When Azure Spring Cloud is deployed in your virtual network, it has outbound dependencies on services outside of the virtual network. For management and operational purposes, Azure Spring Cloud need to access certain ports and fully qualified domain names (FQDNs). These endpoints are required to communicate with Azure Spring Cloud management plane, and to download and install core Kubernetes cluster components and security updates.
By default, Azure Spring Cloud have unrestricted outbound (egress) internet access. This level of network access allows Applications you run to access external resources as needed. If you wish to restrict egress traffic, a limited number of ports and addresses must be accessible for maintenance tasks. The simplest solution to securing outbound addresses lies in use of a firewall device that can control outbound traffic based on domain names. Azure Firewall, for example, can restrict outbound HTTP and HTTPS traffic based on the FQDN of the destination. You can also configure your preferred firewall and security rules to allow these required ports and addresses.
Please don't modify resource groups created and owned by Azure Spring Cloud.
- By default, those resource groups are named as ap-svc-rt_[SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME]_[REGION] and ap-app_[SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME]_[REGION].
Please don't modify subnets used by Azure Spring Cloud.
Please don't create more than one Azure Spring Cloud service instance in the same subnet.
When use Firewall to control traffic, please don't block the following egress traffic to Azure Spring Cloud components for operating, maintaining and supporting the service instance.
Azure Spring Cloud required network rules
Destination Endpoint Port Use Note *:1194 Or ServiceTag - AzureCloud:1194 Or ServiceInstanceRequiredTraffics:1194 (only known after creation) UDP:1194 Underlying Kubernetes Cluster management. Information of service instance "requiredTraffics" could be known in resource payload, under "networkProfile" section. The value is an array of IPs with port 1194. *:443 Or ServiceTag - AzureCloud:443 Or ServiceInstanceRequiredTraffics:443 (only known after creation) TCP:443 Azure Spring Cloud service management. Information of service instance "requiredTraffics" could be known in resource payload, under "networkProfile" section. The value is an array of IPs with port 443. *:9000 Or ServiceTag - AzureCloud:9000 Or ServiceInstanceRequiredTraffics:9000 (only known after creation) TCP:9000 Underlying Kubernetes Cluster management. Information of service instance "requiredTraffics" could be known in resource payload, under "networkProfile" section. The value is an array of IPs with port 9000. *:123 Or ntp.ubuntu.com:123 UDP:123 NTP time synchronization on Linux nodes. *.azure.io:443 Or ServiceTag - AzureContainerRegistry:443 Or ServiceInstanceRequiredTraffics:443 (only known after creation) TCP:443 Azure Container Registry. - Can be replaced by enabling Azure Container Registry service endpoint in virtual network.
- Information of service instance "requiredTraffics" could be known in resource payload, under "networkProfile" section. The value is an array of FQNDs with port 443.*.core.windows.net:443 and *.core.windows.net:445 Or ServiceTag - Storage:443 and Storage:445 TCP:443, TCP:445 Azure File Storage. Can be replaced by enabling Azure Storage service endpoint in virtual network. *.servicebus.windows.net:443 Or ServiceTag - EventHub:443 TCP:443 Azure Event Hub. Can be replaced by enabling Azure Event Hubs service endpoint in virtual network. -
Azure Spring Cloud required FQDN / application rules
- Azure Firewall provides a FQDN Tag "AzureKubernetesService" to simplify all following configurations.
Destination FQDN Port Use *.azmk8s.io HTTPS:443 Underlying Kubernetes Cluster management. mcr.microsoft.com HTTPS:443 Microsoft Container Registry (MCR). *.cdn.mscr.io HTTPS:443 MCR storage backed by the Azure CDN. *.data.mcr.microsoft.com HTTPS:443 MCR storage backed by the Azure CDN. management.azure.com HTTPS:443 Underlying Kubernetes Cluster management. login.microsoftonline.com HTTPS:443 Azure Active Directory authentication. packages.microsoft.com HTTPS:443 Microsoft packages repository. acs-mirror.azureedge.net HTTPS:443 Repository required to install required binaries like kubenet and Azure CNI. ascprodacrglobalrp.azurecr.io HTTPS:443 Azure Spring Cloud service container registery. mscrl.microsoft.com HTTPS:80 Required Microsoft Certificate Chain Paths. crl.microsoft.com HTTPS:80 Required Microsoft Certificate Chain Paths. crl3.digicert.com HTTPS:80 3rd Party SSL Certificate Chain Paths.