                      "\nCover: ", Cover,
                      ifelse(Feature == "Leaf", "", "\nGain: "), ifelse(Feature == "Leaf", "", round(Gain, 4)),
                      "\nValue: ", round(Value, 4)
  # style the nodes - same format as xgboost
  dt[Node == 0, label := paste0("Tree ", Tree, "\n", label)]
  dt[, shape:= "rectangle"][Feature == "Leaf", shape:= "oval"]
  dt[, filledcolor:= "Beige"][Feature == "Leaf", filledcolor:= "Khaki"]
  # in order to draw the first tree on top:
  dt <- dt[order(-Tree)]
  nodes <- DiagrammeR::create_node_df(
    n         = nrow(dt),
    ID        = dt$ID,
    label     = dt$label,
    fillcolor = dt$filledcolor,
    shape     = dt$shape,
    data      = dt$Feature,
    fontcolor = "black")
  # round the edge labels to 4 s.f. if they are numeric
  # as otherwise get too many decimal places and the diagram looks bad
  # would rather not use suppressWarnings
  numeric_idx <- suppressWarnings(![['Split']])))
  dt[numeric_idx, Split := round(as.numeric(Split),4)]
  # replace indices with feature levels if rules supplied <- function(x, feature_name, rules){
    lvls <- sort(rules[[feature_name]])
    result <- strsplit(x,'||', fixed = TRUE)
    result <- lapply(result, as.numeric)
    levels_to_names <- function(x){names(lvls)[as.numeric(x)]}
    result <- lapply(result, levels_to_names)
    result <- lapply(result, paste, collapse = '\n')
    result <- as.character(result)
    for (f in names(rules)){
      dt[Feature==f & decision_type == '==', Split :=, f, rules)]
  # replace long split names with a message
  dt[nchar(Split)>500, Split := 'Split too long to render']
  # create the edge labels
  edges <- DiagrammeR::create_edge_df(
    from  = match(dt[Feature != "Leaf", c(ID)] %>% rep(2), dt$ID),
    to    = match(dt[Feature != "Leaf", c(Yes, No)], dt$ID),
    label = dt[Feature != "Leaf", paste(decision_type, Split)] %>%
      c(rep("", nrow(dt[Feature != "Leaf"]))),
    style = dt[Feature != "Leaf", ifelse(Missing == Yes, "bold", "solid")] %>%
      c(dt[Feature != "Leaf", ifelse(Missing == No, "bold", "solid")]),
    rel   = "leading_to")
  # create the graph
  graph <- DiagrammeR::create_graph(
    nodes_df = nodes,
    edges_df = edges,
    attr_theme = NULL
  ) %>%
      attr_type = "graph",
      attr  = c("layout", "rankdir"),
      value = c("dot", "LR")
    ) %>%
      attr_type = "node",
      attr  = c("color", "style", "fontname"),
      value = c("DimGray", "filled", "Helvetica")
    ) %>%
      attr_type = "edge",
      attr  = c("color", "arrowsize", "arrowhead", "fontname"),
      value = c("DimGray", "1.5", "vee", "Helvetica"))
  # render the graph

# EXAMPLE 1: use the LightGBM example dataset to build a model with a single tree
data(agaricus.train, package = "lightgbm")
train <- agaricus.train
dtrain <- lgb.Dataset(train$data, label = train$label)
data(agaricus.test, package = "lightgbm")
test <- agaricus.test
dtest <- lgb.Dataset.create.valid(dtrain, test$data, label = test$label)
# define model parameters and build a single tree
params <- list(
  objective = "regression"
  , metric = "l2"
  , min_data = 1L
  , learning_rate = 1.0
valids <- list(test = dtest)
model <- lgb.train(
  params = params
  , data = dtrain
  , nrounds = 1L
  , valids = valids
  , early_stopping_rounds = 1L
# plot the tree and compare to the tree table
# trees start from 0 in lgb.model.dt.tree
tree_table <- lgb.model.dt.tree(model)
lgb.plot.tree(model, 0)

# EXAMPLE 2: same mushroom dataset, but model using categorical features
# change class to a 0/1 numeric
# deliberately set odor level a to NA to test thicker arrows for NA path
mushroom <- fread('mushroom.csv', stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
mushroom[odor=='a', odor := NA]
mushroom[, class := ifelse(class=='p',1,0)]
cat_cols <- setdiff(names(mushroom), 'class')
# split into train and test, label and data
train_rows <- sample(1:nrow(mushroom), 4062, replace = FALSE)
test_rows <- setdiff(1:nrow(mushroom), train_rows)
train_response <- mushroom[['class']][train_rows]
test_response <- mushroom[['class']][test_rows]
d_converted <- lgb.convert_with_rules(data = mushroom[, ..cat_cols])
d_train <- d_converted$data[train_rows]
d_test <- d_converted$data[test_rows]
# create train and test datasets for LGBM
l_train <- lgb.Dataset(as.matrix(d_train), label=train_response, categorical_feature = cat_cols)
l_test <- lgb.Dataset.create.valid(l_train, as.matrix(d_test), label = test_response)
# build the model
model_2 <- lgb.train(params = params
                     , nrounds = 1L
                     , data = l_train
                     , valids = list('test'=l_test)
                     , categorical_feature = cat_cols
                     , early_stopping_rounds = 1L
# plot some trees with and without using the rules
# and compare to tree table
tree_table_2 <- lgb.model.dt.tree(model_2)
lgb.plot.tree(model_2, 0, rules = NULL) # this will use the integer encodings
lgb.plot.tree(model_2, 0, rules = d_converted$rules) # this replaces the encodings with level description

# EXAMPLE 3: titanic
# only titanic_train contains the Survived column, so split that into train and test
train_rows <- 1:700
test_rows <- 700:nrow(titanic_train)
train_response <- titanic_train[['Survived']][train_rows]
test_response <- titanic_train[['Survived']][test_rows]
cols <- c('Pclass','Sex','Age','SibSp','Parch','Fare','Embarked')
d_converted <- lgb.convert_with_rules(data = titanic_train[cols])
d_train <- d_converted$data[train_rows,]
d_test <- d_converted$data[test_rows,]
# create train and test datasets for LGBM
l_train <- lgb.Dataset(as.matrix(d_train), label=train_response, categorical_feature = c('Sex','Embarked'))
l_test <- lgb.Dataset.create.valid(l_train, as.matrix(d_test), label = test_response)
# build the model
params_titanic <- list(
  objective = "binary"
  , metric = "binary_logloss"
  , min_data = 1L
  , learning_rate = 0.3
  , num_leaves = 10

model_3 <- lgb.train(params = params_titanic
                     , nrounds = 100L
                     , data = l_train
                     , valids = list('test'=l_test)
                     , early_stopping_rounds = 10L
# plot some trees with and without using the rules
# and compare to tree table
tree_table_3 <- lgb.model.dt.tree(model_3)
lgb.plot.tree(model_3, 0, rules = d_converted$rules)
lgb.plot.tree(model_3, 1, rules = d_converted$rules)
lgb.plot.tree(model_3, 3, rules = d_converted$rules)
lgb.plot.tree(model_3, 4, rules = d_converted$rules)
# lgb.plot.tree(model_3, 999, rules = d_converted$rules) # deliberately greater than number of trees - will throw an error

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Thanks very much for your hard work @SpeckledJim2 ! As long as we can make {DiagrammeR} an optional dependency (as you've done with the use of requireNamespace()), I'm open to including functionality like this in the R package.

Please open a pull request which adds this function in a new file R-package/R/lgb.plot.tree.R. At a minimum, please:

  • add {DiagrammeR} as a Suggests-level dependency in R-package/DESCRIPTION
  • add lgb.plot.tree() to R-package/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml
  • add {roxygen2} documentation and regenerate the package docs by runnings the following
    •   sh --no-build-vignettes
        R CMD INSTALL --with-keep.source ./lightgbm_3.3.2.99.tar.gz
        cd R-package
        Rscript -e "roxygen2::roxygenize(load = 'installed')"
  • add a new file R-package/tests/testthat/test_lgb.plot.tree.R with at least one unit test on this functionality.

We can use the pull request for further feedback and suggestions.


This comment was marked as off-topic.

@github-actions github-actions bot locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Aug 15, 2023
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This was locked accidentally. I just unlocked it. We'd still welcome contributions related to this feature!

@microsoft microsoft unlocked this conversation Aug 18, 2023
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I wrote an R function called lgb.plot.tree to graph a single tree from a LightGBM model, along similar lines to XGBoost's xgb.plot.multi.trees (but my function at the moment only plots a single LightGBM tree).

The function uses the DiagrammeR package (like XGBoost) to draw the tree graph.

Three examples in the code at the bottom of this message and I have also attached the agaricus mushroom dataset in .csv format which is used by the code to graph an example tree based on a LightGBM using categorical features.

I think there is already a tree diagram function for the Python LightGBM package - if there are already some tests for that function then it would probably make sense to use similar tests for this function - happy to do the work to set up these tests.


# libraries

# function to plot a single LightGBM tree using DiagrammeR
lgb.plot.tree <- function(model = NULL, tree = NULL, rules = NULL){
  # check model is lgb.Booster
  if (!inherits(model, "lgb.Booster")) {
    stop("model: Has to be an object of class lgb.Booster")
  # check DiagrammeR is available
  if (!requireNamespace("DiagrammeR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("DiagrammeR package is required for lgb.plot.tree", 
         call. = FALSE)
  # tree must be numeric
  if(!inherits(tree, 'numeric')){
    stop("tree: Has to be an integer numeric")
  # tree must be integer
    stop("tree: Has to be an integer numeric")
  # extract data.table model structure
  dt <- lgb.model.dt.tree(model)
  # check that tree is less than or equal to the maximum tree index in the model
    stop("tree: has to be less than the number of trees in the model")
  # filter dt to just the rows for the selected tree
  dt <- dt[tree_index==tree,]
  # change the column names to shorter more diagram friendly versions
  data.table::setnames(dt, old = c('tree_index','split_feature','threshold','split_gain'), new = c('Tree','Feature','Split','Gain'))
  dt[, Value:=0.0]
  dt[, Value:= leaf_value]
  dt[, Value := internal_value]
  dt[, Gain := leaf_value]
  dt[, Feature := 'Leaf']
  dt[, Cover := internal_count][Feature=='Leaf', Cover := leaf_count]
  dt[, c('leaf_count', 'internal_count','leaf_value','internal_value'):= NULL]
  dt[, Node := split_index]
  max_node <- max(dt[['Node']], na.rm = TRUE)
  dt[, Node := max_node + leaf_index +1]
  dt[, ID := paste(Tree, Node, sep = '-')]
  dt[, c('depth','leaf_index') := NULL]
  dt[, parent := node_parent][, parent := leaf_parent]
  dt[, c('node_parent', 'leaf_parent','split_index') := NULL]
  dt[, Yes := dt$ID[match(dt$Node, dt$parent)]]
  dt <- dt[nrow(dt):1,]
  dt[, No := dt$ID[match(dt$Node, dt$parent)]]
  # which way do the NA's go (this path will get a thicker arrow)
  # for categorical features, NA gets put into the zero group
  dt[default_left==TRUE, Missing := Yes]
  dt[default_left==FALSE, Missing := No]
  zero_present <- function(x){sapply(strsplit(as.character(x),'||',fixed = TRUE), function(el){any(el=='0')})}
  dt[zero_present(Split), Missing := Yes]
  #dt[, c('parent', 'default_left') := NULL]
  #data.table::setcolorder(dt, c('Tree','Node','ID','Feature','decision_type','Split','Yes','No','Missing','Gain','Cover','Value'))
  # create the label text
  dt[, label:= paste0(Feature,
                      "\nCover: ", Cover,
                      ifelse(Feature == "Leaf", "", "\nGain: "), ifelse(Feature == "Leaf", "", round(Gain, 4)),
                      "\nValue: ", round(Value, 4)
  # style the nodes - same format as xgboost
  dt[Node == 0, label := paste0("Tree ", Tree, "\n", label)]
  dt[, shape:= "rectangle"][Feature == "Leaf", shape:= "oval"]
  dt[, filledcolor:= "Beige"][Feature == "Leaf", filledcolor:= "Khaki"]
  # in order to draw the first tree on top:
  dt <- dt[order(-Tree)]
  nodes <- DiagrammeR::create_node_df(
    n         = nrow(dt),
    ID        = dt$ID,
    label     = dt$label,
    fillcolor = dt$filledcolor,
    shape     = dt$shape,
    data      = dt$Feature,
    fontcolor = "black")
  # round the edge labels to 4 s.f. if they are numeric
  # as otherwise get too many decimal places and the diagram looks bad
  # would rather not use suppressWarnings
  numeric_idx <- suppressWarnings(![['Split']])))
  dt[numeric_idx, Split := round(as.numeric(Split),4)]
  # replace indices with feature levels if rules supplied <- function(x, feature_name, rules){
    lvls <- sort(rules[[feature_name]])
    result <- strsplit(x,'||', fixed = TRUE)
    result <- lapply(result, as.numeric)
    levels_to_names <- function(x){names(lvls)[as.numeric(x)]}
    result <- lapply(result, levels_to_names)
    result <- lapply(result, paste, collapse = '\n')
    result <- as.character(result)
    for (f in names(rules)){
      dt[Feature==f & decision_type == '==', Split :=, f, rules)]
  # replace long split names with a message
  dt[nchar(Split)>500, Split := 'Split too long to render']
  # create the edge labels
  edges <- DiagrammeR::create_edge_df(
    from  = match(dt[Feature != "Leaf", c(ID)] %>% rep(2), dt$ID),
    to    = match(dt[Feature != "Leaf", c(Yes, No)], dt$ID),
    label = dt[Feature != "Leaf", paste(decision_type, Split)] %>%
      c(rep("", nrow(dt[Feature != "Leaf"]))),
    style = dt[Feature != "Leaf", ifelse(Missing == Yes, "bold", "solid")] %>%
      c(dt[Feature != "Leaf", ifelse(Missing == No, "bold", "solid")]),
    rel   = "leading_to")
  # create the graph
  graph <- DiagrammeR::create_graph(
    nodes_df = nodes,
    edges_df = edges,
    attr_theme = NULL
  ) %>%
      attr_type = "graph",
      attr  = c("layout", "rankdir"),
      value = c("dot", "LR")
    ) %>%
      attr_type = "node",
      attr  = c("color", "style", "fontname"),
      value = c("DimGray", "filled", "Helvetica")
    ) %>%
      attr_type = "edge",
      attr  = c("color", "arrowsize", "arrowhead", "fontname"),
      value = c("DimGray", "1.5", "vee", "Helvetica"))
  # render the graph

# EXAMPLE 1: use the LightGBM example dataset to build a model with a single tree
data(agaricus.train, package = "lightgbm")
train <- agaricus.train
dtrain <- lgb.Dataset(train$data, label = train$label)
data(agaricus.test, package = "lightgbm")
test <- agaricus.test
dtest <- lgb.Dataset.create.valid(dtrain, test$data, label = test$label)
# define model parameters and build a single tree
params <- list(
  objective = "regression"
  , metric = "l2"
  , min_data = 1L
  , learning_rate = 1.0
valids <- list(test = dtest)
model <- lgb.train(
  params = params
  , data = dtrain
  , nrounds = 1L
  , valids = valids
  , early_stopping_rounds = 1L
# plot the tree and compare to the tree table
# trees start from 0 in lgb.model.dt.tree
tree_table <- lgb.model.dt.tree(model)
lgb.plot.tree(model, 0)

# EXAMPLE 2: same mushroom dataset, but model using categorical features
# change class to a 0/1 numeric
# deliberately set odor level a to NA to test thicker arrows for NA path
mushroom <- fread('mushroom.csv', stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
mushroom[odor=='a', odor := NA]
mushroom[, class := ifelse(class=='p',1,0)]
cat_cols <- setdiff(names(mushroom), 'class')
# split into train and test, label and data
train_rows <- sample(1:nrow(mushroom), 4062, replace = FALSE)
test_rows <- setdiff(1:nrow(mushroom), train_rows)
train_response <- mushroom[['class']][train_rows]
test_response <- mushroom[['class']][test_rows]
d_converted <- lgb.convert_with_rules(data = mushroom[, ..cat_cols])
d_train <- d_converted$data[train_rows]
d_test <- d_converted$data[test_rows]
# create train and test datasets for LGBM
l_train <- lgb.Dataset(as.matrix(d_train), label=train_response, categorical_feature = cat_cols)
l_test <- lgb.Dataset.create.valid(l_train, as.matrix(d_test), label = test_response)
# build the model
model_2 <- lgb.train(params = params
                     , nrounds = 1L
                     , data = l_train
                     , valids = list('test'=l_test)
                     , categorical_feature = cat_cols
                     , early_stopping_rounds = 1L
# plot some trees with and without using the rules
# and compare to tree table
tree_table_2 <- lgb.model.dt.tree(model_2)
lgb.plot.tree(model_2, 0, rules = NULL) # this will use the integer encodings
lgb.plot.tree(model_2, 0, rules = d_converted$rules) # this replaces the encodings with level description

# EXAMPLE 3: titanic
# only titanic_train contains the Survived column, so split that into train and test
train_rows <- 1:700
test_rows <- 700:nrow(titanic_train)
train_response <- titanic_train[['Survived']][train_rows]
test_response <- titanic_train[['Survived']][test_rows]
cols <- c('Pclass','Sex','Age','SibSp','Parch','Fare','Embarked')
d_converted <- lgb.convert_with_rules(data = titanic_train[cols])
d_train <- d_converted$data[train_rows,]
d_test <- d_converted$data[test_rows,]
# create train and test datasets for LGBM
l_train <- lgb.Dataset(as.matrix(d_train), label=train_response, categorical_feature = c('Sex','Embarked'))
l_test <- lgb.Dataset.create.valid(l_train, as.matrix(d_test), label = test_response)
# build the model
params_titanic <- list(
  objective = "binary"
  , metric = "binary_logloss"
  , min_data = 1L
  , learning_rate = 0.3
  , num_leaves = 10

model_3 <- lgb.train(params = params_titanic
                     , nrounds = 100L
                     , data = l_train
                     , valids = list('test'=l_test)
                     , early_stopping_rounds = 10L
# plot some trees with and without using the rules
# and compare to tree table
tree_table_3 <- lgb.model.dt.tree(model_3)
lgb.plot.tree(model_3, 0, rules = d_converted$rules)
lgb.plot.tree(model_3, 1, rules = d_converted$rules)
lgb.plot.tree(model_3, 3, rules = d_converted$rules)
lgb.plot.tree(model_3, 4, rules = d_converted$rules)
# lgb.plot.tree(model_3, 999, rules = d_converted$rules) # deliberately greater than number of trees - will throw an error

This seems work for me

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