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Sort visual by

elaco edited this page Sep 5, 2019 · 3 revisions

Use sortBy API to sort the target visual by one of its data fields

By using sort visual by API you can sort a single visual by one of its data fields, and control the direction of the sort. The data fields that the visual can be sorted by, can be found in the visual’s option menu under sort by menu command.



export enum SortDirection {
  Ascending = 1,
  Descending = 2,

SortDirection enum defines the sort direction - ascending/descending.

export interface ISortByVisualRequest {
  orderBy: ITarget;
  direction: SortDirection;

ISortByVisualRequest interface defines a sort request for the target visual.


Sort a visual by request which includes target data field and direction.

visual.sortBy(request).catch(errors => {

Code sample

  .then(function (pages) {

      // Retrieve active page.
      var activePage = pages.find(function (page) {
          return page.isActive

        .then(function (visuals) {

            // Retrieve the target visual. (replace "VisualContainer1" with the requested visual name)
            var visual = visuals.find(function (visual) {
                return == "VisualContainer1";

            const request = {
                // The target data field of the sort
                orderBy: {
                    table: "SalesFact",
                    measure: "Total Category Volume"
                // Sort direction
                direction: 2 // models.SortDirection.Descending

                .catch(errors => {
                    // Handle error